Lurker Since Middle School! Now I'm a Newbie!

Welcome!! It seems as though lurking was good to you, so I can only imagine how your hair will thrive being a member. Happy growing!!
Awww thanx ladies! Honestly, although I lurked for sooo flippin long...I didn't grasp some good habits....But its ok we live and learn rite? It's all trial and error!
Welcome!!! Girl, that is awesome that you've been on this healthy hair journey since middle school! Woooooh, I wish that was me! You are very wise young lady, and you've got some beautiful hair.
I joined then lurked for 2 years and 4 months, but I didn't post until January 2007, and I thought that was a long time. You've been lurking since middle school? I guess some have been lurking even longer than that.

Welcome to the :club:
Welcome Miss Lady! I don't even know if you should be a newbie...u probably know it all being around here so long. I didn't even know hair boards existed to about a year and a half ago!

Man, you're smart. I wish I would have lurked when I was in middle school. I think I was busy eating dirt or something.

Thanks! Those pics I posted are salon presses and the dominican salons...I've recently cut it since and plan on getting it cut 1 mo gin for the new year lol! I might do a post on what cut to get

Girl you already know the deal...we want to see some up to date pic!:yep::grin::yep: Do you have a fotki?