Lurker...former lurker


New Member
Subject: Self admitted lurker

I've been lurking on this site for about a year now. I look at the "other" hair board as well but I like this board a little more. I'll keep my reasons private (for now)

I recently came out of the closet because a young lady was "calling" the lurkers out. I guess it never dawned on me to actually join. (I SWEAR I wasn't being a cheapskate)

Anyway a little backstory...

Glue in queen for ten years. Started with NL...ten years later, 1 inch of hair left. I started wearing sew-ins and got a wealth of knowledge for you wonderful ladies.

I thought I never could grow hair and was doomed to wearing weaves forever. It was so bad, I knew I would be wearing a sew-in at my funeral!

I am no longer ashamed of my hair and now I know that it can grow just as long as anyone.

And I have you to thank for that.. I come!
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