Low Porosity Naturals: How Often Do You Moisturize?


Well-Known Member
I believe that I have low to normal porosity (also fine and dense) and I'm wondering how often do you guys with low po hair moisturize. I twist my hair with avocado butter on top of Oyin Hair Dew as my leave in as a PS once a week after washing/DC and I feel that it's enough. But I don't want to risk dry hair b/c I'm not moisturizing enough.

I don't want to overdo it because of the greasy buildup.
I don't want to underdo it for fear of breakage. Hope this makes sense. :look:

Any tips?
I would say if you are doing it once a week and it feels like it is enough, trust yourself and keep listening to your hair.

If it wasn't enough you would know. Your hair would feel dry, brittle and breaking.

Your hair will tell you if it's not enough. Just check it each day and if its asking for moisture give it some.
I used to moisturize twice a day that made my hair greasy .
I now moisturize with a dime size of Claudie's Isha butter/balanced ends or Hairitage Coconut Yuzu every 2 days and use the tea Spritz lightly daily .it works very well for me.
I co-wash only (well, 99% of the time) and haven't been using silicone products for about 3 years. Because of this, I find that whatever moisturizer I use after washing will usually last until the next wash, 3-5 days later. If I don't wash again by the fifth day, I do need to moisturize again. Also, if I have my hair in a twistout instead of my usual bun/updo, I have to moisturize by the end of the second day.
I would say if you are doing it once a week and it feels like it is enough, trust yourself and keep listening to your hair.

If it wasn't enough you would know. Your hair would feel dry, brittle and breaking.

Your hair will tell you if it's not enough. Just check it each day and if its asking for moisture give it some.

what she said

there is no hard and fast rule. if once a week is working for you, then once a week is good enough. as long as you're paying attention to what your hair wants, you'll be fine :yep:
Whoa…my old-ish thread got bumped! lol Well I figured it out. I essentially moisturize throughout the week as I see fit. I re-introduced baggying and that has done a world of good.