How often do YOU moisturize your hair?

1) How often do you moisturize (how many times a day)? twice a day, morning and before bed

2) What do you use to moisturize? my new found love, CD Marguerite's Magic

3) Do you seal? if yes : With what? no

4) What is your hair type? 4b relaxed
I moisturize & seal every 1-3 days
I have a few combos
currently I'm using coconut oil to moisturize & hs14in1 to seal but it's still warm here mostly
I also use rosewater & evco
for heavy sealing hs14in1 evoo and add is just lovely

Highly favored8 Thanks for replying.
Ah - i have this but i'm not sure it's really that moisturising for me because after water, mineral oil and beeswax are the first ingredients. I may try it again after i seal - as a finishing product.

Edited to Add - i realised i was reading the ingredients from the old white jar i still have. I went to a shop today and read the list from the new brown jar and it's much i bought it :grin:.
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Hi to all! :-)

If you don't mind, please asnwer these questions just for us all to have an idea on moisturizing methods.

1) How often do you moisturize (how many times a day)? I moisturize every night before bed

2) What do you use to moisturize? I use a mixture of water, Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle and evoo.

3) Do you seal? if yes : With what? I seal with Vatika Oil at night. In the morning I put a little grapeseed oil on my ends.

4) What is your hair type? I seem to have a mixture of 3c, 4a and 4b


I am learning as I go so this may change but this seems to work for my hair right now. Right after my BC last month my hair stayed dry like straw. I have been moisterizing like this for the past two weeks and so far so goo.
I moisturize twice a week usually. If my hair is in a salon style (straight, flexi-rod, etc.) I only use oil on the ends. When I'm wearing a natural style I spray with water/conditioner or water/aloe mix and seal with an oil. Now that I'm doing steam DC's once a month my hair feels moisturized longer so I don't feel like I need to moisturize as often.
1) How often do you moisturize (how many times a day)?

Right now, twice a day because its so dry. Light in the morning, heavier at night.

2) What do you use to moisturize?

In the morning, i spritz my hair with an Aphogee leave in and water (or Infusium--i alternate) then use Shea Moisture's Elixir over it. At night, Shea Moisture DT Masque mixed with AVG. I use this for my twists.

3) Do you seal? if yes : With what?

Yes, currently seal the ends of my twists with shea butter but will also use coconut oil.

4) What is your hair type?

I'd say on average 4a (like the spring coil in a pen) but i've got fine, medium and coarse parts and the curl pattern in the front and nape are much looser.
[1) How often do you moisturize (how many times a day)? Daily, usually at night before putting it in big braids or twists

2) What do you use to moisturize? Water, Oyin juices, or Oyin Hair Dew

3) Do you seal? if yes : Coconut oil

4) What is your hair type? Natural, 4a
1) How often do you moisturize (how many times a day)? Ever since I found heavy sealing, I can go almost a week without moisturizing. If not, usually once a day.

2) What do you use to moisturize? I use Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter and Shea Moisture deep treatment mask (I know its a deep treatment but it's a wonderful moisturizer)

3) Do you seal? if yes : With what? For heavy sealing: blue magic hair grease, I have 3 the original blue, bergamot, and the coconut one. When I don't heavy seal, I use castor oil or this Matrix smoothing oil I got from Curlmart.

4) What is your hair type? 3 something, medium/thick strands
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Me and moisturizers weren't getting along at first some left my hair dry some left it wet and oily and still left it dry once it settled but since I've been baggying for hours with Cantu leave in and sealing with bergamot h+s conditioner my hair actually stays soft

*~SCKRI23~* via LHCF app
When can/do you use flatirons? I moisturize and seal every night and my hair is really soft the next morning but I'm scared it's too much oil to use heat on. All I want to do is bump my ends not fry them how long should I wait?

I have a heat protector but I'm still worried.

*~SCKRI23~* via LHCF app
I'm having to increase from my previous twice a week to daily because I haven't been steaming or DCing regularly and I have lots of SSKs.
I moisturize once a day im 4c natural I rarely seal I have a few moisturizers but I mainly use Elasta Qp mango butter, Aveeno nourish leave on, African royale braod spray, Nubian heritage EVOO&Moringa repair butter, HE LTR etc
1) How often do you moisturize (how many times a day)? I moisturise about 3-4 times a week. If I had to moisturise more than once a day then my moisturiser isn't doing a good enough job and I'd have to find a new one.

2) What do you use to moisturize? I use water and shea butter. I use henpseed oil to touch up if it feels a bit dry.

3) Do you seal? if yes : With what? Shea butter

4) What is your hair type? 4b/a
1) How often do you moisturize (how many times a day)?

I moisturize twice a day

2) What do you use to moisturize?

I have a spray bottle of AVJ, water, oil, and a tiny bit of aphogee pro vitamin leave in (for protein). Im waiting on some shescent it leave in spray in the mail.
3) Do you seal? if yes : With what?

yes, the oil in my spray bottle is for sealing. Im not picky with oils. I think right now its avocado oil for ceramide purposes.

4) What is your hair type?

Honestly, the typing system is pointless to me, I just do what my hair tells me to do :) but out of respect to the question, i THINK 4a 4b, im relaxed.
1) I moisturize daily.

2) As I Am Butter Cream or Knot Today.

3) Seal with a oil mixture of coconut oil, jojoba oil and castor oil.

4) 4a
1. I moisturize 1-2x daily.
2. WN Finishing Mist or Lotion. Palmer's Hair Milk, Lavish Curls Moisturizer or S-Curl
3. I seal with JBCO, EVOO or Grapeseed Oil
4. 4B
Texlaxed hair, moisturize 2-3 times a week with mostly heavy oil type moisturizer sealed woth mostly natural butters and/or ceramide oiks. Keracare jojoba moisturizer is my favorite so far but I love Donna Marie Butter Creme as well.