Loving My BC!


New Member
Hi Ladies, this is my first thread and I'm fairly new to LHCF. I have been reading the threads on here getting tips and advise on how to care for natural hair. I have wanted to BC for quite sometime now and was really excited about it. Well I finally decided to BC on Dec.26.....I was all excited that morning and by the time I got home I hated it:nono:. I wore a hot for two weeks. While at home I contined to co-wash my hair and try different things to see what my hair liked and getting a style that I could grow to love. Well I am happy to say that I am five days away from being 100% natural for a month and I love my BC:grin:. I'll try to post pics of the style later. I love this site because of all the encouragement and advise. Thanks for listening:drunk:

Ok here are the pis I promised



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Congrats on your BC girl! You'll love your hair more and more each day. I can certainly attest to that. Can't wait to see pics.
Congrats on your BC!! We would luv to see your hair!! Soak it all in read blogs/journeys/fotkis/watch youtubes....your gonna learn so much