Loving Mix Chicks


Well-Known Member
I did my big cut in Nov 08 and now that my curls are coming back in I started using mix chicks and I am loving it. It really makes nice curls and I can not wait until my hair grows in some more. :woot:
I'm loving Mixed Chicks too! Although I am relaxed, the leave-in helps me airdry without my hair frizzing up (I'm not relaxed bone straight) so I can silk wrap it or just flat iron my roots and wrap it. The deep conditioner is a great moisturizer and between it and detangling in the shower I have hardly any comb out and the protein in the leave-in is just enough strengthen my hair but not dry it out too much. I also love the shampoo!
you know I just seen my mistake my big cut was 12/16/08 it is a good thing I put it in my signature or I would not know myself.