
New Member
at walgreens. you would be surprised how many LHCF staples i saw while browsing at the downtownn walgreens. There b-complexs actually had biotin( low ammounts though) i saw flax seed oil, msm, and protien shakes. Maybe ther is no need to go to get expensive GNC vitamins.
If you are confident of the quality of those vitamins go ahead..

I think you get what you pay for I just don't trust cheapie vits...
I started buying some of my vitamins at Walgreens too. I had trouble finding MSM in large amount; it was either mixed with glucose or in a smaller quantity like 500mcgs. Is Wal-Mart is good place to buy vitamins? I just don't want to spend too much money buying them.
I don't trust the ones in Wal-Mart. I bought a bunch of Spring Valley brand vitamins from Wal-Mart. They all failed the various testing methods. (Float/sink in water, not dissolving fast enough, etc.)
Do you recommend buying vitamins at GNC? I buy mine there as well. What other places do you suggest? I'm not willing to buy them online.
It's been a while since I've done it. I'm pretty sure I tested the MSM capsules in a glass of water. Pure MSM will sink. The Spring Valley floated and kind of fell apart (I take powdered MSM, now).

I think I tested the others in water and vinegar in an effort to dupilicate gastric juices.
The Spring Valley multi vitamin and the Nature's ? ( I don't remember) Amino Blend took forever to dissolve. So did HF37...

BTW--I found the testing info on this site.
Sassygirl, that's so clever to test for solubility. Might explain why certain types of biotin work and some don't.
And you indeed have a point...

Vitamin supplements are priced anywhere from $79.95 per month to 5.95 per month. Beware, some of the less expensive vitamins may not be absorbed by your body.

[/ QUOTE ]
(Excerpt taken from http://www.researchmedicalgroup.com/Multi/index.html )

And no, I didn't buy any of the stuff they're promoting on that site. I am usually very skeptical of "magic formulas". I'd rather know the details of why they do what they are supposed to do. I just liked the simple way that site explained about multis.
If you are confident of the quality of those vitamins go ahead..

I think you get what you pay for I just don't trust cheapie vits...

[/ QUOTE ]

gurl, the toddlers in tha pic are such angels, who are those two cuties, OMG - they are so precious!