Well-Known Member
Uhhh I have to disagree with the bolded.We're looking at this from two different angles. From what I read of the OP's post she had started her hhj and still had her own personal hair issues. She chose to offer help to someone who is not only a friend but a cousin, a family relation. From what she posted she was willingly offering the help but her cousin was not receptive to it, that's fine, but I can't quite let it slip under the rug that when the OP started to make progress (2 years worth of progress) her efforts were simply chalked up to her race. Not in a positive light but in a way to disparage her own efforts and in a way insult her.
"Oh we'd all have long hair down our backs if we were mixed but some of US aren't like YOU"
Not cool. Fact of the matter is it is ignorant to assume a person's accomplishments are because of their race.
It is certainly no better than when I hear little black girls go "Well she's white, you know white people are good at that math stuff" "Girl, black people don't do that", "Well if I was Asian I would be smarter."
Fact of the matter is the OP put in the time and effort to accomplish something and it is insulting and ignorant for her accomplishment to be reduced because her skin, eyes, or hair is different from someone else.
Honestly, before your hair care journey, if an Asian person gave you advice on how to grow your hair, what would you think?