losing passion for my hair

I definitely don't think I'm hair obsessed. I have a very minimal routine and try to leave my hair alone as much as possible. I do take care of it though, and I would caution you not to ruin all your progress just because you aren't feeling your hair right now. Then if you change your mind later you'll have to start over.
i totally understand. this is when i weave up my hair and put it away so i don't have to deal with it. i deep condition weekly and call it a day.
I can't wait to get there!
I can't wait for the day that I can throw my hair into large celie braids and just rock them in a bun or updo for 2 weeks at a time.
Whenever I lose interest in my hair, or rather find another interest that trumps my hair, my hair grows like crazy. So this may be a blessing in disguise as long as you are not totally neglecting your hair. I just kept my hair in a twist bun and that was pretty much the end of it. My finances and working out are bigger interest now. I still want to meet my hair goals, just not putting much into it to reach those goals, except low/no manipulation.
Its sooo funny u posted this today! I was just thinking the same thing..actually I'm losing my passion for LONG hair :ohwell:. I'm currently wearing an install due to a SHS back in October.. On Friday I went with my friend to the stylist and she got a flyy "Monica" type of haircut. I don't wanna spend the rest of my life fighting with/babying/obsessing over this hair. I would love to have beautiful BSB natural hair but really sometimes its a chore.
I feel the same way! Ever since I had my son 4 mos ago i have lost complete intrest in my hair. I am a stay at home mom and I honestly have the time to do my hair but I have shifted from being obsessed w/ long hair to being obsessed with fitness and getting in shape ( i gained 60 wonderful lbs while preg lol). I have mainly been hanging out in the fitness and entertainment section of lhcf..this is my first time coming into the hair section in like 4 mos lol.

Whats weird tho is since I have basically neglected my hair for a couple mos I have retained length like crazy..All i do is wash 1x a week..i don't even deep condish anymore. I wear my hair n a wash n go and when that gets crazy looking i pull it into a bun or pony tail..every now & then I do a braid or twist out..I guess low-manipulation was the key for my hair. But honestly I don't even feel like washing it half the time @ all..i have been tempted a couple times to chop it off or get locs.
I feel like my hair is a curse and I have conceded defeat.

It's just too much work for me to keep this fine, kinky hair from snapping off. On one hand it's just hair and I should be happy that overall I am in good health. But on the other hand it's something that affects my looks which affects my self esteem and confidence.

With the failures in my professional life my hair is not a priority.
ms.blue do you think it is because you've already reached some of your hair goals and need something more challenging?
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MAN I feel the same way! At the end of last year I was soooo excited. I'll be 40 this year, and I had a length goal for my hair which I felt was aggressive but definitely achievable with consistent effort. I experimented w/moe grow oil and grew 2-2.5" in 30 days. WOW! Then I cut 1-1.5" for health and a fresh start....and lost interest. I tend to get a bit obsessive about things, and I was definitely that way about my hair. I had to take a step back and seriously re-prioritize, and at the end of the day, my hair just wasn't that important. I didn't want to take 45 minutes every night to oil and massage my scalp, moisturize, seal, and twist. It was just too much. I joined several challenges and haven't updated any of them. This is my first time posting in 3 months. I still take care of my hair. I wash/cowash weekly and DC every 1-2 weeks. I bun my hair daily but I no longer moisturize/seal daily. I put my hair in two buns at night with a bonnet and that's it. So yeah, I get it. You've just moved on, and there's nothing wrong with that.
I feel the same way. I think I lost my passion about a year ago. I don't even entertain the idea of spending long hours doing my hair and my regimen has been cut down to the basics just to maintain the health of my hair.
DrC, my ultimate goal was mbl which I did not reach mostly due to me cutting so much. There is nothing really exciting about my hair and it is getting more frustrating as it is getting longer. Hopefully, I will start missing my hair after doing installs back to back to gain some of the spark back. Its so weird though, that my sister who didn't give two craps about her natural hair and always in an install is now having the passion for hair I once had and myself who didn't care about weaves/wigs other than psing, is really enjoying my install.
Bnster, my wash and condition reggie has gotten so lazy over the years...wash and condition every two weeks (i don't even deep condition no more), moisturize and seal and maybe refresh once or twice a week.

WantNatural, I turned 30 in March and things that seem so important in my 20's doesn't seem that important now. I started focusing on my appearance (excercising and pampering myself more). I think the goals we set for ourselves can be a headache and unnecessary stressor.
Update: I had a major setback in Sept. 2014 and massive shedding due to stress in 2015. These two unfortunate events ignited a spark to get my hair back healthy. It took those events to make me realize I do care about my hair and how ungrateful I was towards my hair. My hair isn't at where I want it to be but it's definitely much better than it was last yr at this time. A side effect of this new hair journey is that I became a PJ again:cry3:
@ms.blue - I understand the wake-up call about how you feel about your hair. I've experienced that as well. "Similar to the saying - you don't miss the water until the well runs dry".
I hope as you continue to pay more attention to your hair it gets to where you'd like it to be. LOL - at becoming a PJ again ! Some things can't be avoided. :)
Update: I had a major setback in Sept. 2014 and massive shedding due to stress in 2015. These two unfortunate events ignited a spark to get my hair back healthy. It took those events to make me realize I do care about my hair and how ungrateful I was towards my hair. My hair isn't at where I want it to be but it's definitely much better than it was last yr at this time. A side effect of this new hair journey is that I became a PJ again:cry3:

Glad your hair is improving!

:lol: at the renewed PJ. Ah, well! :smile:

What products are you loving right now?

And what would be a minimalist routine for you? (steps and frequency, noting products)
Glad your hair is improving!

:lol: at the renewed PJ. Ah, well! :smile:

What products are you loving right now?

And what would be a minimalist routine for you? (steps and frequency, noting products)
Thank you @YvetteWithJoy!
I'm incredibly lazy so I like to do my hair once a week (used to be 2-3 weeks).
Prepoo with any oil I have on hand
Deep condition
Moisturize heavily (I don't M&S every day...maybe 1-2 a week)
Style (I will rock a twist out until there is no more definition :lachen:just a poofy mess)
just started wearing wigs again but for the last 2-3 months, I was alternating b/w twist outs or a bun (last week I was wearing my hair in 2 french braid with my slap hat lol).
As for products, my HG are Qhemet Biologics AOHC and BRBC (Since these products are expensive I generally buy the large containers 1x a yr).
New HG status is the Mielle organics babassu oil and mint conditioner (I really wished she offered larger sizes since I go through this conditioner fairly quickly)
Definite repurchases would be
CRN almond jai twisting butter
CRN Moisture milk
CRN Fresh curls

Possible repurchases:
All the stuff I purchased from APB
-Leave in spray
-Refresher spray
-Cupuacu Avocado daily moisturizer
-Simple hair cream.