Loreal EverCreme cleansing conditioner


Ms. Nobody
does anyone else want to try this out? i have been interested in cleansing conditioners but WEN seems to bee too much for me right now. does anyone think this may do the job when it comes to cleansing. I am currently using Neutrlab Cocoacurl cleansing conditioner but i wish it had a little more slip or am i asking too much from a cleansing conditioner?

Also has anyone else tried the other products from this line?
Tried it, it's decent, but I hate the way it smells. It doesn't smell bad, but it's hard to explain. I usually use it when I've straightened my hair and want to clean it without using shampoo, and it gives me the prettiest curls. But it doesn't really feel clean afterwards, even as clean as a regular conditioner would make it feel. I haven't used it in awhile so I'd have to give it another spin to give it a really detailed review. Another minus is that it takes a lot to cover hair, and I have relatively short hair.
Tried it and like it. I'm relaxed. It doesn't get my hair squeaky clean, but that's the point. It foams rather than lathers. I have really nice shine and slip afterwards.

I agree with the other posters about the scent. It's a sweet smelling perfume, vanilla-ish. Strong, but tolerable. Cheap and easy to find.
I tried it and I like it. Repeat purchase for me.

My hair: Natural, BSL almost MBL.

Purchase on the ground.
Decent price.
Cleanses my hair without stripping it.
I don't like or strongly dislike the scent.

I do have to use a fair amount at times depending on what I've used on my hair, especially butters. Sometimes I have to repeat, but its better for my hair than shampoos at times.

Out of all the cleansing conditioner's I've used I prefer Curl Junkie Daily Fix, but the price is higher with shipping...
I wanted to try this but when I read the ingredients it had Isopropyl Alcohol. And I don't think that would do well in my hair. I was surprised to see that.
Haven't used it, but love Cleansing Conditioners (in general).

Probably won't try/buy this one but there are some good ones out there.

DB Cleansing Conditioner
Naturelle Grow's Herbal Cleanser
Bear Fruit Hair's Cleansing Conditioner
Curl Junkie Daily Fix
As I Am Cleansing Pudding or As I Am's Cowash
Hydroquench Systems
Jessicurl Too Shea!
*Deva Care No Poo* Have it, but haven't tried it

And my all time Favorite: Enso Naturals Green Tea Cleanser
I tried it for a few months and I found it quite stripping. My friend tried it and experienced the same thing.

We are both kinky-haired naturals.