Looking for white dress/suit for confirmation....


New Member
My younger sister is making her confirmationto the Catholic religion this year in November. However, we have been searching for a nice looking white dress (one she can wear to church and maybe wear again if need be). She is a very petite young woman (5 ft 2 in. I am thinking she is still 87 lbs but not sure. I am sure she is under 100 lbs <---lucky chick can eat anything and not gain a pound and not work out). I am not really sure what size she wears in dress b/c most of her dress has a S or just says petite for the size. I am not sure how much my mom is willing to pay (but it does not matter I am sure of that).

Or maybe a nice white pantsuit outfit would do. I am thinking she is a size 3 (maybe a 2) in pants but I am not sure what is her size in shirts (she is not large at all in the bust area).

Any help?
I am sure your sister can find a beautiful white dress at Foley's or Dilliard's Department Store in either the dress or formal wear department. I was not allowed to wear pants for my confirmation, my father would not have none of that!!!