British Woman Marries Pet Dolphin... (No Respect at All for Pure Marriage)

Gay marriage is one thing, but this is just wierd.
That's how a society crumbles though. There's an old saying- If you tell a lie loud enough long enough it becomes accepted as the truth. If we think about it there are many things being done right now in our world that would have caused cardiac arrest in our grandparents. Remember Fred Sanford and the 'big one'? And not b/c they were old fashioned or out of touch either. But we have accepted things we know are wrong.:covereyes History repeats itself and there is nothing new under the sun. If we want to know what the likely future of our society is all we have to do is study the other great societies and see why they fell... Pick one Greece, Rome, Egypt, Babylon.
:( that is some craziness, that reminds me I saw on an atlanta news station site some man got charged with having sex with a horse makes me sick DDD:
:( that is some craziness, that reminds me I saw on an atlanta news station site some man got charged with having sex with a horse makes me sick DDD:

:shocked: :eek2: :nono: No, No :nono:, No :nono: Lord No! ! !

What is wrong with people ? ! ? It's no small wonder why God has strict guidelines for sex. Yet folks are hopping over the line like it's a trampoline.

No restraint... absolutely no restraint. :nono:
How does this nut job plan on having children with this dolphin husband? Sick just plain sick. I'm trying so hard to not hurl at the moment.
She was obviously looking for attention which we are giving her lol
The world is sick we know this already...
At least she hasn't tried to do it to him and make those mer ppl yet lol...
Anb ur so silly lol
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Wow ... Dolphins, sheep ... I'm not the most conservative person in the world, but some things are just out of this world. Well, we definitely know they are NOT equally yoked. There must be a loop hole in the law that makes this legal. Nuts!

I'm surprised someone hasn't chimed in and said, "Well, women have been marrying "dogs" for ages, so what's the problem." :lachen: Sorry... :look:

How ironic you mention this because a couple of months ago I read an article about a Ghanain woman actually marrying her beloved dog. I was so surprised because in "African" culture this mess is a BIG NO NO!!