Looking for the Best Summer Advice


New Member
Summer Time

I hear alot about how summer is the time to grow more hair,
, I want to grow as much as possible, and take full advantage of this summer,. This is my first summer with the broad
. So I am new at this, and really eager to learn what worked for you lady.
What worked for you during the summer time?
what products did you use?
what products would you not use?
What supplements did you take?
How often did you workout?
Did you change your regimen?
How much did you wash?

What was the best thing for you hair during the summer?
Did you increase the amount of water?

Plz add on any questions or comment.
I want to develop a summer regime and take full advantage of this time. I am in texas, So if anyone has any advice for TX folk plz share thanks in Advance
Well, for the summer, I don't change my routine at all. I keep using the same products that I use during the other seasons. My routine is simple. I wash and condition with TCB, and then use Apex pressing oil, to press my hair. I grease my hair with TCB grease once a week, and I wash my hair every three weeks. I don't really work out, I do 50-100 sit-ups a day, and that's about it. I do on the other hand take a multi-vitamin everyday, and drink 8 cups of water a day. I would suggest you drink a lot of water, because it is the summer, and your hair needs all the moisture that it can get.
A lot of people usually wear their hair out in the summer, because it is warmer. I just realized the other day that....people always talk about protective hairstyles, and how that makes you keep your new growth, because you have less split ends. I am going to do something different this summer personally. I made up my mind the other day, to wear protective hairstyles for a year, so my hair can grow longer. (My hair is to my bra strap). It occured to me, since your hair grows more in the summer, why doesn't everyone wear protective hairstyles then, so they can keep their new growth? Why wear your hair in every hairstyle that you can imagine during the summer, and then when fall comes around you have have to do a major trim (or cut rather)? Then you're back to square one. So what I am going to do, I am going to start wearing protective hairstyles from now, so when my hair grows more during this summer, I can keep the majority of my hair growth
I got my inspiration from a thread called (Look what I found!) It is dated 4/28/03, and "HoneyRockette" started it. It's about this girl that grew her hair 8" in one year, just by wearing protective hairstyles for a year straight. I'm gonna try it!
Anyway, sorry this post was SO long. Good Luck!
My routine is basically the same as in the winter....although I will rinse daily(in the winter I may skip a day). I don't do rollersets at all because of the humidity...which means my hair is always back...because it frizzes 'big time' when it's humid. Keeping my hair back for 2-3 months straight always gives me extra protection and great growth.
Thanks I saw that post too, really got me wanting more protive styles, I would make sense. I dont have a regime at all, I would like to do something for the summer, lots of time off, not much money hahah, but really to grow grow grow

I know there are others who must have a summer regime. I have a winter regime and a summer regime. And, yes, summer is the time to grow hair, NOT cut it.

Biggest changes I make are I wash more frequently(rather than 2x per week, 4x or maybe more) and I use a leave-in product with a sunscreen. I also wear a hat as much as possible when the sun is especially intense outside and my protective style of choice when it starts hovering in the 90's plus is a single braid. Learned the hard way 'cause several years ago I got major oxidation toward the bottom of my hair..about the last 4" were not natural highlights, but a yucky reddish color. Plus, those last 4" were especially crispy...took some real work to get the crisp out of them

I think the other thing which I've been more aware of the past few years has been the need to add moisture to the air inside when the a/c is cranking. Too much indoor a/c or heat is not great for your hair's condition AT ALL.

And, hopefully, the ladies here have gotten you in the habit of leaving the appliances alone. Summer is a great time to air dry your hair. I'm planning on leaving my diffuser alone as much as possible. I've grown too attached to it recently
I used to air dry my hair exclusively (Okay, ladies, you can slap me now).

Naturally, in the summer, I tend to eat more raw foods and I know that contributes to growth and overall well-being. I would recommend you incorporate that into your nutrition plan...raw fruits, vegetables, salads....oh, those summer fruits
Berries, kiwi, mangos, etc...


I forgot something.

First, you can check out the link under my profile for an inventory of products for me.

Second, how has that Sundown biotin been treating you and how have you been using it?

I like the sundown biotin, I stop taking it the last week of school, I was not sleep well and thought it was because of that, but Now I dont think so, I will stop again today, I had no side effect, taste sweet to many, it is 60 tablet, with 800mcg, I take 3=2400mcg, I had no problem, I was less then $5 dollors, at krogers,(not my fav store). And I had not notice much growth with it, yet, but I do enjoy taking it for some reason
. The tablets are small easy to take, I am happy with my choice of this brand of biotin, but I must check on the growth factor. hope that helped, thanks for all of the help ladys
I would say the best shampoo that I know is Creme of Nature. The best conditioner in my book is Ms Clariol Conditioner. The best oil.....any essential oil.

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Air dry,can you tell me how that is done, and should I do it with a protective style, I dont blow dry, ever,
. My hair is dry
Happy locks, did u want the "wavy / crinkly hair" method or the "straight hair" method? (or both?) I'll try to find my other posts while u decide...
Happy locks, did u want the "wavy / crinkly hair" method or the "straight hair" method? (or both?) I'll try to find my other posts while u decide...

[/ QUOTE ]

I would like to know how to get them all, but none work for me without being puffy
. If it is straight then maybe I can do a bun
, So I will take the straigth thanks
Hey Happylocks, sorry it took so long.. I got a lil tied up with PM's

I just noticed that you're natural...I'm relaxed, so it may make a difference
. Well, luv, what I do to get my hair straight without heat is "air dry" the hair in a bun. These directions were taken directly from my thread, which is currently active on the board now... "Straight hair with absolutely no heat"...

I did a conditioner wash,applied leave in & oil. Then...

Making the bun with wet hair :
I made a ponytail with a silk scrunchie. I *DID NOT* "coil" twist the length to avoid having any "set" unwanted waves. Instead, I kept the length as straight as possible & proceeded to wrap the length around (on top) of my satin scrunchie. When I got to the ends (about 1"), I sprayed a bit more Wonder 8 Oil on them. I *DID NOT* tuck the ends under the scrunchie. Instead I "hair pinned" the ends onto the hair, slightly away from the bun. I did this to make sure that the ends could be fully exposed thus able to fully dry. Cover with a satin bonnet.

Making the bun with dry hair: (maintenance)
Same as above, however I *DID NOT* start off with a ponytail. Instead, I gathered the hair loosely towards the back, made about 2 full coils, not down the entire length, but just enough to get the hair to bend around a bit, and kept wrapping around to make the bun. When I got to the 1" end hair, I applied a bit of oil, then layed the ends slightly under the bun. Then I took my satin scrunchie & wrapped it around the outer part of the bun...sorta' like the scrunchie was my "rubber band" holding the entire bun in place. Then covered with a satin bonnet.
Will this work on my a natural, cause I dont think my hair will come out straight, plus my ends are a mess, thanks, More advice plz
Now that, I don't know
....it might if u use other products to help smooth / straighten your natural waves... but again, I seriously don't know. To be honest, I'm still in shocked that it works on my relaxed hair.
I still have not got the lenght I had hoped for,and the summer is almost over, I will try bknots and more sun, plus hope to add some workout time, I want get my length and get close to my goal
Very unhappy with my growth, I have not measured but it does not look good, I did not get great results, and it is hard to keep up with a regime durning vacation time, any last min advice would be great, Happy summer growing everyone
I'm not too happy with my growth either, but I know I need to be more consistent with taking my vits and staying healthy. Sometimes I slip up (like I did today) and eat some junk food, but I really would like to have four more inches of growth by December. Hopefully.
Well happy, I have been washing my hair more frequently this summer, alternating between full washes and conditioner only washes. I use Creme of Nature Shampoo (the professional bottle), Le kair cholesterol - i deep condition with a shower cap under a hooded dryer for 30 minutes when i do this. For my conditioner washes i use Relaxed and Natural Pantene pro-v conditioner and i just apply to my hair comb through with a WIDE tooth comb and leave it on while i shower and before i step out the shower i'll wash it out... After i condition my hair i'll use a ACV mixture on my hair as an acidyfying conditioner. then i'll use WGO and infusium 23 leave in conditioner (for damaged unmanageable hair) and then i'll do a braid out.... Currently i'm in cornrows, i've been off and on cornrows all summer trying to protect my ends while getting some major growth.... With the cornrows i moisturize my hair once daily with Braid spray, and my own mixture bottle of infusium 23 leave in, S curl spray, and WGO. when my scalp is experiencing the itchies i'll apply sulfur 8 grease to the scalp... i take down the braids every 2 weeks and wash and deep condition my hair and put them right back in.. once a month i give myself a hot oil treatment with wonder 8 oil or six i forgot what it's called.... i sit under a hooded dryer for about 15 minutes (with a shower cap on of course). i also clarify my hair with a clarifying shampoo once a month.... I give my hair a touch up (new growth only) with Motions lye relaxer every 8 weeks, but i make sure my hair is healthy and my scalp is too..... I brisk walk every morning for about 30 minutes to an hour.. To combat too much sweat i'll wear a cotton band to absorb the sweat... I'm on the atkins low carb diet so it's a must that i drink at least 12 glasses of water daily..... I take a multivitamin (one source), Essential Oils (Nature's Bounty), L-Carnitene, CoQ10, And vitamin C.... The less I manipulate my hair the more growth i achieve.... I would venture to say, thanks to this forum, this month i've grown about 3 inches of new growth.... that's averaged about an inch a month and that's more than i've ever done in my life.... So it can and will be done.... Good luck to you!!!