Looking for a divorce lawyer in Illinois


New Member
Hi ladies..Im hoping you guys can help yet again..I have been seperated from my husband almost 2 years and need a good attorney. Any suggestions?
Gabrielle Davis is the attorney that my mom used. She is in Oak Park right off Harlem and Lake. You should be able to google for her info but if you can't find it feel free to pm me.
She is really aggressive but not to the point of ignorance. They were no minor children involved with my parents but there was tons of property all over the country and she was on point.
Thanks for the information. I want to consult with maybe three lawwyers and see which onr is the best fit for me.
I used Beerman Swerdlove LLP (http://www.beermannlaw.com/). I worked with James M. Quigley. I was very happy with my divorce settlement. There was no property involved but I had a new born baby involved. Please feel free to pm if you have questions.
Hi, I am not in your area. But in case no one further shares any specific names, you can go to martinhubbell.com, lawyers.com, and findlaw.com.

You can also call your state, but mostly your local county/district/city bar associations because they usually have lawyer referral programs where the first consultation is usually free or for a nominal fee. Maybe that can help you narrow down the best attorney. Hope this helps.
Thanks for that response Lady, but I really would like someone that someone already has experience with. Sort of like when choosing a doctor, dentist, or even someone who does your hair. You can go online and look up the specialty and find tons of choices, but it's better coming from someone who actually used the person.