LOOK! Oh...it's another one.


New Member

I shoulda known I'd end up on a hair board on day. :supergrin: LOL I've always had a slight obsession with hair. I remember how my friends would act out stories with the Bratz dolls and I'd be like "Noooo lets play with their hair!!!" Oh! And the time I decided to cut this little girl's hair (whom my grandma was babysitting) and gave myself a matching cut. (Lawwwwd was I in trouble.) Did I mention I was in second grade?

:blush: Anywho, a little about me!
I'm 15, and I'm half Black and half Vietnamese. Despite the fact, I popped out with a head of thick 4a/ab hair lol. My mom and I are hardcore DIYers!! She taught me how to manage my own hair, including how to straighten it and all when I was 9 or 10.

Well things were going smoothly until I hit middle school when I was suddenly obsessed with heat and the like...and things went down hill from there. One day I was tired of my mom nagging at me to sweep the bathroom (:lachen:), so I decided I had to SOMETHING and did a search on google. I found some articles, eventually stumbled on to this site ....and the rest is history.

During the 4 months I've lurked (or stalked :nono:) LHCF I nursed my hair back to health so thank you to all you guys!! I just wanted to say hi, though I'll probably be inactive since school starts on Monday :wallbash:

Visit my Fotki pretty please?
My 1st boyfriend was half Black and Vietnamese and he had your hair type too. Just be glad you were NOT born in Vietnam and had to get it done there! LOL

Welcome and I'm glad you got fixed up. Do you and your mother (I'm guessing she's Vietnamese) use mostly US-Black products and techniques or any combo of Vietnamese stuff?
your hair (and skin) look fablulous! You mentioned something about sealing the correct way in your fotki...do you mind elaborating?

I shoulda known I'd end up on a hair board on day. :supergrin: LOL I've always had a slight obsession with hair. I remember how my friends would act out stories with the Bratz dolls and I'd be like "Noooo lets play with their hair!!!" Oh! And the time I decided to cut this little girl's hair (whom my grandma was babysitting) and gave myself a matching cut. (Lawwwwd was I in trouble.) Did I mention I was in second grade?

You are too cute! I cut my own hair back in the 70's when I was 4 yrs old. I locked myself in the bathroom and decided I wanted to cut my hair. My mom gave me a good old fashioned beat down after that LOL
Hello and Welcome!

You're doing a great job with your hair. Just think at 15 your already ahead by finding this board. By the time your my age your hair will be foot length!!:grin:
Welcome chick!! Your hair is nice. I wish I would have known of this place at 15, would have saved me a lot of headache and I would have never permed my hair!:wallbash::wallbash:

Have fun!
Welcome!!!! I love to see the youngin' in the hair game. I wish I knew something about hair at your age.
Thank you to everyone who welcomed me! I really do appreciate it <333

Hello and Welcome!

You're doing a great job with your hair. Just think at 15 your already ahead by finding this board. By the time your my age your hair will be foot length!!:grin:

:nono: Why'd you have to go and raise my hopes like that huh. I'm still trying to mosey on down to APL with out any more setbacks:lachen:
Do you and your mother (I'm guessing she's Vietnamese) use mostly US-Black products and techniques or any combo of Vietnamese stuff?

Actually, both my parents are half Viet and half Black. When my mom was growing up in VN, really she had no choice but to figure out how to keep up with her hair on her own. I guess what she does is pretty much very Caucasion like but the thing is it worked for her hair because it was 3a/3b.

When she came to America she put a relaxer in her hair tho :P

your hair (and skin) look fablulous! You mentioned something about sealing the correct way in your fotki...do you mind elaborating?

Thank you! <3

What helped me the most is just staying away from cones and mineral oil/petroleum. Now I use a water-based moisturizer (ORS Carrot Oil) and seal with a natural instead of the other way around LOL.

Your hair is lovely. :Rose: