Look At What I Did To My Friend's Hair....

It looks awesome. It would take me hours to come up with something that looks not even close to this good. LOL. Off to watch your braid and curl tutorial.
You did a great job :yep:

I love your braid and curl---on you :lol: I tried the style on my hair, and can you say HOT MESS :nono: The Lottobody (diluted) made my hair look really dry and frizzy. Next time I'll braid with a little moisturizing gel and see how that goes.
You did a great job :yep:

I love your braid and curl---on you :lol: I tried the style on my hair, and can you say HOT MESS :nono: The Lottobody (diluted) made my hair look really dry and frizzy. Next time I'll braid with a little moisturizing gel and see how that goes.


Im sorry your B n C didn't turn out too good. What was the ratio of water to solution? I know my hair as less definition and lasts less longer when I use more water.

Im sorry your B n C didn't turn out too good. What was the ratio of water to solution? I know my hair as less definition and lasts less longer when I use more water.

I did the 1/2 solution, 1/2 water like you suggested :yep: I followed your instructions to the tee. I'll try again and hope I'm successful next time :)
You did a great job :yep:

I love your braid and curl---on you :lol: I tried the style on my hair, and can you say HOT MESS :nono: The Lottobody (diluted) made my hair look really dry and frizzy. Next time I'll braid with a little moisturizing gel and see how that goes.

I did the 1/2 solution, 1/2 water like you suggested :yep: I followed your instructions to the tee. I'll try again and hope I'm successful next time :)

Try using a little more solution than water and see what becomes if it.
her hair looks soooo good-you have some serious skills. :yep:
btw, i think i'm gonna fall in love with the braid-n-curl...:D
I need a friend like you in my life. Beautiful!

Haha! You better believe while I conrowed everyone of those tiny rows I told her how lucky she was to have met me. :grin: Now if only I could find a friend (that knows how to braid) like me to have my in life too....

her hair looks soooo good-you have some serious skills. :yep:
btw, i think i'm gonna fall in love with the braid-n-curl...:D


Isn't the BnC such a cute, low maintenance style. How long did yours last?
Your braiding skills are on point. Not too tight either and not too many people know how to braid like that.

Isn't the BnC such a cute, low maintenance style. How long did yours last?

It lasted only a day-but i did do it on dry hair that was blowdried, so it probably didn't have enough texture to "hold" the pattern well.
i can't wait to try it on wet hair with some setting lotion, but i think i need smaller rods first.