Look at my hair!


New Member
I'm soo excited! It feels great and it is looking great too! I have been wigging it since around October last year and decided to do a length check today (in case I needed to trim), before doing my texlax and BKT on the 21st. Here are my results!

This first picture is from Sept 21st, just a little bit before I started wigging it


This is my back today 3.4.2010

This is my front today!! I am going to claim my pictures today as my offical starting point. My first goal is to reach SL in the front and that will take about 2 inches. I will do a length check again around July 4th.

I wanted to add that I am currently 100% natural and a little bit scared of heat. That is why my hair is so much shorter in the Sept. picture. I flat ironed at 360 when my hair needs closer to 400 to get pin straight, so it could have been a little straigher.

Im SO excited! My hair hasn't been this long is a while!!


  • 9 21 09 hair for LHCF.jpg
    9 21 09 hair for LHCF.jpg
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Thank you everyone! :) I have been DCing like MAD! In fact after I took those pics I DCed for about 6 hours (.. scared of heat) and my hair felt fabulous today. I just sprayed my leave in spritz in, and sealed and twisted it up and I'm going to leave it alone for 6-7 days.

Thank you again for the encouragment and nice words, you have put a smile on my face :).