~Long time lurker here (Newbie) w/ a problem and pics(long read) ~


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

I’m a long time (1 year +) lurker of LHCF and decided to join. I’m a stalker of many of you guys’ fotkis and I admire many heads of hair on this board…

Just to give you a little history, I started a healthy hair care regimen almost a year ago with the hopes of nursing my severely damaged 4a/4b hair back to health. Prior to this I wore weaves off and on for 5 years. When I wore my hair down I washed maybe 1x a month and flat ironed 2x A DAY. When I noticed excessive breakage I braided my hair up and put a weave back in. While in weaves I washed maybe 1x a month. Over this 5 year period I did not deep condition at all. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, all I knew was my nape went from being close BSL to broken off NL. I decided to put a weave back in my hair to grow out my nape and cut weaves off all together. I took down my weave in Feb of this year and my nape did grow out but my hair was EXTREMELY thin and uneven. I found boards such as LHCF, BHM, LHC and K.I.S.S and you guys really opened my eyes.

First of all, I was amazed to see so many women of color with long healthy hair. Secondly, I knew I was abusing my but had no idea how much damage I had done!. Not only was I not washing and DC regularly along with abusing heat, I was also overlapping my relaxers. I relaxed my hair that was not braided in a weave every 4 weeks. And when I did, I combed the relaxer through the ends of my hair… Finding these boards was a God send…okay…

So after finding the boards I created a regimen that worked for me. The first 4 months of hair care I washed 1x a week and DC 1x a week. I co-washed 1-2x during the week, moisturized and sealed nightly, did mild protein treatments bi weekly, combed during washes only and only air dried… my hair thrived. When I relaxed after 4 months I went from…..



Then I noticed that my hair stopped agreeing with airdrying so I started rollersetting during my weekend washes. I continued doing everything else the same including bi weekly protein… when I relaxed in October my results were



Now, I’m experiencing a setback :sad:. My goal is to make MBL by my bday in Feb. but I don’t think that will happen. I have not changed anything in my regimen but started seeing small hairs in my sink and on my floor after washing 2 weeks ago. I didn’t really pay it any attention but started noticing more hairs. I thought my hair didn’t agree w/ the cold weather so I upped my moisture and have been bunning like crazy. EVERY time I wash or touch my hair I see small, medium and large hairs (90% have no bulb at the end) in my hands!!!! That means my hair is breaking not just on the ends but all over including at the demarcation line.
The products I use are:
Mizani bontafying or CON shampoo
Mizani moisturefuse conditioner or CON conditioner (mixed with honey, JBCO, and EVOO)
Herbal Essences HH for cowash
Nexxus Humectress or NTM for my leave in and seal with Jojoba oil
ORS Hair Mayo every other week as a pre-poo sometimes I’ll add 1 egg or Aphogee 2 min

I came across Supergirl’s post about hair breakage and tried the moisture regimen. I’ve been co-washing 1x a week and washing with Elasta QP Creamy Aloe shampoo 1x a week and continuing to dc and I’m STILL seeing breakage. Last wknd I clarified and washed then dc and airdried, when I took my bun down I wanted to cry I had so much hair in my hands. I'm on the verge of either weaving it back up or chopping something off :wallbash: B4 going to that extreme I’m thinking about clarifying AGAIN this wknd and doing a protein treatment. Is that too much clarifying? What am I missing??? Sorry for the LOOOONNNGGGGG post. ANY advice would be appreciated ladies… Thanks :sad:
Hi and Welcome! Your hair is GORGEOUS!!!
I'm quite sure that someone will come in
and help you determine what the problem
maybe. I would hate to see a major setback
with all that beautiful progress!
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Well first of all welcome to the board and you have gorgeous hair! Great job "nursing" it to health!
Unfortunately, I have no idea what the problem could be so I'll let the other ladies help you out. I know you'll get it resolved soon!
I'm a newbie too but could it be something you changed in your diet? Thyroid problems? I'm just trying to rack my brain... not so sure
I have been going thru the same thing for the past couple of weeks just so much hair no matter what I do and it wasnt like this before. I think it might be the weather so im doing cornrows and wearing a wig and undoing them weekly to wash and DC and just Keep them moist hopefully this will help.

Have you ever had this happen b4 during this weather? I wouldnt know bc I wasnt this into my hair b4 so I willl have to watch this going forward
Thanks ladies!

I had my thyroid checked, came back okay, and my eating habits hasn't changed either. All I know is now I dread washing my hair b/c of the breakage :sad:. Maybe it's moisture overload? :::sigh:::

I'm a newbie too but could it be something you changed in your diet? Thyroid problems? I'm just trying to rack my brain... not so sure
I never really paid attention b4 either :perplexed I was mostly in weaves for the last 5 years and when I wasn't I didn't pay attention to breakage. My co-worker said her hair breaks a lot during the winter so she keeps it up. I just feel like if it keeps breaking at the rate it is then I will have to cut a lot just to even it out.

I have been going thru the same thing for the past couple of weeks just so much hair no matter what I do and it wasnt like this before. I think it might be the weather so im doing cornrows and wearing a wig and undoing them weekly to wash and DC and just Keep them moist hopefully this will help.

Have you ever had this happen b4 during this weather? I wouldnt know bc I wasnt this into my hair b4 so I willl have to watch this going forward
Welcome Kami. I'm just as new as you are so no advice to offer. Nonetheless, wanted to extend greetings and let you know that your hair is beautiful & you've made great progress.
:welcome4: I'm going thru some shedding and breaking also. I've been using Affirm 5-in-1 reconstructor when I get my wash & sets at the dominican salon. It seems to be helping. You might want to give it a try. Hope it helps.
Welcome to the board!!

I was going to suggest clarifying, but I see you already thought of that. It's been so long since I've had relaxed hair and no solutions are jumping out at me. Are you sealing your hair with oil to keep in moisture (jojoba and coconut oil are good for this)? Are you wearing a silk or satin scarf at night (not cotton or polyester, which will dry your hair out)? I hope you find a solution.
hey, welcome. i remember being a lurker, too. i'm pretty new at this myself, but i'm a big shedder as well. i learned that many ladies have curbed their shedding with a garlic supplement or using a garlic based shampoo/conditioner. i have been trying this for about a month, but two weeks of it i have been in a protective weave. i will say that i haven't noticed much shedding from the hair that i left out. just try it for a month or so. and maybe add a regular multi-vitamin as well.

also, the more knowledgeable ladies may be able to help more here, but don't we all have a natural shedding cycle? for instance, don't we all have a period of a lot of shedding of old hairs naturally after a number of months or so? i could be wrong, but i remember that from some post. hope that helps.
I would skip the conditioner washes and just do the weekly deep conditioning. My hair does not like to be washed more often than once a week. Your hair may need less manipulation. Especially if your are rollersetting your hair should look nice for the week. Your hair is very pretty. Please do not get too frustrated, you have made wonderful progress.
You've got some impressive grownth. I would think diet as well but you said you've been eating right. Proper moisture/protein balance? If it's breaking you may need to use a different Reconstructor.
Thanks! is Affirm 5-in-1 mild or hard protein?

I didn't realize someone had suggested this already! Well, confirmation comes in two's, so I would definitely give it a try.

No, it's not a hard protein. I'm not sure how you can access it as a non-stylist, but you can probably access it from a JCPenney stylist. I know they use it there. At the very least, you could get them to do wash and condish your hair with it to check it out.
Thanks Semo!

I'm sealing w/ a mix of jojoba and jbco every night, I'm also wearing a satin scarf... last night I moisturized and sealed and again saw too many to count tiny hairs on my floor :nono:

Welcome to the board!!

I was going to suggest clarifying, but I see you already thought of that. It's been so long since I've had relaxed hair and no solutions are jumping out at me. Are you sealing your hair with oil to keep in moisture (jojoba and coconut oil are good for this)? Are you wearing a silk or satin scarf at night (not cotton or polyester, which will dry your hair out)? I hope you find a solution.
Thanks NuBrave! Unfortunately it's not shedding, it's breakage. 90% of the hairs I see do not have a little white bulb at the end.

hey, welcome. i remember being a lurker, too. i'm pretty new at this myself, but i'm a big shedder as well. i learned that many ladies have curbed their shedding with a garlic supplement or using a garlic based shampoo/conditioner. i have been trying this for about a month, but two weeks of it i have been in a protective weave. i will say that i haven't noticed much shedding from the hair that i left out. just try it for a month or so. and maybe add a regular multi-vitamin as well.

also, the more knowledgeable ladies may be able to help more here, but don't we all have a natural shedding cycle? for instance, don't we all have a period of a lot of shedding of old hairs naturally after a number of months or so? i could be wrong, but i remember that from some post. hope that helps.
Thanks guys for the warm welcome and advice! Since a couple of people suggested Affirm 5 in 1 I think I'll give that a try. If I can't find it, are there any other similar products that you would recommend? Thanks!