Long-Term Transitioners....Rewarding??


Well-Known Member
Do any of you ladies or are any of you ladies that are long-term transitioning rewarding yourself throughout your transition??

I am....i'm using products as my own little prizes as i transition.

Like when i become 6 months post next month i'm treating myself to a few Oyin products....when i reach my double digit months (i.e. 10 months post)....i might treat myself to a Denman Brush or something from CURLS or something like that.

I like doing this bc it makes me more excited about transitioning and its fun...so i was just wondering if anybody else was doing this?:look:
Dats a good idea but as ur hair grows and its needs change u will probably go through a number of different hair products anyway. U make transitioning sound so dreamy....... if only dat was reality!

Also once u find products that work at a certain stage, ull definately want to stick to those products.
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i'm fairly new to transitioning. im in my 4th month, but usually relax every 3, so its not really "hitting" me yet. Plus, im in a sew-in and plan to get sew-ins for my entire transition.

Once i decided not to relax anymore, i purchased a whole bunch of "natural" hair products, but your reward system seems much better!
That's a great idea! I'll treat myself to some Oyin Whipped Pudding (which I love!) and perhaps their pomade in two weeks when I hit six months. I can't believe I'll be halfway to a year!!
That's a great idea! I'll treat myself to some Oyin Whipped Pudding (which I love!) and perhaps their pomade in two weeks when I hit six months. I can't believe I'll be halfway to a year!!

ME TOO!!!:bouncy:

Okay i just typed a whole paragraph and stupid Google Chrome jus killed the page and now i can't remember what i was saying!!:wallbash:
.......:look:Okay....so i was saying something to the effect of:

I'm a moderate product junkie so trying out new products along the way should be fun. So far i know my hair hates cones and any kind of cheap fillers and it can't take too much protein.

I told my sister that i'm even gonna start collecting shower combs along the way. I want one from Kinky-Curly, one from NaturallyCurly....if LHCF would have one with their logo on it i'd so be on it!!!:laugh:

I'm trying to make this fun and exciting for myself instead of constantly saying "geez i can't wait to have some length where i feel comfy hacking off these ends". So if i set small goals and reward myself i can stay on track:yep:
I used to love walking into the transitioners thread and saying something like ":yay: I'm 15 months post!!" and everybody would congratulate me.. That was my reward. :lol:

I was just two years post relaxer two days ago (and 5 months natural :grin:), does this mean I get to order products now? :look:

ETA: You ladies are doing a great job by the way. The ultimate reward is when you chop of your ends but still have enough hair to feel like a natural with lots of thick, natural hair!
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I used to love walking into the transitioners thread and saying something like ":yay: I'm 15 months post!!" and everybody would congratulate me.. That was my reward. :lol:

I was just two years post relaxer two days ago (and 5 months natural :grin:), does this mean I get to order products now? :look:

ETA: You ladies are doing a great job by the way. The ultimate reward is when you chop of your ends but still have enough hair to feel like a natural with lots of thick, natural hair!

HECK YES!!!!:lol:

And it doesn't even have to be an actual product...it could be some accessories you've been eyeballing or like i said combs or something.....i dunno i'm a walking party IRL so i try to make things as fun as i can:grin::look:

It could be anythinyou want it to be as long as its hair related:yep:
I am wearing my hair in protective styles for my transisiton. When I straighten my hair in December that will be my treat to see my actual length. Then by next summer I will cut off all my texlaxed hair and will be fully natural which will be final reward for all my hard work.
I've been wondering if a smaller sized denman brush would give me better curl definition. And what a waste it would be to just pay shipping for one product.. :look:

And thanks for congratulating me on my month mark, that always makes me happy! :lol:
When i hit double digit months that will be a reward for me but i know the biggest reward is when i have completed my 2+ year transition....i was going for 3 but now i'm saying 2:laugh:
I think I'll get a natural phony puff like brucebettye's so that I can wear a ponytail and pretend I'm actually natural. Ehh.. this will probably happen when I get to 1 year post in December.

I ordered stuff from the Hairveda sale so that should be enough goodies... for now :D
Great idea but, I'm on Product Punishment! lol! I have a bunch of new products that I haven't used. I'm going to use them up and give some away so that I can get off punishment & purchase more. haha!
Haha yes, I'm all about rewards. For my 6 month trans-iversary I bought myself the essentials. For my 12th month I'm thinking about buying either a Ouidad double detangler or some beautiful flower hair clips that I saw on Etsy. Or maybe both? :look:
I guess since I'm 6 months post today I should think of something to treat myself with but idk what :lol: