Long Term MN Usage


Well-Known Member
I want to hear from people who have used MN for a year or more.

Did you use MN until you reached a certain goal or is MN just part of your ongoing regimen?

If you have stopped, how did you stop? Was your stop gradual or abrupt? Did you use another growth aid instead of MN?
YaaAsantewaa said:
I'm waiting on answers too. I used it for close to a year but stopped and have restarted.

Did you notice any adverse effects when you stopped? Shedding, dryness, etc.

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When I first started my hhj in June 2009, I used MN. I continued using it up until August 2010 and only stopped within that time for a few weeks for relaxing. Anyhow, I made the mistake of stopping abruptly and experienced a lot of shedding, I mean I thought I was gonna end up bald by the end of the year lol! It went on for a month and a half before I figured out how to combat the shedding with garlic shampoo/conditioner and tea rinses.
bryantgurls said:
When I first started my hhj in June 2009, I used MN. I continued using it up until August 2010 and only stopped within that time for a few weeks for relaxing. Anyhow, I made the mistake of stopping abruptly and experienced a lot of shedding, I mean I thought I was gonna end up bald by the end of the year lol! It went on for a month and a half before I figured out how to combat the shedding with garlic shampoo/conditioner and tea rinses.

Thank you for sharing!!!
jprayze said:
Thank you for sharing!!!

When stopping, how should you ween off to limit shedding? I take a daily garlic supplement and use AE Garlic Mask weekly. Not looking to stop now, just curious.

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I tried to gradually over a month cut back usage. Started at 2x a day. Then went to 1x a day. The every other day. Then one a week and then stopped. I think next time I stop it will be even more gradual.

Really want to know what others have done successfully.
I think so! Been using it since March of this year with. 1 month break in August.

From Sept 4 to today


Bun comparison


From Oct 13 to today


Before MN, my hair was at a growth standstill, hovering around SL.
Isn't MN an antifungal? The only downside I can see is your scalp getting dependent on the protection of the MN. When u finally quit, your scalp could possibly become more susceptible to developing a fungus once u take that protection away? Thoughts?
Bunnyhaslonghair said:
Isn't MN an antifungal? The only downside I can see is your scalp getting dependent on the protection of the MN. When u finally quit, your scalp could possibly become more susceptible to developing a fungus once u take that protection away? Thoughts?

That makes sense.