LONG POST: I had a date two weeks ago; men are crazy!


Well-Known Member
So some of you here know that I'm widowed after almost 30 years of marriage. Coming up on three years now. Had a date a couple of weeks ago. I'm 49; dude is 42. THAT much younger is too young for me, but I figured, "Hey! Open your mind." Big mistake...BIG mistake!

I met him as I was walking through Arundel Mills Mall, Baltimore suburban area. Well, he kinda chased me from one end of the mall to the other. Handsome young man. Kinda looked like the model Tyson...and his name was Tyson.

Called me the next day. Asked me to a movie later. Gave me the timeframe for the movie, but I chose the movie. I was in the military community for nearly 30 years folks, and in the community 15 minutes prior is considered on time. My husband used to lock people out if they showed up at his office 15 minutes on the bottom of their appointment time. Doctors' appts must be rescheduled if you're not 20 early; so forth and so on...

Being on time is important to me, as is dressing like a gentleman. Claims to work full time as a contracting consultant for Johns Hopkins, so I figured he be wearing khakis and polo shirt or something.

He chose the time, so why was he late? I live 10 minutes closer to the theater (his excuse for being late), and I am also new to the area, whereas he's been here for a long as I was married.

We get into the movie and the only seats available were on the very front row.

We sit down. He makes funny noises as if he's chocking:ohwell: By now I'm annoyed at his presence in my life, but I ask, "Are you okay?"

He replies, "The closeness of the screen is nauseating!" I turned and kept watching the movie like he hadn't said a word. He was late so as far as I was concerned it was all his fault anyway.

And the way he was dressed! The same clothes he had on when we met, cept they were now wrinkled and his shirt was untucked and VERY wrinkled across the bottom. Looked like he picked them up off the floor from the day prior. Mind you, I had on a nicely pressed skirt, 5" sandals and a nice spaghetti strap top with a sports coat for when the theater got cold. Dude complained about benig cold in the theater too, btw.

After the movie we went into Buffalo Wild Wings. I declined wings. Afterwards he kept asking for a hug. I told him I didn't know him and he wasn't touching me:nono:

So finally, after his begging, I gave him a church hug --y'all know what I mean :grin:

Dude takes my right hand and places it on his penis and tries to make me cup his too-little manhood in my hand! I told him he had lost his mind. I walked to my car without saying too much more cause I realized at that point that he really was a stranger to me.

Here's our texting from the next Sunday to Monday (Keep in mind that I met him Friday, went to the movie with him Saturday and nothing on Sunday):

SUNDAY TEXTING (after he called although I told him I would be in church service):

HIM: Hey sweetie how r u? I hope your Sunday is going well. I called but I got your voice. How is subnetting coming along?

I didn't respond to him AT ALL Sunday.


HIM: Hello [insert my name here] how r u? I hope everything is going well. I haven't heard from u. Is everything ok with u? You usually would text me back but I have not heard back from u since I texted you yesterday. Did I do anything? R u upset with me or something? Please call me back. Thanks..

ME: Working!

HIM: Ok I was just wondering cause I didn't hear from you at all yesterday. Alright I'm going to call the lady @ sba. Call me when u have a moment to chat. Enjoy the rest of your day. Later!

ME: Don't want to date you! I'm not for you. I wish you the best life has to offer however. Please stop calling & texting me! I AM WORKING!!!

HIM: WOW [insert my name here]! What have I done to you to deserve this? I have been nice to you since we met nevertheless I'm not upset or mad @ u. I was hoping we can be good friends and do business together. We don't have to date. Can we do business together? We don't have to date sweetie. I am more interested in business partner if that's ok with u but if not I understand and I won't contact u agaain

ME: Man you tried to force my hand to hold your penis! Are you serious or do you think I'm an idiot? I told you from the start that I was old fashioned. I wish you the best. Take care.

HIM: Hey listen I will live and die by my mistakes. I didn't realize it until it happened that night. I woke up in the morning disgusted with myself knowing that you talked about being old fashion. I got carried away in the heat of the moment when I hugged u and your body felt very warm to me. I knew from that moment that I have lost u because u warned me. Let me say this to u, I have great respect for u and enjoyed out time. I had nothing but good intentions for u and I. I'm not upset with u because u genuinely chose to get to know me over other men asking you out. If anything I F****D up. That's not the type of person I am. I didn't think you. Are stupid or idiot. What I did was bad and disrespectful and I wish I can turn the clock. All I can say at this point is that I am very sorry and I don't want u to remember me as a bad person. We had good times and great conversation. Please forgive...:'(

ME: Stop it! I'm trying to work! I'm in training! Stop it!

HIM: Ok I won't bother you again since u r @ work but I have tears in my eyes. My heart is burning with tears.

ME: Don't bother me again PERIOD!

HIM: Ok I won't but before I go from the bottom of my heart I'm very sorry.

ME: If you don't stop this I'm calling the police!

***End of texting/communication***

Dude actually thought I was foolish enough to sigh my name to his business cause he hasn't been able to get 8(a) certification and has been trying since 2004. Why would I do something like that...whatever taxes and annual fees would fall on me...??? Really??? I can get my own 8(a) certification. Why would I do that for 51% of a business when I could do my own at 100% profit?

Anyway, that's what happened on my date. Maybe I really am too old fashioned cause if that's how 42 y/o men are getting down, I don't wanna :nono::nono::nono:

But it left me thinking that if he did this to me thinking he'd hit a home run with his little bat...and was little :lachen:...how many women have actually let him score by placing his little penis :lachen:in their hands on a first date?
You probably should had just blocked his number after the date.

He is a little cray at least he didn't call you out of your name. Lol at caught up because your body felt warm? lol I wish a guy would have me feel him up on date #1.

Unbelievable. He's lucky you're not me, I'd have twisted the hell outta that micro peen. Bet he wouldn't try that ish with another woman.

He sounds like a psycho.
:lachen: not funny but what the mess? And I'm confused when you hug hands go to side or back how did he direct you to his penis?
AHhh yes. The 40something men who think we are desperate for them. I've had a man lift up my shirt. Chiillllee... these men are terrible.

Sorry this happened to you. We all meet one of these losers at one point or another on our dating journey
block him. if he doesn't get the message and starts showing up at places you frequent, notify the police.

as a woman i don't take that sort of stuff lightly.
He's a pervert. He's too old to be acting like a horny thirteen year old boy who's never been alone with a girl before. Sounds like a sex offender to me.
Yeah, something is wrong with him. I'm glad you left when you did, because he is crazy and would've tried something else.
Wow. He sounds so crazy. You are definitely NOT old fashioned. He was just plain old out of line. I hope you've blocked his number. He seems like the type to try contacting you again with his nonsense.

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:lachen: not funny but what the mess? And I'm confused when you hug hands go to side or back how did he direct you to his penis?

Girl he took my hand from his shoulder and placed it 'there' so fast I didn't have time to react other than to pull it back! It's not like he had anything sizeable to brag about either :lachen::lachen:

I'm celibate but had we done anything, he was so small I think I'd still be celibate :look:

After that date I just wanna sit in my corner of the World, put my thumb in my mouth and rock back and forth :perplexed
Girl you killed me with your responses...especially after he had the nerve to say his "heart was burning with tears". LMAO!
I'm sure as it was happening it wasn't amusing, but it is funny in a SMDH kinda way.

The whole thing reminds me of the recent topic in OT. The one with the guy who has issues with sexy black women or something.

When you got to the part about him wanting you to be business partners for a business he hasn't been successful at getting certified, plus the tax and fee issues, I flashed back to the guy in OT talking about a woman helping with the IRS and new business ventures.

Some of these men think they are slick, but there are lots of women catching on to their game.
When you got to the part about him wanting you to be business partners for a business he hasn't been successful at getting certified, plus the tax and fee issues, I flashed back to the guy in OT talking about a woman helping with the IRS and new business ventures.

Some of these men think they are slick, but there are lots of women catching on to their game.

Considering there were women who defended that dude's BS, dont speak so soon

OP have you blcoked his # yet?
Wow! Sadly, I'm not surprised.

I keep telling folk that I'd be single fo' life if something happened with dh. Ain't nobody got time for these fools!

OP, so glad you didn't try to forgive and "work with a brutha".:rolleyes:
Girl he took my hand from his shoulder and placed it 'there' so fast I didn't have time to react other than to pull it back! It's not like he had anything sizeable to brag about either :lachen::lachen:

I'm celibate but had we done anything, he was so small I think I'd still be celibate :look:


After that date I just wanna sit in my corner of the World, put my thumb in my mouth and rock back and forth :perplexed

No, ma'am. That would be a negative! This incident just means you're living! Keep LIVING! They're not all like that. I promise.
OmG!!! Ya'lls text were so funny! Especially all of your "!" .... And when you sacred him off with the police!!

He thought his lame butt got him a cougar, lol!

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Am I the only one who would be afraid to go on a date with someone I met the day before in the mall? Heaven help me if I'm ever in the dating world again.
Am I the only one who would be afraid to go on a date with someone I met the day before in the mall? Heaven help me if I'm ever in the dating world again.

This was MY err I judgement, although I will not take responsibility for HIS behavior. Point WELL taken!!!
This was MY err I judgement, although I will not take responsibility for HIS behavior. Point WELL taken!!!

I hope that didn't come across as being judgmental prettylady6464 because it honestly wasn't meant to be. That's not who I am. It's just that I've been away from the dating scene for 30+ years (didn't really have that many dates before then) and the rules have changed so much that I honestly wouldn't know where to begin if I had to. In the meantime, people have gotten so crazy that I'm sure I would look at everyone with suspicion. Again, no judgment and I don't think, nor did I mean to imply, that you in any way brought this on yourself.
I hope that didn't come across as being judgmental prettylady6464 because it honestly wasn't meant to be. That's not who I am. It's just that I've been away from the dating scene for 30+ years (didn't really have that many dates before then) and the rules have changed so much that I honestly wouldn't know where to begin if I had to. In the meantime, people have gotten so crazy that I'm sure I would look at everyone with suspicion. Again, no judgment and I don't think, nor did I mean to imply, that you in any way brought this on yourself.

Oh no!!! I hope I didn't give you the impression that I am offended by your candor! I typed the response by iPhone so it was brief and concise. On the contrary, I appreciate it! I married the first man I dated & was with him over 31 years. I don't have a clue either LOL!

Men nowadays creep me out, but I am veeeery old fashioned. After reading the responses here, I realize that I'm not THAT outdated when it comes to my standards and my expectations of men regarding current dating.

I should've caught a clue when dude was late and blamed it on MY proximity to the theater. And, unless a man is coming from work (construction, etc.), I hate if he looks raggedy, so his appearance was a turnoff too. Just think a man should try to impress a woman initially, while still being himself. Let a woman know he cleans up nicely. We women do it for them.

I wholeheartedly appreciate everyone who chimed in and validated my sanity and dating expectations!!!

Thanks & big hugs!!!