Long haired ladies...


Well-Known Member
For all you long haired ladies or anyone that has reached their goal or a length that they or anyone in their life never thought they could reach, I would love to know what the reactions were? It's so interesting to hear how people in our lives(friends, family, men, etc.) think we can't reach our goals and make all kinds of sarcastic comments when we tell them how long our hair is going to be. So, for all of you ladies that have gotten to your goal or at least are well on your way, what do these smart alecks have to say now? /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Well when I hit my braclasp, I was elated. That's the longest my hair has been ever! That's why it was so hard for me to cut it to even it out and prune straggly hairs. But I'm back to that point now.

I want to grow my hair to my elbows. I had an ex that I told I would love to grow my hair that long and he straight up laughed at me. He said yeah right. If I could grow it to that length, I would purposely send his *** a picture!
skegeesmb said:
Well when I hit my braclasp, I was elated. That's the longest my hair has been ever! That's why it was so hard for me to cut it to even it out and prune straggly hairs. But I'm back to that point now.

I want to grow my hair to my elbows. I had an ex that I told I would love to grow my hair that long and he straight up laughed at me. He said yeah right. If I could grow it to that length, I would purposely send his *** a picture!

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/images/graemlins/lachen70.gif /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif I KNOW that's right!
it's so funny to think back because when i first started growing my hair, i used braids. i had never worn braids before. i was told "you're not the braid type." whatever that is. everyone also reminded me how i had been trying to grow my hair for years. because i had psoriasis, i had to wash it twice a week (HAD TO). they'd say stuff like "you could prolly grow you some hair if you didn't wash it so much." i tuned them out since i had no choice about washing.

after i took the braids down and had more length, i decided to do the baggy trick. my family would SCREAM laughing at me and my baggy. they would squeeze my ponytail so they could hear the crunching sound. LOL! now... well, now they bring their friends around so i can give demos on using it and explain what products to use and when.

i always thought i would gloat and be slapping folks in the face with my hair. lol! i don't do either because i see myself, how i was a few years ago, in their eyes.

my favorite response is from the men. i'm basically invisible in my bun... NOT when i wear it down. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
adrienne0914 said:
it's so funny to think back because when i first started growing my hair, i used braids. i had never worn braids before. i was told "you're not the braid type." whatever that is. everyone also reminded me how i had been trying to grow my hair for years. because i had psoriasis, i had to wash it twice a week (HAD TO). they'd say stuff like "you could prolly grow you some hair if you didn't wash it so much." i tuned them out since i had no choice about washing.

after i took the braids down and had more length, i decided to do the baggy trick. my family would SCREAM laughing at me and my baggy. they would squeeze my ponytail so they could hear the crunching sound. LOL! now... well, now they bring their friends around so i can give demos on using it and explain what products to use and when.

i always thought i would gloat and be slapping folks in the face with my hair. lol! i don't do either because i see myself, how i was a few years ago, in their eyes.

my favorite response is from the men. i'm basically invisible in my bun... NOT when i wear it down. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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*Mo reads Adrienne's story as she has a baggie on her head...and dreams of the day...*
adrienne0914 said:
it's so funny to think back because when i first started growing my hair, i used braids. i had never worn braids before. i was told "you're not the braid type." whatever that is. everyone also reminded me how i had been trying to grow my hair for years. because i had psoriasis, i had to wash it twice a week (HAD TO). they'd say stuff like "you could prolly grow you some hair if you didn't wash it so much." i tuned them out since i had no choice about washing.

after i took the braids down and had more length, i decided to do the baggy trick. my family would SCREAM laughing at me and my baggy. they would squeeze my ponytail so they could hear the crunching sound. LOL! now... well, now they bring their friends around so i can give demos on using it and explain what products to use and when.

i always thought i would gloat and be slapping folks in the face with my hair. lol! i don't do either because i see myself, how i was a few years ago, in their eyes.

my favorite response is from the men. i'm basically invisible in my bun... NOT when i wear it down. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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Girl, ain't that the truth! Men don't look twice at me when I'm dressed down, with my bun and glasses on. But when I'm swingalicious, it's a different story! Personally, I love it! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
My friend who is also my stylist was a disbeliever when I told her I wanted to grow my hair long. She said you and everybody else. But she saw the progress up close and personal. She was marvelling at how long my hair had gotten when she gave me my touchup last week. I said I thought I'd quit when I got to brastrap. She encouraged me to see how long it would grow!
my favorite response is from the men. i'm basically invisible in my bun... NOT when i wear it down. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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/images/graemlins/lachen70.gif /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif I thought that only happened to me /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif
"You hair is sooo long. If I had hair that long, I would flat iron it, blowfry it, then I would get some deepwaves and fingerwaves in it; Then I would use some alcoholic gel to slick it to look like Aaliyah."
Mariaat40 said:
My friend who is also my stylist was a disbeliever when I told her I wanted to grow my hair long. She said you and everybody else. But she saw the progress up close and personal. She was marvelling at how long my hair had gotten when she gave me my touchup last week. I said I thought I'd quit when I got to brastrap. She encouraged me to see how long it would grow!

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Mariaat, since bra-strap is your goal and you're just about there, once you reach it will you get your hair trimmed often to keep it there?
Good post. It's good because it reminds me that everyone wasn't born long and flowing hair. Andrienne is such an inspiration because I saw how short her hair was before and how long it is now.
While I haven't reached my goal yet, I'm hoping to be at bra strap by the end of the month. I have had to put up with my fiance's wise cracks and jokes all year! About a month or so, when I let my bun down and he saw the progress, he was like "Great job Babe! Keep up the great work!"
I don't have any comments yet because I have not reached my goal as of yet. But I will bump this when I do.
/images/graemlins/shocked.gifAdrienne you are truly inspriational /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
My husband was a doubter when I started on my hair journey, but now he's like, "Check you out." "Want me to take a picture of it for you?" "Look at all that hair."

And other people I encounter (like family members) just can't get over how long it is, and just say, "Wow, your hair has really grown."

But, actually, now that it is this length, I usually prefer to wear styles that involve shrinkage. Go figure!
well, my situation is slightly different... given the length of my mom's and maternal grandma's hair, i was always expected to have waist length or longer hair. as i was growing up, family and friends were always telling me that i have a head full of hair and that my hair was going to be long like my mom's and grandma's hair when i get older.....
adrienne0914 said:
my favorite response is from the men. i'm basically invisible in my bun... NOT when i wear it down

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Girl, I am pretty much lost in the crowd when I wear my hair in a bun. But when it's down, I may as well be 7 foot tall. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
MizAvalon said:

Mariaat, since bra-strap is your goal and you're just about there, once you reach it will you get your hair trimmed often to keep it there?

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Well...when my friend did my touchup and suggested that I keep growing my hair she said, "You can always cut it. Just see how long it will grow." So now I'm questioning whether I will stop at brastrap. I sure do love Adrienne's hair. /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif But, yes, that was my plan. To keep trimming enough to keep it at the same length.
thanks, nappyme and sbaker!

lol @ mo! girl, it worked for me!!

marriaat, my original goal was also bra strap, but once i got there, i just wanted to see how long it could get... /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

sherrylove, you didn't disappoint! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

allandra girl, it's a shame we have to wear our hair down to finally have some height!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
My hubby was always supportive. Although I'll admit he did grimace at some of my styles, especially the afro bun I bought a year ago in the summertime. Although I relax, I bought it to match my edges as I was trying to give my hair a rest from perms.
The Moms and sister...another story. They would constantly tell me that my hair had reached it's limit at 17 inches. I used to beleive this, not anymore!!
Now they tell everyone about how long my hair has grown. My sister's hair is still much longer, but I let her know in no uncertain terms that my hair can grow down to there as well, even though I have a different hair type.

I also felt bad about cutting my hair back a few inches. It was a little bit uneven and thin at the ends, but I was holding on to that 24 inches with all my life. Having to go back to above bra strap has been painful for me, because it seemed to take me the longest time to get from 22-24.

Now I am not measuring. I'm just focusing on caring for what I've got. I will be back to brastrap by around Feb.
Great topic...I have heard some interesting things in my journey...

Mom......always supportive and tells me your hair looks great...the other day she saw my BIG a$z rollers ( blacks and big purples) and said*WHOA good thing you have strength to put those on.....*

BUUUUTT I remember.....about 2 years ago...she and I where walking somewhere and she fwas behind me then asked me....*is that all yours?* We almost started scrapin in the street /images/graemlins/swordfight.gif ( just kiddin) but I was like DAGGGG I see you all the time, how can you ask me that?

My family members ( aunts) just smile and ask me what are you using ...or what should I do with my hair? which is really cool when they think of me as a source of info.....they where of the mind set that *WE* didnt have ( that kind of hair...) so I was living proof that we can grow our hair....my hair has always been thick but the length was always shoulder length ( or chin length back in the day)

Friends...marvel the length but they complement, i always joke and say ( you can check, no tracks) Ive never really had a negative comments from friend so Im lucky only Strangers.....

I get looks...people staring at my scalp, hairline..lookin for tracks guess... And I just thought I had something on my face/images/graemlins/rofl.gif

recently.,......my parttime gig...I had one guy say ...when I wore my hair in a braidout or wash and wear......*ohhhh your magic hair*...I ignored him...than they started asking me questions about my hair...when Id where it differently ( oh how do you get it to do that?)

Its annoying sometimes but I learned that people will say anything when they see something different (I guess).....and unfortunately black women have been associated with short hair or weaves.....oh well...we allllll prove that theory WRONG/images/graemlins/clap.gif

Well then the men....ah yes they are really funny with it...they stare, then might say something, but I ve never been asked if it was mine ......if its in a bun, yeah it gets pretty quiet its like I went undercover /images/graemlins/sekret.gif...thats cool though...sometimes I love my bun.....no one needs to know how far it goes /images/graemlins/rosebud.gif my little secret

Peace and happy hair tales!!!!!
Right before I started to grow my hair out from a relaxer I had to get it cut into a halle style cut in the front and shoulder length in the back due to breakage and overprocessing. Prior to that I had brastrap length hair(that was the longest it would get before it would break off). Well my grandma and my aunt came to visit, they both looked at my hair in digust and said what happened to all of your hair? I doubt it will ever grow back or be as long as it was when you were little. I didn't respond I just shrugged my shoulders.

So as the months went by and my natural hair grew in I always kept it pinned or clipped up. Well after three years my natural hair when pressed was about 3inches below brastrap and thick and healthy. So I decided that we would take family pictures and send them out. Two weeks later my aunt(who lived in Turkey) called and said Oh my! Look at your hair, how did you do that. I told her what I did and she just shocked.

My grandma saw my hair for the first time when we visited her last Chritmas. I was at tailbone length by then. She just kept saying that I must have been taking some vitamins and not telling anyone my hair secrets. Everyone else I know swears that I have some secret regime that I'm not telling them about.

Now I am in the process of helping my sister grow out her shoulder length hair. She is 16 and now she wants to really learn about caring for her hair instead of just putting gel in it and wearing it in a tight ponytail. She has type 3 hair that grows really fast. So hopefully by the end of next year she will be at armpit or brastrap length. I'll keep you guys posted.