"long hair, don't care"


Well-Known Member
(Back from hiatus!) My hair has grown, and since I committed the "deed" of breaking my own no heat challenge 6 weeks ago (pics in my profile folder:lachen:). The tippy tip of the back is at APL, which for my hair is "long" though I don't consider it long in the grand scheme of things. But after obsessing about getting near this length- I've stopped caring about it. I don't want another setback, but I'm headed that way if I don't fix up. Rough combing, skipping combing/moisturizing, no scarf at night (ooh I've been bad...). I need motivation!
Your hair is B-eau-ti-ful.
I almost fell off too, and now i'm scared that I'll miss my goal by an inch. Just adopt a simple regimen, that way you can't be too lazy.
And if you miss a day of babying your hair, don't be mad, sometimes we need a break and it doesn't cause any setbacks. We all go through it eventually.
How do you feel about half wigs? My hair is only a tad shorter than yours (it grew since my siggy) and I can successfully get it under a wig for a coupla days. Try it!
I can't see your pics for some reason.

Anyway, my post taken from: Big Bodacious Hair Pics






Please check the original thread. If that doesn't help you...oh lawd :look:.

Lack of this so-called motivation to give a hoot about my hair is what led to me having to cut almost 3" off earlier this year. A few months later, I basically stalked all my favourite fotkis (e.g - 1 & 2, 3) and watched a ton of YouTube vids. It partially made me realise just how much I'd lost in terms of progress and I made a dramatic turnaround in how I cared for my hair.
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Your hair is B-eau-ti-ful.
I almost fell off too, and now i'm scared that I'll miss my goal by an inch. Just adopt a simple regimen, that way you can't be too lazy.
And if you miss a day of babying your hair, don't be mad, sometimes we need a break and it doesn't cause any setbacks. We all go through it eventually.
How do you feel about half wigs? My hair is only a tad shorter than yours (it grew since my siggy) and I can successfully get it under a wig for a coupla days. Try it!

I think I may jus do a full head sew in. But I get funny about foreign objects on me for too long lol. Besides that, it would be a good investment this winter. For the meantime its just in twists. How do you moisturise under sew in's? I'm a little scared of taking it out and my hair following behind!
I can't see your pics for some reason.

Anyway, my post taken from: Big Bodacious Hair Pics

Please check the original thread. If that doesn't help you...oh lawd :look:.

Lack of this so-called motivation to give a hoot about my hair is what led to me having to cut almost 3" off earlier this year. A few months later, I basically stalked all my favourite fotkis (e.g - 1 & 2, 3) and watched a ton of YouTube vids. It partially made me realise just how much I'd lost in terms of progress and I made a dramatic turnaround in how I cared for my hair.

Okay, okay, I want it!!
I should have these pics plastered to my walls or something. I can't imagine SO's face when he sees my room wall with random women on it LOL. Thanks a lot for that.
OP, don't feel bad. I have been on a 2 year hiatus from good hair care. Today I put a relaxer in after after a partial sew-in for about 4 weeks. I lost so much hair is was ridiculous. On the bright side I did gain quite a bit of length, although I will be cutting some of it off to get my ends healthy and start fresh. You have beautiful hair, let that be your motivation, it certainly is mine. :yep: