Long Distance Relationships

My relationship is long distance. My SO lives 2 hours from me, but as of right now im in London and hes back home in the states. Im doing well, but hes HATING IT!! I think its a good thing though, cus we have never been this far away from eachother, and its really making HIM appreciate our relationship soo much more. I love getting 10 emails a day saying how much he misses me!!
I am and well we talk on the phone or chat online. It is very very hard though. I haven't seen him for two years but i am going to visit him in the summer.
I am. We are in different states, 1,300 miles apart.

I hate it. I'm spoiled I guess because we were together for a long time within striking distance.

How are we making it? Ummmm. Well. Let's just say I need prayers in that department. :perplexed:ohwell:
I am. We are in different states, 1,300 miles apart.

I hate it. I'm spoiled I guess because we were together for a long time within striking distance.

How are we making it? Ummmm. Well. Let's just say I need prayers in that department. :perplexed:ohwell:

Aww, it'll be ok cupcake :kiss:
We live together now but we were in one for a year. We met in Taiwan then a few months later he went to Australia to go to graduate school. We called, emailed, texts, webcam. It was ok I was living my life and having fun with my friends but he was just a call away.

I went to Australia to visit for two weeks. A few months later we met up in LA for vacation for two weeks and had a great time. He went back to Australia I went back to Taiwan. Later he decided he wanted to go back to the US. He came to visit me on the way back. My contract wasn't up for a few more months so I was still in Taiwan and he went back to the states. I joined him a few months later and we've been together going on four years.

My first love lived an hour and a half away and I only saw him on the weekends. We were together four years. Long distance relationships can work as long as both parties are committed. Right now I'm visiting home because I hadn't been back in five years so I am away from my bf now for a few months so we're doing the long distance thing again.
Right now he is stationed overseas. Like its been said already, we do phone calls, email, instant messaging and I also send care packages. I went to visit him for 2 weeks and we went on a little vacation. He came to visit me over the holidays.

Make the best of what little time you do get to spend together.
Are there any ladies here involved in a long distance relationship? If so, how are you surviving?

DH and I were 5 hours away for a couple of years of our relationship because of the different schools we went to.

1) We talked ALL the time! Before class, before work, after work, during work, after school, during a bath..etc.
2) We were crazy and drove down to visit each other every other weekend. (sometimes dh would take off of work and school just to have a visit)
3) We left our web cams up when we were in our apartments alone. :blush:
4) We never lost sight of the relationship

Good luck! If you both want the relationship to work, then it will. We pushed through the long distance thing to the point where we could finally live together.
I'm in one right now. My SO is two hours away at school & I'm in school here at home. It's hard but we see each other at least every other week at most once a month. We spend all of our breaks together (spring, summer, winter). But I'm not too worried about him, I used to go down there where he is, and my friends are keeping a watchful eye. LOL. Thank God he graduates this semester and is coming home for good. :yep:
I am, but we talk every day online. I see him about once a month though he's 5.5 hours away. He'll be down for V-day on Thursday, I can't wait!

He used to be in Vegas so that was way worse..at least this way all he has to do is drive down.
I'm in one, been in one ever since i've been in college (i'm in my senior year). my honey is about 3hrs away. the way we survive is that we have a schedule, we text during the day and as soon as minutes are free (7pm) we talk on the phone, every single day. we try to see each other as much as we can like 2-3 times a month (maybe 4 in a good month) and spend major holidays, and breaks together. :yep:
Wow, I feel much better after reading the replies. I'm in Atlanta and my honey is in Houston and it is torture. Long distance relationships are really expensive, from blowing up our cellphones with texts, pics and going over the alloted minutes, to flights back and forth, to gifts, flowers etc.

One of you guys were right, I get so much love and attention now because of the distance, I hope I get the same treatment once we're finally together.
i feel better reading this cause im gonna be one pretty soon :ohwell: my boyfriend will get deployed to afghanistan at some point this yr not sure when all i know is it is going to happen so i dont know ho wi will cope with that really :nono: