Long Distance Love

Lord have mercy on our poor souls, Foxxy. We are both delving into some deep unchartered waters. Might be PM'ing you for support. :)
LOL you are too funny :grin:

Well you already know me and you are >>>here<<< on the LDR thang so I can relate. I been reading this thread to get tips too :yep:

But like you said in your other posts, if cheating (not temptation, but actual act of cheating) becomes a persistent element it likely wasn't meant to be
Thanks for the hugs, KLB.

I hope you and 'boo' don't have to go through a long distance relationship. But I really hope Boo can understand your love of ice crunching, which I'm sure he will accept. :yawn:
Awww...Cupcake!:kiss: Sorry, no advice to give, but I sho hope me and Boo don't have to do the LDR thing.:nono:
Wow, you all are talking about LDR's where you see each other every 2 or 3 months or longer??!! That's insane. I was seeing my guy every other weekend and that still didn't seem like enough for me. I don't know, but I'm the kind of woman who needs to see her man OFTEN. Otherwise, no thank you... :nono: It's just unrealistic. I'm sooo not into that "missing you all the time" heartachey feeling that comes along with LDR's. Nope. I'd rather be alone...

Plus you have to have A LOT of trust in your guy otherwise you can drive yourself nuts wondering if he's seeing anyone. He also has to be a certain type of guy because many men like to have a woman around on the regular, if ya know what I mean... :look:

ITA :yep:, you all must really love each other to do a seperation that long. I guess if I had to be seperated from my DH I would do it too.
I was in an LDR for several years. We got together originally in November 2003 and I decided to visit him as a friend. Then we became more. We saw each other only 4-6 months because he lived in England and because I lived in the U.S. It was really hard.

I did and made a lot of things for him -- he's an artist (on the side...) so he really appreciated my homemade gifts. It was always so fun and an adventure to meet him each time, going to a different country. It was also fun to try and find bargains to the UK. The most I ever paid for a ticket was $600.

We talked every weekend on MSN (unless something happened, like work or school). :user:

Check my location if you want to know what happened. :drunk:
Awwww! Wonderful ending ;)
I was in an LDR for several years. We got together originally in November 2003 and I decided to visit him as a friend. Then we became more. We saw each other only 4-6 months because he lived in England and because I lived in the U.S. It was really hard.

I did and made a lot of things for him -- he's an artist (on the side...) so he really appreciated my homemade gifts. It was always so fun and an adventure to meet him each time, going to a different country. It was also fun to try and find bargains to the UK. The most I ever paid for a ticket was $600.

We talked every weekend on MSN (unless something happened, like work or school). :user:

Check my location if you want to know what happened. :drunk:
Thanks for the hugs, KLB.

I hope you and 'boo' don't have to go through a long distance relationship. But I really hope Boo can understand your love of ice crunching, which I'm sure he will accept. :yawn:

**crunch, crunch**

Of course he will accept it, why wouldn't he?:look:
Wow. This thread is Godsent !
I'm in LDR too (since september), and I regret it bitterly. :sad:

I need to vent:

I decided to leave my bf behind in london, to go to luxembourg for a while; I had a few friends there who told me that there are alot of oppotunities for anyone who wants to get a 1st experience in banking and finance. It is not necessarily my dream job, but they offer higher salaries, and God knows I have lots of debts to pay :ohwell:. So, just like that, I decided to leave everything in london (my place, and my temp job in a pharma company) to go there. My bf was hesitant, skeptical of my choice, but he told me to go ahead and do my thing. He had hinted many times in the past that he is not an advocate of LDR, but I was on a roll, and forgot all about it.To my biggest surprise, I was offered a permanent contract and a decent salary within a week in a big bank; I decided to go for it.

But ever since I left, we've been having problems, silly arguments and watnot. He is pulling back, and is making it look like I abandonned him although everything was great between us. He still hasn't visited me, but I went there 3 times already. When I'm there with him, everything is great, but as soon as I go back to luxembourg, he pulls back. Why does he do that? It hurts terribly because I love this man so much.

He says we should take it day by day, and that he doesn't see why we should talk on the phone everyday. he says that i need to let him breath and allow him to miss me, by not blowing up his phone all the time. He says he wants me to be strong on my own. He says he felt disoriented and empty when I left, but life goes on.He says that he loves me, but that he doesn't want to make plans for us, to promise me anything, or to create a stronger commitment because he doesn't know what the future holds. He says he needs time to think.

He is killing me softly, and i'm so lonely :sad::sad::sad:

I'm trying to be strong, make the best of this experience and think of myself first, but it is hard; I feel like i created this situation with my own hands, and I wish i could rewind time; The first month was horrible, I cried everyday. I was about to resign from my job, at week 2, to run back to london. I'm still trying to figure out, how to go back to london, in 2-3 months, although i know i should stay at least for a year in this job, to make it look good on my cv. But how can I survive one year like this??????????

I thought our relationship was stronger than that.

I've decided not to call him everyday like i usually do, and see how many days go by before he decides to call me first. I hope he even notices.....:ohwell:

Can a LDR survive with these conditions?

Sorry; my post is so long and erratic .
I hate to say it, but you made your bed, now you have to lie in it... You made the decision to take this new job, even though your boyfriend expressed how he felt about LDR's. I think you have to either deal with the possibility of losing him and concentrate on your "new life" away from him, or leave the new job and go back to London. By his not coming to visit you it's like he's saying "she made the decision to leave, why should I have to travel to see her; let her come to me"... :ohwell: You are in a tough situation. Love or Money is what it really comes down to... and this is assuming that you are truly in love with this man. :yep: