Long Distance Dilemma


Well-Known Member
Ladies I am in somewhat of a dilemma here and would greatly appreciate your opinion on the subject:

I have been on and off with someone who lives in Trinidad. I was there for one year to study and that is where we met. We started a relationship during my stay, maintained the relationship for about 6 months after I returned to the U.S. and called it quits in January 2008 because the long distance was too hard on the relationship.

During that time we have always maintained contact despite dating other people. There was never a start to a new relationship as we always had the intention to rekindle things after my decision to relocate to the Caribbean come this year.

We reconnected in December 2008 and things went really well. During that time however, a female person was always calling his phone. She is in New York and he met her online. He presumably told her where he stood with me and told her nothing was going to happen between them. She knows of me and the relationship I have had with this male individual.

Anyway, fast forward to January 2009 and the female in question booked her ticket and is currently in the country (Trinidad). They had met each other (supposedly he had to drop something off for her) and he told me about the meet. I spoke to him yesterday about if he had met up with her after that one time and he said he did, only once, because she had something for him. Supposedly it was a new phone that she bought him and he accepted it. :wallbash:

I kept my cool until I found out, through a Facebook photo, TONIGHT, that they went out with some of his friends on his birthday. Both he and she was standing next to each other with some of his friends. That was Tuesday of last week.:wallbash: I am beyond angry at the moment, ESPECIALLY seeing that he did not tell me the full truth when I asked about the nature of their meet.

Moreover, he is supposedly on a weekend vacation in Tobago (Trinidad's sister island) to "clear his head" over someone concocting a lie about me. He said he needs time to think things through.

So here I am, fuming. He is in Tobago "clearing his head" while this female who is feigning over him is also in the same country who he, according to him, has no interest in.

Yet, Facebook revealed that he did meet up with her MORE than twice and did not tell me anything about it.

Am I blowing things out of proportion or do I have reason to be suspicious??? Why da hell do men do this ish?! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
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You are not blowing things out of proportion and yes you have reason to be suspicious. I hope you can talk to him soon and figure out what's going on. It sounds like he likes her and you. I'm sorry.
Maybe I'm drama averse, but if he and I were not in a relationship, I would drop it completely. That's way too much confusion and back and forth. If he wanted to be with you, he would. If he isn't committed to you, then he can see who he wants. I know it's unpleasant, but that's the reality.

My philosophy has always been that if I have to be Inspector Gadget to know where I stand with a man, then a) he is not truly my man, b) I am overinvested in the situation and c) he's just not that into me.

You're not out of place for being suspicious, but I don't understand why you're still dealing with him if the 2 of you are not together anymore. If he can't be honest, then he doesn't deserve you anyway.

I'd move on.
Moreover, he is supposedly on a weekend vacation in Tobago (Trinidad's sister island) to "clear his head" over someone concocting a lie about me. He said he needs time to think things through.

First, I agree with what everyone else has said.

Second, I absolutely HATE HATE HATE when men do the above. I think it's a complete cop-out and just an excuse to get away from their partners instead of dealing with it... or they're using that time away from you to see someone else.

In my experience, dudes who go away to "clear their heads" always come back ready to move on. They were actually ready to do so in the first place, but instead of just saying so, they have to make a big production and to-do about it by taking these so-called "soul searching" trips.

Whatever mane...
Umm, I think he is "feigning" over her, too. They had to drop something off to each other? Haven't they ever heard of mail? Much less expensive than a plane ticket. They're totally into each other, and he doesn't seem to be that much into you. Sorry. :(
Ladies, thank you for all your input thus far. The red flag was him accepting a new phone from her, again (she sent him one previously sometime last year) and the fact that he had to supposedly visit her again for her to "drop something off for him". Why couldn't they have exchanged whatever they wanted to give to each other on the first meet? UGH.

I'll update later after I speak to him. I ain't calling though.

Again, thanks so much ladies!
So he just sent me an email saying he is still on his trip. That he missed his flight and he is on his way to jetski. That he plans on coming in later tonight and will talk to me later. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I am about ready to explode.
Rasta, he's flaw. He's running game. He's seems to be jugging both of you along. But then again I cant say for sure. Look just dont close your eyes to this or become booboo the fool for this man. Remember to never think a man WONT be two-timing. Just hope but also don't forget that when you do confront him he will most def have a rebuttal.
So he just sent me an email saying he is still on his trip. That he missed his flight and he is on his way to jetski. That he plans on coming in later tonight and will talk to me later. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I am about ready to explode.

Thanks for keeping us updated and good luck.
I would just tell him str8 out...if you wanted to see what was up with this woman all you had to do was say so, you really didn't have to go through all of this, esp not all this lying and making up a lame reason to make it seem like you had some sort of issue with me when you really have your own internal conflicts going on with you...so since its hard for you to man up I will be the one to let you go take time for yourself and Im gonna gone ahead and do me

He may be expecting you to be mad and upset, men love it when they can have a reason to project back onto the woman, its really hard for him to throw stuff on you when you are calm.....

so punch those pillows and hit them walls now before he gets back and release that anger and just let him know that you don't have time to play these games

every single thing about this whole situation seems really shady personally....
Sound like he is up to no good. He have too much of game, he has to clear his head. Red flag " Why do he have to clear his head in Tobago. That is the question you need to ask him. Better yet don't even bother to ask him just move on.
yeah it's suspicious, he's using the internet and his distance to play around. sorry that this happened though. and then it's weird that the chick knows about you and still went down there, i'm telling you this shortage of men is causing chicks to go nuts.
And you know these Caribbean men not easy!!!
You want me to spy on him for you?
PM me his address!
1.) I hope you haven't ruled out dating other people either
2.) If you HAVE to move to the Caribbean, I hope you have other reasons/connections independent of him.

Good luck
yeah it's suspicious, he's using the internet and his distance to play around. sorry that this happened though. and then it's weird that the chick knows about you and still went down there, i'm telling you this shortage of men is causing chicks to go nuts.

Girlfriend just got her green card to travel a month ago, called him to tell him the good news WHILE I was there, then booked her flight that same week.

It gets better: Her father spoke to the male in question and was willing to sell them land to build a home. She even went to see an attorney to finalize her divorce (she got her green card via marriage to an American) and also called to tell him of this "good news" too. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

In the meantime she is shacking up with some man, who she supposedly has no intention of being with, seeing that she is soo in love with this male individual who she just had to travel to see. Uh huh.

BTW, she is also Trinidadian and has family living there.
1.) I hope you haven't ruled out dating other people either
2.) If you HAVE to move to the Caribbean, I hope you have other reasons/connections independent of him.

Good luck

No, I haven't really explored my options elsewhere. :perplexed

And he is not my only intention for moving. My family is there and I had intentions of going to law school and in no way being dependent on him.
So, an update:

He didn't call as promised. But yet he found the time to mention on FB how he had "the best weekend ever."

I am sure he did. I could just wring this nig nogs neck!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

So I wait. Maybe silence is the best solution to this madness.
But if he was around these parts I would have rolled up to his place and flattened his tyres for you!
He's playing you. Been there. Have a "best weekend ever" with a handsome man that looks better than him, have fun, and post the pics on facebook like he did. Then if he asks just say you were "dropping something off to each other". Move on, don't look back afterwards.
I would certainly not be available when he finally calls, e-mails or texts. He would have to track me down.
Girlfriend just got her green card to travel a month ago, called him to tell him the good news WHILE I was there, then booked her flight that same week.

It gets better: Her father spoke to the male in question and was willing to sell them land to build a home. She even went to see an attorney to finalize her divorce (she got her green card via marriage to an American) and also called to tell him of this "good news" too. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

In the meantime she is shacking up with some man, who she supposedly has no intention of being with, seeing that she is soo in love with this male individual who she just had to travel to see. Uh huh.

BTW, she is also Trinidadian and has family living there.

Um, how you know all this?!?!?!?!

I gotta say your detective skills are something else! I would spend more energy finding the right man than chasing the wrong one...and ol' boy is wrong!
Girlfriend just got her green card to travel a month ago, called him to tell him the good news WHILE I was there, then booked her flight that same week.

It gets better: Her father spoke to the male in question and was willing to sell them land to build a home. She even went to see an attorney to finalize her divorce (she got her green card via marriage to an American) and also called to tell him of this "good news" too. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

In the meantime she is shacking up with some man, who she supposedly has no intention of being with, seeing that she is soo in love with this male individual who she just had to travel to see. Uh huh.

BTW, she is also Trinidadian and has family living there.

So, an update:

He didn't call as promised. But yet he found the time to mention on FB how he had "the best weekend ever."

I am sure he did. I could just wring this nig nogs neck!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

So I wait. Maybe silence is the best solution to this madness.

Please leave this man alone for good.
I can feel your frustration just by reading your words, so I know you must be stressed out.
He's not even trying to hide anything from you really. His little facebook postings and pictures is all kind of in your face.
He's playing the field right now and not interested in a relationship.
Get away now!
So, an update:

He didn't call as promised. But yet he found the time to mention on FB how he had "the best weekend ever."

I am sure he did. I could just wring this nig nogs neck!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

So I wait. Maybe silence is the best solution to this madness.

If I were you, I'd never talk to him again.