
I am hoping to learn from others during this transition. Can you please tell me how long it takes for you to style, detangle, and style your hair? Any natural can answer this question. Thanks in advance! :yep:
I don't have a lot of problems with my hair tangling - so most days I can wash, detangle and style in 30 mins or less.

I have been natural for 5 years.
I'm a new natural...it doesn't take me long to detangle. I normally do it in the shower...styling takes me about 30 mins to do.
I wear wash and goes on most days and detangle once a week.

For my WnG I rinse my hair in the shower, apply conditioner and leave it in. Usually I'll wrap it in a towel and for a minute or 2 and then apply some oil.
Depending on how long I spend trying to coil those darn heat damaged parts :lol:, usually 5-10 minutes in total.

Detangling usually takes me no more than 5 minutes.

This is one of the things I love most about being natural. I used to be able to spend at least one hour a day on my hair when I was relaxed. :nono:
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My hair is usually in twists or braids, it takes less than 5 minutes to style them. If I'm wearing it out in its nappy/coily/curly/kinky state, it also takes about 5 minutes to undo my plaits and comb the hair out and push it back into a puff. When my hair is straightened, I usually wear it up, so again less than 5 minutes. I think if my hair used to take long to deal with, I'd not have the wonderful relationship I have with it.

Keep in mind, braiding, twisting, flat ironing...do take a while to do. But while they do take long, the happen once in a blue moon because I wear my braids and twists "forever" and I'm usually distracted by a TV show or movie when putting them in for the first time. I don't flat iron my hair often so when I do, it's one of those things that I am mentally prepared for so at the time I don't mind the time it takes. But now that I'm not thinking about it, if you suggested it, I'd say no coz I don't feel like putting all that time in. The way I wear my hair goes well with my lazy mode.
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I have abnormally thick hair! :yep:
It takes me a minimum of 2 hrs to style my hair. If I do prepoo,shampoo, detangle & style(moisturizing my hair too),dc and sit under the dryer a while, it probably takes 4 hrs start to finish.

I am SL grazing my collarbone. I wouldnt change my texture or thickness for the world!:grin:
Like nonie, it takes me the same amount of time.
it takes like 2 or 5 hours to braid/twist/whatever kinda of style...but if it's a puff, braidout, twistout, twists, braids, ponytails, i really just wake up, puff up or shake out, condition, oil and go. Nothing more involved in it than that.
I rarely wear my hair out so it takes 3 to 4 hours on a shampoo day. The other days its less than 5 minutes because I'm only moisturizing and sealing. But My 3 to 4 hours includes a lot because I am still in the process of correcting the porosity of my hair. As my hair grows and I have corrected my porosity issues, I am sure I will be able to reduce this quite a bit.

--Prepoo (30 min/overnight)
--Shampoo, Roux Porosity Control, Rinse - (30 min)
--DC unders steam cap, rinse (30 min)
--Detangle, apply products (30 min)
-- Very small 2 strand twists/single twists (1 to 2.5 hours)
When braided or twisted -Thanx Nonie for the twisting tip :yep: - like she says it pretty easy. The time is in the braiding or twisting which again, is done while watching TV or a movie.

My fastest Wash and go: (Usually takes a little more time)
.3-5 minute wash
.section in 2 halves and put in cond (about 5min or less) and hold w/barrettes while doing rest of shower.
.comb thru each heavy cond section with shower comb (5 min or more depending on the amount of tangling
.rinse smooth back with hands and secure puff/bun with barette, elastic or scrunchie. I do add a leave in cond at this point.

BTW my pullbacks/ponys/buns are fuzzy with little or no pattern but I'm OK with fuzzy.

DH says I'm out in 30 - 35 min LOL and he's happy and fine with the look :lol:

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Detangling goes quickly - I'm not sure how long, maybe 10 minutes or less. I detangle in the shower before I wash my hair.

Washing doesn't take long. I don't wash in sections.

Styling depends on how many twists I feel like putting in, then I air dry and do a twistout a day or 2 later.
Styling on wash day takes about 20-30 min.

However, if I'm straightening or flexi-rodding my hair, it takes much longer--about 2-3 hrs. including washing & detangling.

My hair is MBL.
DD I thought you just relaxed?

I did. I am contemplating going back to natural. I am stretching for a year to make my decision. I am feeling like I made a mistake relaxing. This is for education for me for when my stretch is over. I never did truly give natural hair a chance and that decision has been bothering me.:ohwell: I am 2 months post and I have learn a lot more than I thought I would.
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Oh okay and good luck. I think however that if you have found the hair thing a challenge before that it may be worh considering the BC and just getting to know and love your hair for a year?
I don't want to BC to a TWA. With my build, I get called sir. That led me to relax in the first place. I just don't know where this journey will lead me. If I continue to relax, I will have longer and healthier hair practices. If I go natural, it will be a goal I have never reached, longer natural hair. I believe it is a worthy goal to shoot for.