Lonei's Relaxer update and Porosity Control Review


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies

I self-relaxed my hair today with the method described in my journal. However this time I used Roux Porosity Control Conditioner after I neutralised but before I coloured. My hair was extremely soft (at first it felt so dry after the relaxer) and after my colour and deep conditioning, detangling was much better than it normally is. Shedding was also MUCH less then normal. I may add this product to my wash routine, its a keeper....Anyway, here are my pics of my relaxer results. I did not trim my hair this time.....Just thought I'd share...
I didn't like because I LOVE IT:eek: :eek: :eek: is beautiful!!! Wao, I've never let my hair too long but after your pix, I am having double thougths:D
lonei said:
Hey ladies

I self-relaxed my hair today with the method described in my journal. However this time I used Roux Porosity Control Conditioner after I neutralised but before I coloured. My hair was extremely soft (at first it felt so dry after the relaxer) and after my colour and deep conditioning, detangling was much better than it normally is. Shedding was also MUCH less then normal. I may add this product to my wash routine, its a keeper....Anyway, here are my pics of my relaxer results. I did not trim my hair this time.....Just thought I'd share...
I love your results Lonei, it's beautiful! :yep: You are so talented with doing your own hair.
I bought some Porosity Control also, it's very good.
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Your hair looks fabulous.

What differences do you see in yur hair using the Porosity Control as opposed to when you did not?
Very pretty...I don't think there is any way I could relax my own hair if it was that long. You do an excellent job.:grin:
Lonei, you hair is stunning! I love it. I could not imagine relaxing my hair although I really wish I could. Your results are FAB-U-LOUS! :notworthy

Okay, I'm slow ladies what is Roux Porosity Control used for? I am experiencing alot of shedding at this time and need all the help I can get! :(
:love::love::love:Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!!! Sooo luscious and healthy. Thanks for the review! I was considering getting the Porosity Control and will probably get it. I'm looking to relax this weekend as well and I hope I have positive results as well :).
LocksOfLuV said:
hmmm i must be the only one who the password isn't working for. :confused: it worked for the older album just not this one....

I'm not sure if you did this but I just copy her password in her profile and then paste in the album. HTW!
newflowers said:
Your hair looks fabulous.

What differences do you see in yur hair using the Porosity Control as opposed to when you did not?

Beuatiful Hair Lonei!!!! I would like to know this as well....
Looks great! You've convinced me to transition back to straighter hair after reading your journal on your fotki. My hair is a frizzy, puffy mess when it is wet instead of nice defined curls. Thanks for sharing your hair thoughts.
DDtexlaxd said:
Your hair is gorgeous!:eek: How many kits does it take for u to relax?

Its funny you should ask! One time I ran out of relaxer and had a big puffy section at the top! Lol! Now i always have 2 boxes in the house just incase but I go sparingly now and just use one...

Thanks everyone!
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