LOL old ppl are so cute....


Active Member
ok so remmeber how I flatironed my hair earlier in the week? lol well it hasn't reverted completely like it's still straight but it's just poooooooofy-er well my tenants of the building where I work at had given me a bunch of compliments the other day...and today my hair is the pic but ppl are so not used to seeing me with my hair out I usually have it in a bun and one of my residents (little old white lady) saw me and she's like where'd you get all that hair from?! :shocked: and I'm like uh my head....and she's like it's all yours? and I'm like yep and show her my scalp and she's like wow it's purrrrrrrrrty :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

and ppl been fussing at me all day that I need to wear my hair out more...I'm like when I get to my next goal length you'll see it again....I wear it up to protect it and grow it and obviously it works so :rolleyes: :lachen:

I love old crazy ppl they're so cute...

and I love my hair!!! :grin::grin:


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so many people dont consider shrinkage or they dont know what it is and think that the unstretched hair length is the true length. They get a real shock. I cant wait til the day someone asks me "How come yesterday your hair was by your shoulders and today it's at your waist, did you add weave?" :lol:
Your hair looks purdy! It's always nice to have people "ooh" and "aah" over your hair, isn't it? :grin:
Yes, your hair is very nice.

I constantly have to explain shrinkage to people ... even to other black folks.
thanks everyone :grin:

lol yeah it is nice to finally have ppl ooh and ahh over my hair cuz heck I used to be the girl who always had a bandanna on my head and I would get the OMG you have hair?! lol and it's such a nice thing to finally get comments on how much my hair has grown and how beautiful it is etc.....although ppl just don't get the shrinkage thing lol yes my hair can be shoulder length one day and ear length the next and no I didn't cut's just that shrinkage is da debil!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I love your poof in your pics... Mine will get that length one day:look:

Although I am embracing my shrinkage.. I now keep my pick in my purse to refluff once in awhile.
Before I opened this thread (& because there are so many young'uns on LHCF), I was afraid you were going to be talking about people in their 30s and up:blush:

Your hair does look pretty, though, and the Protective Styling is clearly working for you :grin:
your hair is very pretty:grin: and as others have a real treat to have positive comments about our hair