LOL...My hair is at war...with itself!! The In Between Stage...


New Member
So when one goes natural, you always wonder how your hair will grow. I always wondered if it would be Curly and fro-ed out like Jade on America's
Next Top Model, or have hang time like Bublinbrownsuga (sp??) or ZZIrving(Meaning going down with no products)

Anyway, today solidified that my hair is officially taking its downward journey. Lol...It keeps flopping over my headband because it wont stand up anymore. It's still huge and b/c it's really curly, it looks like a fro, but it wont grow up anymore so this should be quite interesting:spinning:

Anybody else at this point? Or if you're past it do you remember it?

Happy Monday Everyone!
oh my gosh, the only days my hair stood up was when i teased that fro into place. I was crushed when I BCd and my hair just hung like a limp wierd mushroom cloud. It was like an eternal in-between-stage.
I been there, but that's part of what makes the natural journey so fun/cool/crazy. You learn so much about your hair, even when it's not what you expected.
Happy Monday to you!!
Oooh, no, not at that point, THOUGH my two strand twists are getting a little 'floppy' lately - once my loose hair starts to flop, I'm gonna KNOW I'm getting somewhere - congrats on the milestone! :lol:
Your hair is beautiful!!! I hope mine looks like that when I'm done transitioning!!:grin: I can't wait to get to the in between stage!!!