Locks of Love

Everytime i comb my hair out and my mom sees it in the garbage she freaks out. She told me to throw it in the toilet and flush it. I guess because of obeia. Anyways yes i had a co-worker grow out her hair and donate it to locks of love. I asked her about it. She was asian btw,the hair can't be processed in anyway and i think that might include perms. And they do sell the hair which i was shocked at. I thought they were non-profit but i guess not.

a lot of places that claim to be non profit are the biggest crooks. i speak from experience. damn shuckers and jivers.
Interesting that you mentioned this. I am originally from Louisiana and we did the same thing. Voo doo was common practice back in the day and reportedly folks would get hair from people that they wanted to cast a spell on. Not sure if they are still burning the hair but I bet they still practice this.

It is so funny that you are talking about this. An older black lady came in my store and told two of my white co workers that she burned her hair when she cuts it off. So the white co workers asked me about it..I told them about the voodoo. They were spooked!