Live Curly Live Free Hair Analysis


Well-Known Member
Has anyone on here ever tried the Live Curly Live Free Hair Analysis?

It's only $12.95. It says it will identify your hair texture, porosity and elasticity, provide information on understanding your hair properties, & the product ingredients that are beneficial for your hair type and the product ingredients you should avoid.
Nope but awhile ago I was definitely looking at this very hard. Now I kinda know what my hair likes and dislikes but it still would be interesting to find the scientific data behind what I can assume from my reactions.
hmmm, sounds interesting. 3-4wks delay tho? i hate waiting... i still might try it tho. i'll update this thread if i do. the cost is ok for what they promise imo.
I did see some reviews on another site where they said it took two weeks & some of the girls were surprised that their porosity wasn't what they expected or they thought their hair was coarse but it came back as fine hair.

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I definitely want to give it a try. Hoping it will stop the guessing and experimenting.

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I figured your hair had to be freshly washed for the analysis, so I went ahead and paid so I can get the instructions to be able to send off this weekend on wash day. Here are the directions you get after you pay-might be good to see if you're thinking about doing this:
Please follow the steps below carefully to ensure timely and accurate processing of your order.

Take a sample of your hair. We cannot stress enough the importance of taking a proper sample so we can perform the most accurate analysis. Before collecting the sample, make sure your hair is clean and free of all gels, mousses, oils, creams or other hair products (conditioner is okay).

Take four to five hairs from each of the following locations on your head: the front
hairline, the temples, the crown (the top of your head towards the back) and the nape of
the neck. It does not matter if the root bulb (the part that is lodged into the hair follicle) is
still attached; however, ensure that the hair sample is taken from within 1/2" of the
scalp. You should end up with approximately 16-20 hairs total in your sample.

After you have obtained your sample, place the hairs into a small, clean Ziploc bag and
seal it shut. Do not use any staples, tape, glue or other substances to secure the hair
strands as it will contaminate the sample. You do not have to worry about keeping the
hair strands extended or separated.
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