Little white balls thread???


Active Member
Can someone please direct me to the thread about the little white balls at the ends of the hair? I think I remember something about that being the beginning of a split end. I have tried to search and cannot find it. Thanks!
Little white balls at the end of hairs (especially if the hairs are shorter than your other hairs mean that breakage has occured there and that a split end may form next. This is trichorexxus nodosa. The hair will break at a weak point along the hair shaft..if you happen to catch the spot before it breaks you will see a little white dot that looks like fluff but it is not fluff. The hair will bend at a sharp angle in this area and eventually break. If you look at the end of the part of the hair that is still attached to your head you will see a white end...a split end can form from this end because the end is damaged. It is basically caused by over manipulation of the hair or chemical abuse (over processing). It can also be herditary but that is rare.

I got this info from searching hair shaft defects on the web and someone also posted a link on the board to a good website about split ends, so to find out more just type hair shaft defects in google or type in trichorexxus nodosa (not sure on the spelling).