little past shoulder=AKWARD STAGE?


New Member
Hello Ladies,

My hair has finally past shoulder length. :lachen: It's just at about my color bone. However my hair is not all one length. It's a little uneven in some areas. For example the front does not match the sides or back. My questions for you is; Was there a point in time where your hair got to an akward stage at a specific length? Please let me know. I want to cut it! But have decided to do some braides in the next few weeks.

Thanks in advance
Since you're going to get braids in soon, why not leave it and just allow it to continue growing. There's no need to cut off your progress. It is natural for hair to grow unevenly since parts of the hair grow in spurts.
Thanks for responding. I want to get the braids to avoid cutting my hair. It has gone through a growth spurt in 2 months and looks uneven, and funny. However I'm hoping that it will even up over time. Has this ever happend to you? or any other ladies out there...Come on ladies keep responding
I have to agree with Isis. If your getting braids just let it be. I know my left side grows faster than the right. I had my hair cut in layers. The left side outgrew the right. And NO I am NOT cutting it to make it even, lol
I have to agree with Isis. If your getting braids just let it be. I know my left side grows faster than the right. I had my hair cut in layers. The left side outgrew the right. And NO I am NOT cutting it to make it even, lol

Santia, the video clip and caption in your siggy are hilarious. :lachen:

I agree with the two previous posters, I wouldn't worry about the uneven lengths- even it up once you get to your goals.
Thanks to the ladies who responded. I was expecting more people to provide me with feeback regarding akward stages of hair growth-but I guess this is all I'm going to get
My hair is very uneven in the front. It is most due to a messed up trim and bangs that went wrong. I just wear it all to the back in a pony or a twistout. With the twistout you cannot even tell that my hair is uneven.
I think that people are kinda mis reading what I wrote. Basically-I'm asking if somoene has ever experienced an akward stage when growing their hair. For examply my hair seems to be shaped strangely, Almost like growing out a bob cut, but I'm past that stage:ohwell:
I think it depends on the shape when you start out. For instance back in the day when I had the Halle Berry cut it grew out into a weird mushroom cut. Then another time when I was growing out a cut it grew fast in the back and shorter in the top. Based on what cut you had this will determine how it grows out. IMO once it gets to about neck length it all seems to come together. HTH
I know what you mean. When I first bc'd my hair was easy to care for and easy to style. Then when I hit about 7 months post bc I couldn't do anything with it, so for a few months I kept it twisted and hid it under a wig. By 14 months my hair looked good out again. Now it looks good so long as it is in a twist-out or flat-ironed but it looks crazy in twists right now, the length is just kind of off, not short enough anymore, not long enough yet. I think you just have to wait out the awkward stages and find a style that works for the time-being. If I cut my hair at each awkward stage I would never reach my goal. Good luck with the braids.
Ugh!! I HATE this awkward stage. My hair isn't long, but it isn't short. It's about three to four inches past shoulder length, and it's in good condition. But as I think my ultimate goal of waist length I know it's going to be a long row to hoe. I'm going to break down my ultimate goal into mini goals. My goal for September of 2008 is BSL. That's all I want to focus on right now, getting to BSL. I'll worry about WL later.
My hair went through a awkward stage at shoulder length, it would stick out when I wore it down instead of lying down but once I got past this point it got much better and my hair lies flat against my back. So don't fret yet let your hair grow out some more before you decide to cut.
YES, this is what I was getting at. My hair seems to long for short styles and too short to be left out (it wont really laydown) Thanks for the feedback ladies. It's good to know that I'm not the only who who is going through this akward and testing stage. I'm going to braid my hair and try to forget abut it :blush:
That's what I want to do: Braid it and forget about it. I'll probably do that in a month or two because I'm also stretching my relaxer for 6 months and I have 4 months to go.
My hair went through a awkward stage at shoulder length, it would stick out when I wore it down instead of lying down but once I got past this point it got much better and my hair lies flat against my back. So don't fret yet let your hair grow out some more before you decide to cut.

yesssssssssssssss I hated that. Even when my hair finally hit APL I thought it looked funny and stuck straight out. I wore half wigs until I felt better...
Yes, you sound like me in the very early stages. Actually I am kinda sorta still going through this. Collarbone is an awkard stage to get through.
Check out my fotki if u like.
When i first started the conscious hair growth thang, my hair had bangs right under my eyebrows, uneven from coloring my hair for the 2nd time...never again!!! The sides were scraggly and the back was the longest part, right at the end of my long neck.
I noticed after a few months of conditioner washing every other day and using topical growth aids as well as taking vitamins that i got to collarbone. I felt great to see progress, but I still did not feel comfortable to wear my hair out.
Few more months later, while keeping up with my routine, i noticed that I got below collarbone.
Reaching ur goal will happen, but u should take photos on ur cell phone at the least so u can refer to it whenever u r protective styling and feel unmotivated.
SL to APL can be hard because there r so many points to get past...:wallbash:
neck :wallbash:to touching shoulder :wallbash:to collarbone :wallbash:to under collarbone :wallbash:to almost at apl :look:to finally at apl:drunk:.
So far I feel as if i still have a chance to get to apl this Dec 07.
The in between stages are hard and awkward. I consider myself to still be in an awkward stage because I really don't want to rock my own hair until I can look down at my chest and see it sitting pretty.:grin:
Protective styling is and what will continue to get me through until i reach my ultimate goal.
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Thanks for the inspiration ladies. So it offical-I'm going to braid my hair and forget about it for a couple of months. I'm going to do the crown and glory method and hope for some great hair growth.

Yes, you sound like me in the very early stages. Actually I am kinda sorta still going through this. Collarbone is an awkard stage to get through.
Check out my fotki if u like.
When i first started the conscious hair growth thang, my hair had bangs right under my eyebrows, uneven from coloring my hair for the 2nd time...never again!!! The sides were scraggly and the back was the longest part, right at the end of my long neck.
I noticed after a few months of conditioner washing every other day and using topical growth aids as well as taking vitamins that i got to collarbone. I felt great to see progress, but I still did not feel comfortable to wear my hair out.
Few more months later, while keeping up with my routine, i noticed that I got below collarbone.
Reaching ur goal will happen, but u should take photos on ur cell phone at the least so u can refer to it whenever u r protective styling and feel unmotivated.
SL to APL can be hard because there r so many points to get past...:wallbash:
neck :wallbash:to touching shoulder :wallbash:to collarbone :wallbash:to under collarbone :wallbash:to almost at apl :look:to finally at apl:drunk:.
So far I feel as if i still have a chance to get to apl this Dec 07.
The in between stages are hard and awkward. I consider myself to still be in an awkward stage because I really don't want to rock my own hair until I can look down at my chest and see it sitting pretty.:grin:
Protective styling is and what will continue to get me through until i reach my ultimate goal.

This post helped a lot. I too am feeling the anxiety of the inbetweenies. The easiest time was just throwing it in braids and watching your hair length at month to two month intervals rather than every day standing in the mirror to see if an overnight straight to apl miracle has occured-lol
I'm in between sl and apl, yes it's awkward, but I'm so happy to be here! It's a great problem that I haven't had since I was around 7 years old!!!
Hello Ladies,

My hair has finally past shoulder length. :lachen: It's just at about my color bone. However my hair is not all one length. It's a little uneven in some areas. For example the front does not match the sides or back. My questions for you is; Was there a point in time where your hair got to an akward stage at a specific length? Please let me know. I want to cut it! But have decided to do some braides in the next few weeks.

Thanks in advance

All I have to say to that is PLEASE SEE MY SIGGY PIC:grin: My hair is alittle past my shoulders, but uneven. My ends are not split though, so I've decided to keep them as is and ONLY even them out once the shortest hairs reach APL. After I reach APL, then I will trim to even them up and keep growing. Don't feel bad, you're not alone. HTH:yep:
Yes, you sound like me in the very early stages. Actually I am kinda sorta still going through this. Collarbone is an awkard stage to get through.
Check out my fotki if u like.
When i first started the conscious hair growth thang, my hair had bangs right under my eyebrows, uneven from coloring my hair for the 2nd time...never again!!! The sides were scraggly and the back was the longest part, right at the end of my long neck.
I noticed after a few months of conditioner washing every other day and using topical growth aids as well as taking vitamins that i got to collarbone. I felt great to see progress, but I still did not feel comfortable to wear my hair out.
Few more months later, while keeping up with my routine, i noticed that I got below collarbone.
Reaching ur goal will happen, but u should take photos on ur cell phone at the least so u can refer to it whenever u r protective styling and feel unmotivated.
SL to APL can be hard because there r so many points to get past...:wallbash:
neck :wallbash:to touching shoulder :wallbash:to collarbone :wallbash:to under collarbone :wallbash:to almost at apl :look:to finally at apl:drunk:.
So far I feel as if i still have a chance to get to apl this Dec 07.
The in between stages are hard and awkward. I consider myself to still be in an awkward stage because I really don't want to rock my own hair until I can look down at my chest and see it sitting pretty.:grin:
Protective styling is and what will continue to get me through until i reach my ultimate goal.

Thank you ! no one has ever broken down Shoulder to APL like this , no wonder it feels like it's taking so long. We neglect to call out these little stages ,mini goals within a bigger goal..Ifeel inspired by this :grin:
My hair is just shoulder length at the moment, and it's awkward too. It just doesn't look right. It needs to be a lot longer, or needs a good cut to shape it up.

I'm thinking about getting braids too. Even though I only had them once, and they annoyed me so much I only had them for a month, and had problems when I took them out.... :ohwell: