Little Girls' Hair


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Little Girls\' Hair

At what age should little girls get their first trim? My 5 year old daughter (
, more like >
) has never gotten a trim and her ends are dry and slightly frizzy.
I'm thinking if I clipped her ends her hair would look better. Am I like way late? Should I have clipped them along time ago? If not, should I wait on clipping them?

What do you guys think?

Also, if I SHOULD trim her ends, can you give me some tips or pointers? She has thick 3c hair. (Kinda like Cree Summer).

Re: Little Girls\' Hair

you can trim your dd's hair now, but i would advise putting it in twists, and then trimming while she's asleep. Or, if not asleep while she's colouring or deeply engaged. Sharp scissors and squirming children - shudder!
Re: Little Girls\' Hair

My dd's hair sounds similar in texture. Every so often, I'll cut her ends, while in plaits. I'll take about 1/4 inch off the ends. I do this 2-3 times a year. Other than that, she mostly wears her hair in French braids or plaits of some sort, to keep her hair protected. Whenever I let her wear her hair out, it gets too tangled & dry. I shampoo & condition her hair 1-2x a week & so far, we've had no problems.