Listerine as a relaxer base MY A$$!!!!

Girl u got played, by a hater:blush:. The only thing she should be using listerine for in a shop is to disinfect her tools, getting dye off her hands. That made no sense.

I sooooo mad at you!:look:

I concur. Maybe she was jealous of your beautiful, healthy tresses! Was anyone else in the salon when she did this?

I'm not here to judge or taunt. I've certainly sat through some salon stuff that I shouldn't have. I think it happens to a lot of people, because we make the (faulty) assumption that the stylist is a knowledgeable professional.

I do think that if this stylist is your friend you should tell her that your scalp was sore and tender and that it's not a good idea for her to continue to use Listerine. You should tell that you've heard people use seabreeze or an antiseptic after a relaxer.

Who knows how many people she has done this to or will do it to if you don't speak up. So, if she's your friend and you want her to maintain her license and her income say something to her.

Just my two cents. Hope your hair/scalp is recovering.

Good advice and thank you. i certaily did tel her today. i know now that she got this mixed up with the seabreaze/listerine on the scalp after the relaxer..Problem mistake could cause of world damage.
thanks again though.
Aww, I'm glad you aren't upset by some of the jokes. If this story is real, I feel bad. I really hope you will stand up for yourself next time you go to a salon. You had to know that wasn't right. Please watch out for yourself and don't let people do things like this to you!
Me too.:nono:

I'm not that surprised by this story,what crazy things have we all done to our hair before LHCF due to ignorance and when I think on some of the bandwagons(you know what I'm talking about) here Listerine as relaxer base is not as shocking as some might think it is.
Me too.:nono:

I'm not that surprised by this story,what crazy things have we all done to our hair before LHCF due to ignorance and when I think on some of the bandwagons(you know what I'm talking about) here Listerine as relaxer base is not as shocking as some might think it is.

OT, Ella your hair looks great girlie!!!
wait! are you serious?

i mean...are you serious?

please everyone realize that these are chemicals! OP - i'm so sorry this happened to you but you have to learn to take better care of your head! hope it stops hurting soon

P.S. please go to a doctor
lilmae, you may want to go to a dermatologist even if your scalp feels better now to ensure that permanent damage to your scalp has not occurred. Additionally, you may want to seriously reconsider letting that person do your hair again even if she is your friend, I would never let her touch my head again if I were you. I'd hate to read that she's done irreversible damage to your scalp or hair follicles in the future.
That hurts just reading about it!

I have never in my life heard of such! :nono:

Try using Aloe Vera Gel and Vitamin E. In the future, if someone wants to try something on you that sounds off the wall, just say, "No!" If it's so great, then they should be enjoying the benefits of it, themselves.

I hope that your scalp will be okay.
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:look: I can't even believe this thread. But I hope that you and your scalp recover. I can't even imagine how that must have felt! I can barely use Listerine as directed. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck.
Okay, not to overreact or anything but you should seriously consider calling your state cosmetology board about this. There was no hint of professional judgment in what she did.

Was she trying to sabotage you, perhaps?

I am late to this post but was going to say that you had to do this as well. The board will either suspend or license or revoke it. They can't do it unless you report her and the salon. Ladies the board of cosmetology in your given state has a database of all it's licensed stylists. It's public record and I higly advise everyone going to a new stylist to see if their license is in good standing, any disciplinarian actions etc.

Sweetie you have been on thisb board for more than a minute. Why on earth did you accept this treatment from her? I hope you are feeling better.
Super duper late....

Please keep us updated on how things turn out for you...

I am curious to see photographs...

I would take pictures and be very,very careful about documenting everything. I put the "friendship" stuff aside when it comes to my well being. Please do not take this lightly. She does not need to be doing ANYBODY else's hair, EVER....







So funny you say that because I had something similar happen to me with the sea breeze and rinsing my hair after a relaxer. I equate my hair falling out to this experience :(
Wow...I'm really sorry this happened...some people are truly in the wrong business and your stylist seems to be one of them :evil:...I hope there are no other adverse reactions...please keep us informed.
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No - not as a base. I've heard of using listerine or Sea Breeze after neutralizing the relaxer to eliminate and heal any potential burns.

Not before the relaxer. All that will do is open your pores.

THat stinks!! I hope you didn't pay them.

Listerine burns the crap out of my mouth much less putting it on my scalp. Wow.

I've never heard of anything that crazy in my life.

It sounds like it did more harm than good.
Ummm ..... Okay so I read all of the pages of this thread and you still didn't answer whether or not you paid her?? PLEASE tell us that you didn't!!
Did you cry when she was doing it? I mean you must've winced (sp?) in pain or something? There was no body language from you telling her you were uncomfortable and on fire?? Most stylists ask you 50 gazilliion times "is it burning" even when they've based your head with a real base!!!! This is so crazy!!!
I hope you at least went to the doctor!
Okay so I'm at the salon and my new growth is off the chain so it's touch up time> I was afraid of my scalp burning so I asked her to base me well. She says Oh gilr I'll put some listerine on's the best base around.

I skeptically said "okay"

3 minutes in and my scalp is on fire... not from the relaxer cuz that ain't even on yet..but from the listerine!!!:burnup: Then comes the relaxer! It was all bad. I got telaxed cuz I couldn't take it.

Has this ever worked for anyone?

My scalp is still burning two hours later.

Not all bad news though. I did have the stylist use AO Hunersuckle Rose as my deep condition and CHI silk infusion prior to styling..the hair looks awesome but the scalp thing ain't no joke..moral to the story... stick to a nice thick petroleum base..for real for real!

Oh Listerine is has alcohol in it, pretty much the worst drying effect ever...that's why it burns when you rinse your mouth out with it. What a crazy idea.
Hey, Lilamae, I hope your scalp is feeling better. What a terrible thing to happen. :nono:

If you're still looking for some healing relief, pure aloe vera gel is excellent. My mother used it on her skin after radiation treatment and even her doctors were amazed at the speed of her recovery from the radiation burns.

Your stylist was certainly confused, as listerine or seabreeze should not be used until at least 3-4 days after a relaxer to clease your pores of excess chemicals. What the listerine did was remove the protective sebum from your skin before applying the relaxer, which is not good. That's why relaxer instructions always reads "do not wash your hair at least 48-72 hours before relaxing" as not to disrupt your skin's natural protection.

Good luck with your healing! :)
Okay so I'm at the salon and my new growth is off the chain so it's touch up time> I was afraid of my scalp burning so I asked her to base me well. She says Oh gilr I'll put some listerine on's the best base around.

I skeptically said "okay"

3 minutes in and my scalp is on fire... not from the relaxer cuz that ain't even on yet..but from the listerine!!!:burnup: Then comes the relaxer! It was all bad. I got telaxed cuz I couldn't take it.

Has this ever worked for anyone?

My scalp is still burning two hours later.

Not all bad news though. I did have the stylist use AO Hunersuckle Rose as my deep condition and CHI silk infusion prior to styling..the hair looks awesome but the scalp thing ain't no joke..moral to the story... stick to a nice thick petroleum base..for real for real!

um , of course not but thats ME. just like people follow all kinds of unheard of **** thats posted on this website. what works for some, sometimes doesnt work for others. but believe she would most likely have a case if she decided to sue that lady.

sue??? i feel the idea, but if this chick is using listerine as a relaxer base, chances are she doesn't have any money to sue *for* :perplexed

maybe after the lawyer takes his/her cut, the OP would have about $6 left to her name, and minty fresh stylist would be back doin hair in somebody's basement before the end of the week :rolleyes:

now you can get $200 worth of opinion out of your $5 here, but $6 can't buy you too much common sense, and that's what the OP REALLY needs about now....:ohwell:

report the stylist AND the salon, please.
You know I saw this thread for a while and I REALLY REALLY thought it was a joke. I mean REALLY. Listerine?!? WTH?????

OP, take it as a lesson learned sweetheart. I think after that I would never set foot in another salon. :nono: I'd be too traumatized. Hell I'm traumatized and it aint even happen to me!
yeah it was traumitizing to say the least..but 1 week later and my scalp is doing very well. I have been nuturing it everyday.