"Listen to your hair"


New Member
Hi! I've been Natural since I did my big chop in January after 2 months of growing my perm out. As my hair grows I'mm learning that it requires more and more maintenance. I have course 4a hair about 2 inches in length. I moisturize morning and night (usually), cowash every other day and have to detangle once/week or else it knots. I use a lot of coconut oil and CD Hair milk, cantu hair strengthener and hair growth to moisturize and I seal with CD Lisa's hair elixir which has peppermint oil, almond oil and sage oil.

My question is how do you know what your hair likes and doesn't like? My hair was extremely unhealthy when I started my transition so I just know it's a lot healthier now but I feel like it could be better. I am gonna stop with the CD Hair Milk because it does nothing for me. I've heard people say their hair hates coconut oil. How would I know if mine does as well? Any suggestions or tips? :spinning:

This is my hair after dyeing, detangling using Dr Miracle DC, with coconut oil, Cantu, and elixir in it.
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My hair is cool with coconut oil, to an extent. If I use it too much, my hair is very hard to detangle, like the strands are stuck together. I would say, if your hair feels good and is easy to care for when it's wet AND when it's dry, you are doing fine. For example, there would be times when my hair would feel great when wet, but dry crispy or with a bad texture (coated, or just generally with a yucky feeling). Does your hair feel good to the touch? Do you have a lot of broken hairs? Does it take you an excessively long time to care for it? Is it hard to manipulate? I feel that those are some signs that something needs to change.

Mostly, there is a lot of trial and error.
My hair is course so it's always kind of crunchy. But idk if that is something that can improve or if it's just how my hair is.
I lose a lot of hairs in a day but it's always from the root while I'm washing it.
My hair is course so it's always kind of crunchy. But idk if that is something that can improve or if it's just how my hair is.
I lose a lot of hairs in a day but it's always from the root while I'm washing it.

That's great that you have no broken hairs! Some of the crunchy feeling could be coming from the coconut oil, or that you use a lot of protein products. But since you don't have a lot of broken hairs, it might not be the protein. It seems to be quite common for those with a TWA to experience dryness, or hard hair. It will likely get better with time as your hair grows out.
Do you deep condition? That can make a big difference in your hair. Use a dc weekly with a plastic cap and a mild heat source (body heat under a scarf and warm towel, bonnet dryer, steamer, or heat cap).

The only way for you to know what works and what doesn't is to experiment. Coconut oil is fine for my hair, as is protein of all types. If you have course (thick individual strands) hair, your hair might not be too fond of too much protein or coconut oil.
I BC'ed on Christmas Eve and have about the same amount of hair as you.

Like the other ladies said, it is a lot of trial and error to figure out what your hair likes and dislikes. For example, I KNOW that my hair does not like too much coconut oil (I can use products that have coconut oil in them though just not too high up on the ingredients list) yet last weekend, I used coconut oil to prepoo (HV vatika frosting) and as the base to my DC (HV sitrinillah). My hair felt great while wet but the next day, I had dry brittle hair. I had to cowash and DC every day for 3 days to be my hair back together.
Anything that makes my hair dry, crunchy, or greasy is a no no. I look for products that leave my hair feeling soft and moisturized.

After I BC'd I had to DC weekly and moisturize daily for probably a couple of years before my hair was finally in better condition. Now I DC twice a month and don't moisturize until my next wash.
It sounds like you are giving your hair enough protein and I am curious if you are giving it enough moisture to create a healthy balance. I second what Froreal3 said about getting a deep conditioning session in weekly with heat. It make take a few treatments to notice a difference but keep at it, I am sure it will pay off.

Oh, and I agree that it takes a lot of trial and error too. If you can get your protein/moisture balance together, you have won half the battle ... good luck!
I just did a DC after I dyed my hair Saturday. I've cut back on the coconut oil. I do think my hair likes it but I was using it morning and night. Gonna use it at night with a moisturizer before i tie it down.