Is it just me or sealing with oil makes your hair dry out?


New Member
If I moisturize and I dont seal, my hair stays moisturized for at least 2 days. But if I moisturize and seal with coconut oil, avocado oil or caster oil my hair will need moisture the next day. And this happens when my hair is wet or dry.I moisturize with 14 in 1 or mango butter. Has anyone noticed this?
You know, I ran out of Hydratherma Natural Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion, and my hair seems to be a little bit drier than normal, and I have been sealing with oils and vaseline, and nothing seems to work, my ends are just dry, but I have used HairVeda's Oil and my ends are doing somewhat better. I have notice that moisturizer is better for my ends than oil, oil is better for my scalp actually.
Dry?? Maybe a little stiff with the castor oil. Avocado has the highest protein content of any oil and coconut oil also has an affinity for hair proteins and they both penetrate so maybe that's an issue for you. Have you tried any other oils? I started using jojoba with shea butter and my hair feels super soft.
Dry?? Maybe a little stiff with the castor oil. Avocado has the highest protein content of any oil and coconut oil also has an affinity for hair proteins and they both penetrate so maybe that's an issue for you. Have you tried any other oils? I started using jojoba with shea butter and my hair feels super soft.
I never thought these oils had protein in them :thought: I've never tried anyother kind of oils before.:nono:
My hair feels much better when I seal with the oils. My faves are the Hairveda Cocasta , Vatika Frosting and Moroccan Oil. I also use Jane Carter Solutions Nourish and Shine which is an oil based moisturizer with shea butter, leaves my hair super soft!
I don't seal with oil anymore, for this reason. Now I use either/or, not both. If I need moisturizer, I use that. If I need oil, then I use that.