Originally Posted by Ann0804
I don't like when people say "kinky hair" what is kinky hair- kinky is used to describe a type of sex so I don't know how it came to be referred to a type of hair.
A kink is a sharp curl. Curls are c or s shaped. Kinks are not quite curls but not straight. @
Nonie can describe it better she has a handy chart...
Ann0804 words have more than one meaning. A kink is a sharp bend or curve in something that is usually straight.
These hoses have a kink in them:
...so that if you tried to pass water through them, it probably would not be able to get past the kink.
This link shows you how to create a kink in a wire.
Now the word kinky. It refers to something with "tight bends" as opposed to loose bends. If you took a wire that was coiled and instead of rolling as shown in the first image below, you pulled out one end and uncoiled it as shown in the second image, you'd end up with a lot of kinks along the length of the wire:
To me 4B hair is made of a lot of tight bends that are repeated along the length of the hair. Kinks that are back to back creating a coil shape. A coil shape that is also the same shape seen in hair that we refer to as curly. The word "kinky" just makes it clear that the coils in question are made of tight bends (ie tiny bends). If we just say curly hair, we could mean curly like 4B hair is, whose curls are so tiny...
...that we have to get real close to see them:
...or we could mean curly like 4A hair whose curls though small can be seen from a distance is:
...or we could mean curly like type 3C hair is:
...or we could mean curly like type 3B-ish hair whose curls are bigger than 3C curls:
...or we could mean curly like type 3A hair which has the largest curls; curls so big that they flop and form very loose coils:
All those patterns look like a coil, which is what makes them fall under the description "curly". But notice, the bigger the curls are, the more obvious it is that the hair is curly. When it comes to 4B hair, the curls are so small because the bends are sharp and tight (= tiny) that calling it curly, while true, would not be as accurate as calling it kinky (or nappy... *shrug*)
Kinky/nappy are accurate descriptions of my hair and because I love language, I am thankful that there are words that paint such a precise picture of the hair I grow so that no one would confuse my type of coils with say the coils that Bette Midler has.
Referring to type 4 hair as COILY doesn't tell anyone who's not a hair forum fanatic that you don't mean type 3C or 3B or 3A. Why? Coz type 3 hair too does looks just like a coil:
Calling 4B hair kinky/nappy makes it very clear, that one is referring to TIGHTLY COILED (curled) hair.