List the Setbacks You Suffered That You Want Others to Avoid


Active Member
Every now and then we get some sad thread regarding a horrible setback a fellow member has suffered from. I thought it would be good to have a central place for some to share their stories of pitfalls they want other to avoid.

I haven't really had any set backs lately, but my older sister who was near midback was chopped to shoulder length becuz a stylist claimed she damaged her hair after 4 days in Hawaii becuz she did not wash the clorine out of her hair good enuf:rolleyes:. They was no attempt to remedy the damage rather than whip out a pair of scissors and cut her glory down to size. She has been struggling to get back ever since. I guess everything above her shoulders didn't suffer from any clorine damage right:rolleyes: haters:nono:
OMG, that's awful!
Haterade is just off the chain with some people.

I don't have anything too serious to add other than constant trimming.
Before I joined hairboards, it was no big deal for me to trim several inches off my hair just to even things out, and had I not trimmed so much in the past, I'd be closer to BSL now rather than shooting for APL.

If you're a low-mani, low/no-heat lady, you can afford to stay away from the shears!!
Every now and then we get some sad thread regarding a horrible setback a fellow member has suffered from. I thought it would be good to have a central place for some to share their stories of pitfalls they want other to avoid.

I haven't really had any set backs lately, but my older sister who was near midback was chopped to shoulder length becuz a stylist claimed she damaged her hair after 4 days in Hawaii becuz she did not wash the clorine out of her hair good enuf:rolleyes:. They was no attempt to remedy the damage rather than whip out a pair of scissors and cut her glory down to size. She has been struggling to get back ever since. I guess everything above her shoulders didn't suffer from any clorine damage right:rolleyes: haters:nono:

What a hater. I went to the pool all the time in the summer without a cap on my hair, and just go home and wash it out, and my hair was still healthy and thick,as a matter of fact, I went to the pool 5 times a week. She was just hating on her length, like you stated, only her ends were ruin, but all her hair was filled with cholirine. I posted a smiliar sticky about my hair experience. Called Salon Disaster, its been 1 year and a half, and my hair is still thin on one side, but its getting there. We have to take care of our own hair. Sorry to hear that about her.
Every now and then we get some sad thread regarding a horrible setback a fellow member has suffered from. I thought it would be good to have a central place for some to share their stories of pitfalls they want other to avoid.

I haven't really had any set backs lately, but my older sister who was near midback was chopped to shoulder length becuz a stylist claimed she damaged her hair after 4 days in Hawaii becuz she did not wash the clorine out of her hair good enuf:rolleyes:. They was no attempt to remedy the damage rather than whip out a pair of scissors and cut her glory down to size. She has been struggling to get back ever since. I guess everything above her shoulders didn't suffer from any clorine damage right:rolleyes: haters:nono:

Why are so many hair dressers like this :wallbash:. This is why I'm scared to go the hairdressers. TERRIBLE :nono:.
Now, yesterday, I was driving past a hairdressers I USED TO go to :driver: . I saw one of the ladies that work there come outside and I was just like: :eek2: OMG!...
In February, this lady had the ordasity to tell me that the breakage and balding I experienced due to a weave put in by another hairdresser in that darn shop was my fault. Shoot, I did't put it in! :bat:

Then she proceeded to tell me..."look she does my hair all the time, I have no problems". NOW THIS WOMAN HAD LIKE AN INCH AND A HALF OF DRY, DYED RED, DAMAGED, PATCHY A$$ HAIR ALL OVER HER M-F'IN HEAD :nono:.
Yesterday, that hair had gotton worse yo... I DIDN'T THINK IT COULD GET ANY WORSE YO...It was more broken and damaged than before! Still red though...this was not a haircut I was witnessing :lachen:.

The hairdresser that did my hair didn't exactly have healthy hair either. I mean, it was dry, overprocessed, patchy in the back and front, about neck length and put into a 'ponytail' :rolleyes: .

Even the store owner (and supposed hairdresser) who got her hair done by this lady had some serious damaged hair :nono: .


This all happened before I found LHCF and before I was botherd with my hair :wallbash:.
What the h3ll was I thinkin'.


this is what I don't get. no one will listen to us "healthy-headed" (some long and healthy) people, but will swear by their bald-headed hairdresser. :rolleyes:
That's terrible about your sister. I bet that stylist was not only jealous that your sister's hair was so long, but she went to Hawaii, too.

My setback was that I kept giving my former stylist chances. I kept trying to reason with her, telling her that I was taking better care of my ends and I didn't need a trim as often. I also kept telling her that I wanted less hair trimmed when I did get a trim. I finally learned that she would keep arguing against me, cutting the amount that she wanted to cut and pressuring me to get trims more often. I got rid of her a little over a year ago.
this is what I don't get. no one will listen to us "healthy-headed" (some long and healthy) people, but will swear by their bald-headed hairdresser. :rolleyes:

Let the church say AMEN!!!

I've had two setbacks.

One was a few months ago when I was co washing every day. After I co washed I would comb and BRUSH my hair back into a bun. I was kinda rough with the brush too, cause I figured the brush wouldn't do any damage since it was a boar bristle brush. WRONG!! The next time I relaxed, I had NO progress! I was so sad and disappointed. Ladies, don't brush wet hair!

The other one was when I used that garbage :censored: Optimum Oil Therapy conditioner. Before I put it on, I started feeling really nervous and my stomach was turning. I ignored my intuition and used it anyway. My hair hasn't been the same since. It's breaking, dull, rough.... I've tried clarifying, chelating, deep conditioning, steaming, co washing. Nothing has brought my hair back from that :censored: conditioner :swearing: If you have a feeling that you shouldn't use a certain product, DON'T use it!!!
That's terrible about your sister. I bet that stylist was not only jealous that your sister's hair was so long, but she went to Hawaii, too.


The other one was when I used that garbage :censored: Optimum Oil Therapy conditioner. Before I put it on, I started feeling really nervous and my stomach was turning. I ignored my intuition and used it anyway. My hair hasn't been the same since. It's breaking, dull, rough.... I've tried clarifying, chelating, deep conditioning, steaming, co washing. Nothing has brought my hair back from that :censored: conditioner :swearing: If you have a feeling that you shouldn't use a certain product, DON'T use it!!!

Thanks for the tip. I'll be avoiding that product!
ewww ladies these are good, keep them coming.... Me on the other hand thinking i was cute a few years back gluing in my weave... ha, i would prolly be bsl or better now... whew, what a dummy!!!
my first setback was in Oct when I had my first Dom blowout. my hair looked great, but she cut off a lot of progress, my hair broke of so much, so much breakage. I'm still growing out some areas like the top of my head, middle, front hairline. :nono: some areas were less than 1/2 inch from the excessive breakage. and I went in with mbl. I'll never get another blowout.

my current setback now is still breakage, my ends look thin, one side is longer than the other, weird layers all over, lots of tangles, too. I really don't want to cut it, I'm hoping it just all catches up....eventually.:ohwell:
OMG... I could go on for days and days and days
pre-LHCF ofcourse... I don't make anymore mistakes...
ok... I try really hard not to...
the worst thing I do now is by my SOs...
I don't have brushes in my house...
i threw them away (boar bristle)
he does... and every now and then
I use it... yeah... I'm bad like that...
but I used to brush my hair everyday b4 LHCF...
that's the simplest thing I did that had a huge impact
or else ease up on using them on an everyday basis
I would be BSL now if it was not for the permanent color I put in my hair. Additionally, my edges would be stronger and fuller had I not wore tight scarfs to make a puff when I first went natural. I am also a reformed trimmer. I swear it is amazing I had hair before I found this board.
I took the no combing thing a little to far. I'm 4a/b and I stretch relaxers, but somehow I thought I could detangle with only a extra wide tooth shower comb. Well by the time relaxer time came I was stuck with a head full of knots.

Now, I make sure to use a extra wide and wide tooth comb to detangle wet hair. After it's dry I use my fingers to thoroughly detangle.
I took the no combing thing a little to far. I'm 4a/b and I stretch relaxers, but somehow I thought I could detangle with only a extra wide tooth shower comb. Well by the time relaxer time came I was stuck with a head full of knots.

Now, I make sure to use a extra wide and wide tooth comb to detangle wet hair. After it's dry I use my fingers to thoroughly detangle.

I did the same thing about a year ago. Big mistake!
Great thread. Once I took out a sew-in and applied Alma oil on it and let is set BEFORE I combed and detangeld my hair...a big no no:nono::nono::nono:! After I washed my hair and then tried to detangle it, it was a matted mess and I lost so much hair...MAJOR SETBACK
Ladies I've had the setback of all setbacks and there is really no comeback for a few years.

I gave myself a couple bad perms. My hair got really tangled once, so I lost a lot and the next bad perm, a big section in the back just plumb fell out.

So now I have these long bra-strap length sides, the hair in the back is paper thin and a few inches past my shoulders and underneath it is 1/2 long hair.

Can we say "a mess."? Now my only hope is to wear sew-ins for a few years to get the other hair to catch up. It's either that or ponytails and buns everyday. :wallbash:

I'm really still in shock that I let this happen!

Warning: Ladies, please be careful with the home perms!
Don't cut your DRY ends just because they're DRY. They probably just need moisture :yep:

I made the mistake of trimming off my hair when I first went natural cuz the ends were dry. I was mistaking dry hair for damaged/split hair.
I have been a self-relaxer for many years. Well, in December 2005 (before I found hairboards), I decided that the back of my hair was "resistant," and I needed to let the relaxer marinade on that section a little 15 minutes longer, for a total of 30 minutes! To make matters worse, I had even pulled the relaxer down the length of my hair, with no protective barrier (i.e. conditioner, oil, etc.) on my previously-relaxed ends. When I finally rinsed the relaxer out, the nape was basically gone, and I had breakage throughout the back section...pieces as long as 3-4" long had just broken off. Before this incident, the length of my hair was between shoulder and armpit, but after the damage, the ends of that section barely reached the bottom of my neck!

As a result, I began to regularly moisturize that section, stopped using all direct heat, and began shortening my relaxing time (texlaxing). Six months later (June 2006), I found hairboards and now my hair is thick, healthy and brastrap. I still self-relax, but I have a much better understanding of what I am doing now. My nape has grown back and is now the same length as the rest of my hair.
wash your sew-ins.
wash your braids.
don't use synthetic wefts for your weaves, especially ones provided by your stylist.
everyone who "specializes in natural hair" doesn't.
don't use the dark and lovely at-home permanent color.
just because a stylist puts said color in your hair doesn't make it professional.
don't skip the DC when you go to get a blowout.
you don't have to trim for growth.
Before LHCF I colored my hair and didn't condition it at all. :eek: The result was broken pieces of hair everytime I even looked at my hair much less touch/comb/brushing it. :nono:

After joining LHCF I braided my hair and didn't moisturize it while braided, the result? Broken pieces of dry hair upon taking down the braids 3 to 4 inches in length. :wallbash:

Great thread! :up:
On this journey I have found that:
  • Baggying is wrong for my hair
  • Brushing is wrong for my hair
  • Glue-in weave is wrong for my hair
  • Tree-braids are wrong for my hair
  • Self-relaxing never really came out the way I wanted:ohwell:
  • Texlaxing and stretching past 10 weeks didn't work well for me
  • Using tight ouchless bands on wet hair:nono:
I have fine 4B hair
Co-signing on that one. I now make sure my ends stay moisturized so I don't sacrifice any healthy ends:ohwell:

Don't cut your DRY ends just because they're DRY. They probably just need moisture :yep:

I made the mistake of trimming off my hair when I first went natural cuz the ends were dry. I was mistaking dry hair for damaged/split hair.
My set back is kind of a personal problem, I'm sicssor happy. I love blunt cuts and if I ever think that my ends are thin, I have no problem cutting them, even when there is no problem. I just somehow convince myself that there is a problem just to cut my hair. I REALLY have to work on that.
Using too much protein. Don't use heavy protein treatments you are sure that your hair really needs it!
It's very important to check your health if you want your hair to get longer. I ignored my anemia for years and it gave me breakage repeatedly thus keeping me from a year's worth of progress. Now i take my vits religiously.