Liquid Vitamins and MSM OK together?

The Girl

Well-Known Member
Ok I went to VitaminShoppe to cash in my Rewards certificate. I wanted Liquid vitamins bc I am tired of taking 7 pills in the morning!. I looked at this one
. I have anemia and it has iron.
---Ok, my question is it contains PABA and says not to take with Sulfamides. Does MSM have sulfamide? I asked the muscle head there what those were...he says;" I dunno, probably something that occurs naturally in nature". I stared at him like he had a horn growing out of his head. The computer there only let me access so I couldn't ask you all yesterday. I am looking at some old threads about liquid vitamins and I see a few of you take them with your msm but I want to be sure and safe
I use, and love both MSM & Source of Life liquid multi. The warning on the label is in regards to sulfonamides, which are a class of antibiotics (also known as "sulfa drugs"). More info about types of sulfonamides can be found here. MSM contains NO sulfonamides. You should be fine!:)