Lil' Patch Of Scab Hair (pics)


A fleck on His Sword
I have been natural for 20 years, so there is no chemical residue left in my hair. Before oil rinsing made coils appear, this lil' piece got on my nerves because it would create massive webbing on the crown about the size of a silver bullion coin (1.6" or 40.6 mm). I just took extra care of that area, not thinking it was actually different than the rest of my hair.

Now, it likes to stick up like a Dennis-the-Menace cowlick. I tried twirling it to get it to match my hair, but it acts up as you can see in this pic below:


It is hard to see, but the texture is rough, stiff, and dry no matter what. The root area does not form a slight crimp like the rest of my hair does, just fizz.

Here is a comparison pic of it with a coil right next door:

Others have verified the texture difference, so it is not in my head. If anyone has any info about solving this condition, let me know.
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This is part of the hair in my crown area...while it doesn't stick up no matter what I do it is drier than the rest of my hair, gets frizzy first and fast and won't really clump and coil like the rest of my hair. I keep it extra moisturized but mostly ignore it and live with's the one area of my hair that won't let me be great especially with a WnG.
Would it work to just cut it low and blend it in?
Nah, I beat it down and keep an eye on it. Maybe this could be a public service announcement reminder to "base your scalps" or encourage others to find a solution. I wonder if using straight vitamin E oil after a chemical treatment would help prevent this from happening.
Okay why do you call it scab hair, was yours damaged from a relaxer or heat? My crown area is just a different texture from the rest if my hair. My crown and front are 3c and the rest is 3b.
My crown reacts exactly like this, but if I moisturize it clumps. I have cut it down to maybe 2 inches. Not a good idea if your unruly portion is longer than a half dollar:badidea:
My hair over my left ear is not like the rest of my hair. I usually coil it if I want it blend in with the rest of my hair. It's a lot frizzy than the other parts of my hair. I have no explanation for it.
Okay why do you call it scab hair, was yours damaged from a relaxer or heat? My crown area is just a different texture from the rest if my hair. My crown and front are 3c and the rest is 3b.
I believe either thio or no-lye relaxer damaged the follicles; I have not used heat in years. I call it scab hair because it is so rough, hard, has no pattern to it like the rest of my 4A/B hair. There a few 4c coffee stirrers scattered throughout and even they don't act up like this.
Not a good idea if your unruly portion is longer than a half dollar
The scab hair is as long as the rest. If I get lazy, it will make a section of my head a tangly mess.
I have a section like this and it actually breaks off so it's shorter then the rest of my hair and it snags
Ouch! This patch starts splitting when I get past 10". Do you do anything to keep it from messing with the rest?
My hair over my left ear is not like the rest of my hair. I usually coil it if I want it blend in with the rest of my hair. It's a lot frizzy than the other parts of my hair. I have no explanation for it.
What do you do to make it behave?
I believe either thio or no-lye relaxer damaged the follicles; I have not used heat in years. I call it scab hair because it is so rough, hard, has no pattern to it like the rest of my 4A/B hair. There a few 4c coffee stirrers scattered throughout and even they don't act up like this.

The scab hair is as long as the rest. If I get lazy, it will make a section of my head a tangly mess.

Ouch! This patch starts splitting when I get past 10". Do you do anything to keep it from messing with the rest?

What do you do to make it behave?
I put extra gel on it. I'll finger coil that part. I can also cover it with my other hair. It's the only part of my hair that doesn't really curl up. I've thought about cutting it but I think it will just grow the same so I really just leave it alone.
Maybe the PH balance is off in this section of your head. When my crown was like this I did ACV rinses once a week and that took care of the problem.
I have done a ACV spritz on it before and after washing. It will form a frizzy crinkle that behaves, but it unravels the next day.
Who knew there was a term for this?! I too am a victim, I just thought it was a moisture issue, but as another poster said, when I add moisture it does nothing but clump together. Maybe I'll try twisting it while wet and see how that goes....otherwise I will continue to leave it be.
I have done a ACV spritz on it before and after washing. It will form a frizzy crinkle that behaves, but it unravels the next day.
I don't know about a spritz, but, what I used to do was after washing and conditioning I would pour a solution of ACV and water over my head and let it sit for a minute or two then rinse with cold water. My mixture was 1 part ACV to three parts water. I did this once a week but I saw results right away.

You can also try a protein treatment and follow that up with a moisturizing deep conditioner.
When using treatments protein moisture whatever, be sure to apply product to your problem area 1st. DC ing several times a week, helped with my scab hair after I decided to stop cutting it!
Baby the area and a change gon come! Do not cut it, it will spring right back up notnin formation! Be heavy handed with your product application in that area.
My scab hair is at my nape on the left side. It is so rough. Not even gel will tame it when I'm wearing my hair up or in a puff. I resorted to relaxing the patch but even that doesn't really help because it's now breaking off. I'm gonna try the ACV, but at least you can hide/blend yours in with the rest of your hair.
When using treatments protein moisture whatever, be sure to apply product to your problem area 1st. DC ing several times a week, helped with my scab hair after I decided to stop cutting it!
Baby the area and a change gon come! Do not cut it, it will spring right back up notnin formation! Be heavy handed with your product application in that area.
Yeah, I agree. My crown was like this. The hair and scalp looked and felt different, and my hair was definitely shorter. Surprisingly, installing a filter made the hair feel better, and after constantly moisturizing the area to death it is now as springy, curly, and long as the rest. I didn't have to trim the surrounding areas either, my crown just caught up.
I use a 2:1 ratio of water/ACV in a spray bottle so I can saturate the section while avoiding the rest of my hair. It just will not cooperate. My scalp gets flaky from conditioners, so I stopped using them.

My thing is why is it growing like this in the first place. The rest of my hair is in great condition; I guess I will have to set it in a hard gel cast as my hair grows.