Lifting your hair color without bleach


New Member

Not sure if this has been covered before. (I'm sure it has) But I'm looking to lift the color of my hair before doing a henna treatment so I can get the color results.

I saw this video online. Do you think this will be just as damaging as bleach?

What if I lifted my hair with this?

Here's another option I can use. I understand that it's lifting the hair color, but is it considered as harsh as bleaching the hair?

I'm also thinking, since I'd be doing henna and DC and protein treatments every 2-4 weeks after this, would my hair bounce back if I do sustain any damage?
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I wouldn't want to use baking soda at full strength. I have used hydrogen peroxide an it turned my hair orange and took a few henna treatments to get to the color I wanted. It took about a week of daily peroxide treatments to get the result I wanted. There's always the sun in products if you want to try that as the main ingredient is basically hydrogen peroxide.

Bleach isn't so bad if you do it in increments and do a test patch first. With hydrogen peroxide, the color isn't predictable or constant so you may be left with a shade that you don't care for. But what I did for mine was fill a spray bottle with whatever amount I will use up that night and saturate my hair with it and baggy overnight. I will cowash in the morning and repeat everyday before bed for a few days to a week.. If you don't want brassy orange edges, I would avoid that area.

Also henna is very protein acting so I wouldn't do it with protein treatments back to back unless it's a henna gloss. Always be sure to follow up with a moisture rich DC after as well.
Using peroxide in this form makes the color outcome hard to control. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't hydrogen peroxide the same ingredient in hair bleach?

I say just get it professionally done and have the stylist stop the lifting at the color you desire from henna.