Lies uncovered on Youtube -- A Testimony


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Hebrews 4:13
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

I love this scripture. God’s Word is true. As a mother of three, I’ve always told my children “I will not follow behind you to find out what you’re doing. If you’re doing wrong, God will uncover it.” Well, I’m here to give you a testimony, especially any of you who are parents – God’s word is true. God is a parent’s best advocate. God is so awesome that He will cause a person to expose their own sin without them evening know it. I am praising Him today for his awesome power! He is truly king of king and Lord of Lords.

Here’s my testimony:

My step-daughter knows that I (along with another young lady at the church where I belong) have a serious passion about talking to young women about finding their value in the Lord. So, she sends me a message telling me about a channel on Youtube called Twerk Team. (Yes, I’m very late in learning about twerking, but I’m sure I’m not the only adult only 40 who is asking, “what is twerking.”) So, back to my story: My step-daughter goes on to describe the Twerk Team’s channel and makes it sound as if she’s really against it, even declaring that she and her friends don’t do anything like that. At the time it didn’t raise any red flags for me, but this weekend my older daughter shares with me that my step-daughter (the very one who told me about Twerk Team and assured me that she wasn’t a part of it) has a channel on YouTube, too. Can you guess what she’s doing in the videos? If you guessed “Twerking,” ding-ding-ding -- you win the prize! I go out to Youtube, do a little searching and there she is – bumping and grinding and gyrating. I didn’t know whether to be angry, sad or disappointed. Initially I felt a little bit of all those emotions, but then I remembered Hebrews 4:13 and I began rejoicing – rejoicing because unbeknownst to even herself, I believe (I KNOW) that God caused this child to reveal her own sin in what I believe was her plan to try and butter me and her father up for some money (we always know when she’s trying to hit us up for something when we get the text messages out the blue.) But even more than that, God is showing me that this is also a cry for attention and acceptance, and I know (because I’ve been there), that so many young many are willing to compromise themselves in extreme ways to feel that acceptance, but sadly, they don’t realize the price of their actions until the bill comes due. (I’m talking from experience.) Her father and I have not let on that we know just yet. Our first course of action is simply to begin praying because we know that this isn’t something we can deal with simply by sitting her down and fussing at her. This is a spiritual battle!

Anyway, I just wanted to share this story to shout the goodness of God and to share a word of encouragement for any mothers who are praying for God’s purpose to be made manifest in their children’s lives. Keep on praying! His promises are true and His word will not return to him void!

Be blessed!
Look at God...there's nothing he cant uncover. I think, for young girls, when they see how disappointed their father is with them, they tend to straighten up a little. Good luck with your step-daugther and let us know how the conversation goes.

WOW...I just looked at one of those videos. Its sad. They are crying for attention as most little girls do. All you can do is pray and tell them about the love God has for them. Oh and be very frank with them about the mind of a man.
Thank you prettyfaceANB. Yes, we will be very frank. As a matter of fact, we are collaborating with the young lady I mentioned in my post. We're giving a raw and uncut talk (well, as uncut as we can be at church) regarding sex and honoring your body this weekend. My husband will be sharing some "REAL" talk about how men view women in these situations.

After my break up, I too felt a passion for educating young girls about their value. God was so good to me, he revealed all my ex's lies and I had to come face-to-face with a broken man. Look at God...there's nothing he cant uncover. I think, for young girls, when they see how disappoint their father is with them, they tend to straighten up a little. Good luck with your step-daugther and let us know how the conversation goes.

WOW...I just looked at one of those videos. Its sad. They are crying for attention as most little girls do. All you can do is pray and tell them about the love God has for them. Oh and be very frank with them about the mind of a man.
Speak the TRUTH sister speak the TRUTH! This is how I handle my son. My church just had a Women's Confernce with Darlene Bishop and let me tell you- she spoke of her son and how when he was little and now as adult that the Holy Spirt always told her what she needed to know. WOW what an AWESOME God we serve.
Right now we're praying about it, especially since this isn't the first time we've come across something like this. The first time something like this occured, we saw a picture of her with this v-neck cardigan that you're supposed to wear something under, but she just had a bra on with some little lace bra-like camisole over it, but you could still see the bra.

Our young woman have been duped.

That's awful - I'm so glad you found out. How are you planning to handle it?

I had/have no idea what twerking is.
Wow :perplexed. I've never heard of twerking before....but you are so true God will always reveal what we try to hide, what happens in the dark will be revealed in the light.

I share your passion for our young women neenamj; the wool is thick and heavy over their eyes. I see some young women dressed like their going to the club in fishnets and stilettos at church! The enemy is going HARD at our youth, male and female. Keep praying, she will come around.