LHCF Trends - Do you follow them?

I really like your replies to this thread. They are so well thought out. You say it all very well I salute you!
this board is all about advice. when i hear about something that may remedy my current hair crisis, i give it a try. i don't believe i'm following a trend. I'm just trying to find answers to problems and achieve my goal length. As long as I have the money to spend on a few products here and there, I'll do it. If it doesn't work to fix the problem, i'll try something else until i'm happy with the results.
Yup, Black Cardinal your responses have been great and very much needed. I personally would view the techniques suggested here as trends and not the discovery of new products but since the trend was defined by products and not technique here goes...

To those who follow the LHCF trends: Me
How long is your hair now?
16 inches from scalp. It was 12.5 when I started in May.

Why must you try everything that is mentioned here on the board?
I don't try things because I MUST but because I WANT to. I personally have always been a PJ. I like trying new stuff in all aspects of my life and that runs over into hair. A lot of the things that catch on here I have used prior to it catching on so I don't know where that leaves me. Now as far as what I think a trend really is ie. air drying, wet flat ironing, vaseline, phony ponies, I think the only thing from these that I tried and continue to do when I want is airdrying. If it seems to risky (wet flat ironing)or unappealing (can't stand phony ponies) I won't do it.

Has trend following positively or negatively effected your hair?
Definetly positively. Airdrying repaired my hair the cheapest easist way in my opinion. I have also found some great conditioners here. I am double processed (and plan on continuing to be so )so I will never be able to grab any ole conditioner and go because my hair will go ... down the drain that is.

How has trend following effected your pocket book?
Not at all. I have a set amount of money that goes for fun things and it comes from there. If I didn't spend it on hair it would be spent on something else.

What trends are still a part of your normal hair routine?
I airdry when I am not braided and I will never not do pre shampoo treatments. Also I stay from scizzor happy stylists.

I had good hair care habits prior to discovering boards but boards have helped me fine tune these habits and also I learned here the importance of staying away from sizzor happy stylists for which I am forever indebted to Supergirl. I also think this board is really invaluable and I lear alot here without realizing it. After all if we were all so happy with what we had/knew before why would we be here?
I'm kind of new to the board, so I haven't really followed any of the trends so far.

I have picked up some good tips that I am now doing, for example, sleeping on a satin pillow and using vaseline on my ends.

I probably won't rush out to buy too many recommended must-have products just because I'm pretty happy with the products that I have been using for the past years.

My hair is past my bra strap (unless I'm wearing my low-in-the-back sportbras) and very healthy already.

I probably will never be much of a trend follower because I'm kind of scared to try new stuff (if it ain't broke, don't fix it) and also because I'm somewhat of a cheapskate.

What's really kind of *weird* though is how addictive this board is. Sometimes I have to tear myself away from spending so much time on the computer here. Who knew that hair stuff could be so fascinating!!
Nay said:

What's really kind of *weird* though is how addictive this board is. Sometimes I have to tear myself away from spending so much time on the computer here. Who knew that hair stuff could be so fascinating!!

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Tell me about it!!
I follow the one's that sound good to me! I did the surge thing, actually I'm starting again. I just have to not put it on two areas of my scalp because they get irritated by the surge. I thought that the surge was going to make my whole scalp break out, but I learned that it's not true.

I already stretch my relaxers out. i would do the bun, vaseline thingy but I don't have enough hair.

When i came here i had 4-5 inches of relaxed hair. now I have those same 4-5 inches with about 3 more inches of new growth. By the time of my next relaxer I should have almost 4 inches!
I agree with the other member it's all about advice and all of us agree that what works for me may not work for you but
there are alot of ladies here who I trust when it comes to hair knowledge and my hair is definitely the better for it, it's close to bra-strap and steady growin' Thanks! all of you ladies Go London it's your birthday! One thing about london diva she takes a gang of vitamins and has been taking them for years! (for hair growth) and she said she's never gotten an inch of growth in one month prior to surge! Oh! I know I'm about to order me some surge 2 bottles. peace
Hello everybody, I'm new here but I've been lurking for a while...

My hair is pretty long already (bra strap length) but it's not healthy due to too much coloring during the past year.

I rarely follow trends when it comes to products, but new gentle techniques to preserve the ends are always welcome.
I've used the same products for years and I judge the efficency of my products by how soft they make my hair. That is: not sticky, not hard, not difficult to comb. Just soft, shiny and good smelling hair.

My goal now is to grow out the color, grow my hair to my waist and just have healthy hair.

My hair care routine involves washing once or twice a week, use a lot of conditioner and a lot of leave in conditioner and wear my hair in a single braid or in a bun. Oh, and trimming the ends regularly. That is what has worked for me so far.
The only new thing I started this year is taking vitamins.
BlackCardinal said:
You know what I think it is? Once something catches on and people get interested, we get a whole bunch of threads about it at once because a large number of people start trying it at the same time. Eventually, everyone who is going to try it will do so, and make a decision as to whether or not it will stay in their regimen. They will post a yea or nay (which is why we have so many threads about the product for a while, as people report their results), and then there isn't much else to say about it. Why WOULD talk about a product continue on and on and on? Notice how after a while if a newbie comes on and it's the first time they've heard of LUST or conditioner washes or whatever, they are referred to older threads. No one wants to KEEP talking about the same thing for months. Besides that, I think the talk will die down for a while because after the initial "ooh it makes my newgrowth soft" threads, everyone will be waiting to see what the long-term effects are. There isn't anything to say in the meantime. I think honeydrop is right that the Surge talk will stop in a few weeks for this very reason. Everyone who has decided it's worth trying (like me
) will hunt some down in their area or go to walgreens.com and order some. Then we'll post our initial reactions. And then, those who can actually keep up with it will be spraying every day for the next however many weeks, waiting to see if it makes any difference. Every once in a while, during the "waiting" period, someone may post about a discovery or technique or complaint involving surge, but that will probably be it.

I wouldn't really consider something like LUST or the baggie method a fad because people are still using/doing them regularly. In my opinion, something could be considered a fad if everyone used it for a while and then everyone stopped and started using something else. That's not the same thing as everyone TALKING about something when they first try it, and then not posting about it anymore. That's really not an indication of whether or not they're still USING it. There's no reason to keep talking about something, even if you ARE still using it. Does that make sense?

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Good point!
How long is your hair now?
Fourteen inches, about an inch from my shoulders.

Why don't you follow the LHCF trends?
I am not consistent in anything so there is no point in wasting money.

Do you feel that your hair is better off in the long run because you are not a trend follower?
No. Not at all. I wish I could jump on a bandwagon long enough to see some real results. I don't even take Hair Energizers anymore.

How long have you been using the same products or routines?
I don't have a routine per se. I do wash my hair every day when I don't wear braids but I don't use the same products all the time.
I'm more about the technique trends than product recommendations. I think this comes as a result of me already having been through the product junkie phase when I first went natural (this was well before I joined LHC). After this period I realized that I needed to be a more skeptical consumer because 80% of the products I bought were ultimately useless.

If, however, a product trend passes my *skepticism tests* and may produce a result beyond what my staple products do at a cost cheaper than my staple products (and my core regimen is very inexpensive), then I'll try it out.

Trends I've followed and am happy that I did: Increasing washing frequency, sealing in moisture with an oil-based/petrolatum-based product, moisturizing hair repeatedly everyday, reserving a scissors solely for trims to keep it sharp, regularly protein treating, protective styling

Trends I've followed that weren't worth my money: Jilbere Shower Comb (although reading about seamless combs has made me aware that low-quality styling tools can contribute to damage)

Trends I've followed but haven't formed an opinion of: LUST (I have the sample packet but am yet to use it), Surge (bought it yesterday, only after extensive online research on its ingredients).

And that's it.~
AFashionSlave said:
There is always some hot must have treatment or product here on LHCF. First Hennalucent, then Coconut & Lime, then L.U.S.T, and now it's all about SURGE.

and lets not forget Puritan Pride Biotin!!!
BlackCardinal said:
I wouldn't really consider something like LUST or the baggie method a fad because people are still using/doing them regularly. In my opinion, something could be considered a fad if everyone used it for a while and then everyone stopped and started using something else. That's not the same thing as everyone TALKING about something when they first try it, and then not posting about it anymore. That's really not an indication of whether or not they're still USING it. There's no reason to keep talking about something, even if you ARE still using it. Does that make sense?

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Very good points.
The only product I have bought so far has been SURGE, and I have to say that 2 or 3 weeks into using it, I am VERY happy with it. I only use it once a day on my scalp and I occasionally use it on the lenght of my hair.
..my guess is the Surge talk will cease by new years

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My God I hope so....
The only trend I followed was Surge, and I see good results from trying that, even though I just use it whenever I think about it, which is about once a day to every other day.

Otherwise, I lurk and learn.
I am a (recovering) PJ, but I don't follow "trends". Threads about products with lots and lots of responses are what I consider trends. For example, SURGE, Healthy Hair in a Bottle, Puritan Pride's "My scalp is itching and tingling, so my hair must be growning" biotin, Vaseline on hair ends, etc. I haven't bought into any of these so-called trends.
I struggle not to follow everything because I know my hair won't benefit from every trend. An example was s-curl which broke my hair, on combining it with my redken's anti-snap, it presently does a wonderful job of moisturizing my hair. At other times, I simply apply safflower oil.
BronzeBrown said:
I'm more about the technique trends than product recommendations...

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Me too.
I find that many are quick to try any new product which emerges, rather than have confidence in the products that they are using, especially if those products are producing good results.

I think that many are looking for a quick fix, fast results, and instantaneous miracles for the hair, epsecially if they are trying to achieve long hair. In fact, I find many of the LHCF members almost obsessed in their quest, given the various postings I have read over the past several months since joining in August 2003.

I recently tried a product ( not mentioned on the LHCF, by the way) that I thought might make my hair straighter (I roller set). Well, instead of the product producing straighter hair, it made the overall texture of my hair rather gummy. I paid $13.50 for this particular product. When I mentioned it to my mother, she asked me why I continue to try even more products when what I am using at the present time is working well? She raised a very good point. Mothers usually do.

Anyway, I agree with you, A Fashion Slave. Besides, I need to devote my cash resources to other things besides hair. I like the way my hair looks and feels, and I attribute it in part to what I have learned in my association with the LHCF. However, I have learned not to jump at every hint of a new trend, for too many products can actually reap negative effects on the hair.

The board is a wonderful way to get reviews on products. It's also a great way to find out different technigues for optimal hair health.

I don't run out an buy every new product recommended. I also realize that what works for Adrienne may not work for me. S-curl made my hair weak so I don't use it anymore. MSM caused me to have horrible, big A-- zits. The board has helped me to learn how to take better care of my hair. I no longer have to constantly rely on a hair dresser for my hair to be helpful. I know how to do roller sets.
I follow trends to some extent, but because I'm new to getting my hair in healthy shape I am caught in a quagmire! :ohwell: Here are my answers...

To those who follow the LHCF trends:
How long is your hair now? 19+ inches from hairline to ends back (give or take)
Why must you try everything that is mentioned here on the board? I try and follow the constant users of a product. The more reviews the better I can tweek my regimen.
Has trend following positively or negatively effected your hair? The trend scene has positively effected my hair. It's never been so soft & moisterized!
How has trend following effected your pocket book? Now the question of the Century... I AM GOING BROKE!! I have to talk myself out of walking into BSS! :lol: I never thought how difficult it would be walking past one & NOT going in!!:lachen:
What trends are still a part of your normal hair routine?(example: do you still use coconut & lime) I'm still Surging On.... I wash every two/three days as Cathy Howe suggested so long ago & LHCF has reiterated. I heavily moisturize, aslo a CH & LHCF suggestion!! Porosity Control has been a Godsend!!!!!!!:clap:

:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:
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How long is your hair now?
Why must you try everything that is mentioned here on the board? inches - will be longer after relaxer in May

Has trend following positively or negatively effected your hair? Positively affected my hair well

How has trend following effected your pocket book? Medium, not really bad and not good. Once I found out what products worked for me I stopped spending money.

What trends are still a part of your normal hair routine?(example: do you still use coconut & lime) Yes I do from time to time. I'm going to start doing the coconut treatments more consistantly. :)
Karonica said:
No, I try not to. If I did, I'd be living on the streets. But I am considering the Surge.

:lol: :lachen: when I first started I used to follow the trends buy the $20 shampoo and conditioners etc but as I became more experienced and learned how to handle my hair I am becoming better. I've been finding cheap products that works great for my hair, I'm sill a PJ though...:look: I am 4 inches away from bra lenght. I think that most of the trends have helped my hair...like using natural butters and oils...the verdict is still out on surging...I am in the process of tweaking my surge...:)

AFashionSlave said:
There is always some hot must have treatment or product here on LHCF. First Hennalucent, then Coconut & Lime, then L.U.S.T, and now it's all about SURGE.

To those who follow the LHCF trends:
How long is your hair now?
Why must you try everything that is mentioned here on the board?
Has trend following positively or negatively effected your hair?
How has trend following effected your pocket book?
What trends are still a part of your normal hair routine?(example: do you still use coconut & lime)

For those of you who do not follow the trends:
How long is your hair now?
Why don't you follow the LHCF trends?
Do you feel that your hair is better off in the long run because you are not a trend follower?
How long have you been using the same products or routines?

Not anymore. My hair is about chin length in the fron and collar bone length in the back ( I had to trim off some damaged ends). I don't follow them anymore because my hair is unique and what work for others may not work for me or it isn't available in my area. I feel that my pockets is better off when I don't follow trends I will say that much. Plus I feel that it is all about how you take care of your hair, not neccessarily the products. In essence, all products does pretty much the same thing, except it is formulated for different hair types. I have been following my routine for about several months and so far so good.
To those who follow the LHCF trends:
How long is your hair now?
**I'm probably a true waist length now. I'm currently rockin braids.

Why must you try everything that is mentioned here on the board?

**I haven't tried everything... I think. Here's what I've tried since joining:

Elasta Qp Mango Butter - Disliked it. Made my hair dry.
Surge Spray - Disliked it. Made my hair dry.
Lanza Protein Plus Shampoo - Ok. Smells good. Great mixed with Elucence.
Elucence MBshampoo & conditioner - Disliked them. In process of giving away.
Elucence Clarifying - Loved it, loved it Loved it!
Kenra Shampoo & conditioner - Not sure. Will try once more.
Aubrey Organics GPB - Verdict is still out on this.
Dr Miracle's Temple Balm - Smells like dentist office. Made my scalp burn.
Pantene claifying Poo - Nothing Special
Suave Milk & Honey conditioner -Great detangler before washing.
Liv Creme - Pretty good on damp hair
Salerm 21 - Awsome stuff!!
Nexus Biotin Creme - Good Stuff.

Have already purchased & about to try:

Daily Defense Tender Apple Conditioner - finally found it!!
Suave 2 Minute recovery - I hear both of these are really good on natural hair

I just love trying new products, especially if they smell good.

Has trend following positively or negatively effected your hair?

**I really can't say. I haven't liked many of these products but since being natural, I'm sort of addicted to trial & error. I still have a few habits of a permed head & I'm learning every day how to better treat my natural hair. My biggest problem is just getting rid of everything I've purchased.

How has trend following effected your pocket book?

**You don't even want to know - LOL!!! At this point, I'm not sure if I'm addicted to products or trying to compensate for something else missing in my life. It's funny, but I'm serious. I'm in the BSS every daggone week.

What trends are still a part of your normal hair routine?(example: do you still use coconut & lime)

**A personal pet peeve of mine are these trends, methods and challenges. Baggie method, surge method, No Clipping Method, Carrot Juice Method, No Poo Method....AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! Doesn't everyone fall off of them? They may work for some people but for me, they're really annoying to read or even think about. For me, these methods seem to take all the fun out of living for healthy hair. I believe that there's a sensible way to have growing, healthy hair without a rigid, military school book of rules...but that's just me.

The one thing that I am trying to open myself up to are cheaper products available in drug stores...GULP. We'll see. Perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprized.

Ironically, the products that I used before joining these boards are still my keepers:

CON for dry hair
CON conditioner
Motions Poo & CPR conditioner
911 Emergency Leave In for dry hair
TIGI Bed Head Manipulator
Palmer's Coconut Hair grease
Let's Jam
sbaker said:
The board is a wonderful way to get reviews on products. It's also a great way to find out different technigues for optimal hair health.

I agree with sbaker on this. If i did not have the reviews from this board, I would not have true insight into the products. I made a pact with myself today--No more hair product purchases. Now it is just time to sit back and let it grow!! My hair is is in layers chin length to collar bone length--grazing shoulders.