LHCF Trends - Do you follow them?

I don't follow any trends. I do my own thang.
honeydrop215 said:

carol's daughter sounds like its da bomb, but ummm, why is the shipping more than the product..turn off #2

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Niesey's Boutique sells this in Takoma Park, MD.
I've never been there, but the number is 301-277-7977 if you wanna call. Last time I remember, they were only open on select days and hours.
I've been meaning to go up there because I know they sell headwraps/scarves-or at least they used to.
I can only tell you by Metro. Karonica does not drive.

Metro gave me three options (assuming you were coming from the College Park Metro Station on the green line). But, I'm only giving you one because this one's the simplest.

You can:
1. From the College Park Metro Station, take bus 83 in the direction of Rhode Island Avenue
2. Get off Rhode Island Avenue and 34th Street.
3. Then, walk 0.1 miles North.

this is a great thread!!

How long is your hair now? almost waist length

Why don't you follow the LHCF trends? i don't usually follow the PRODUCT trends, but i will try TECHNIQUES and such that i think my hair will benefit from.

Do you feel that your hair is better off in the long run because you are not a trend follower? as far as products go, yes. experimenting has always tended to hurt my hair, not to mention my pocketbook. once you find what works, stick to it.

How long have you been using the same products or routines? i've been using the KeraCare products for over two years, and i've been doing the bun/phonytail for almost three years.
What makes someone a trend follower? Is it trying a product based on a recommendation made by a LHCF member? Or is it only if it's a product recommended by a lot of members? Or is it trying EVERY product that is recommended by someone? If it's the latter, then I really don't think ANYONE here is a trend follower, which is why no one has replied saying that they are trend followers (well that, and what megonw said...I think the way the questions are worded make them seem a little...loaded, if you will) If your hair isn't thriving the way you want with your current regimen/products, then you are busy looking for stuff that will work. It's normal to want to start with things that others with your similar hair type etc. have had success with. No, it's not always going to work for you, but no one has ever said it would. I've seen "what works for some may not work for others" so many times in these threads...So people know this when they are trying the new "hot product." It's the same for any product, regardless of whether or not you heard about it on LHCF. But if you're trying to find something that delivers the results you want, where best to start than with something that at least works for SOMEBODY. I mean, who here is actually trying things just because other people are trying it (what I would consider "monkey-doing")? I don't think anyone is...folk around here love their hair too much for that

I like slip, so I tried LUST. I hated it, but I only bought a sample packet because I KNEW there was no guarantee it would work for my hair. So I just moved on.

I am TOTALLY about to get me some surge. Like most people, I'm more inclined to try something if it's cheap. I'm not a product junkie in the purest form--I don't try things just to try them (and like I said, I don't think anyone really does), I'm in search of staple products. It would be really nice if my staple products were cheap
I'm sticking with my GPB though
Supergirl said:
The only one I've gotten is LUST & it was right after Tee first reviewed it--before it became a "trend."

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off topic --look at ruben looking all cute
I have followed a few that I thought would be beneficial for my hair or that I was just curious about. I am always trying to make improvements in my life and that includes my hair. My hair is relaxed & about 4 inches pass my shoulders. When comparing my hair now to my hair about 10 years ago, I have found that following my own trends with a simple regimen has gotten me the best results. But I must say that I love LHCF. It's nice to know that there are worst PJs than myself out in the world.
I'm poor, but if I wasn't I admit I would follow the trends. Probably all of em. At least to see if they worked. Ya know? But as it is, the only thing I got per lots of board recommendations was the Garnier Fructis Deep Conditioner and I HATED it. I shoulda known since I hate the regular Garnier and the ingredients are very similar. I like recommendations specifically based on questions I ask about my hair. That way the people who answer it are taking into consideration hair type, length, the look I'm going for, and how much I'm willing to spend (most important!).
I stopped following them after trying Motions products. The protein conditioner turned my hair into a brick. The perms didn't take on my hair or my mom's. The Moisture Plus conditioner left my hair feeling dry and tangled. The only thing decent was the moisturizer.

Yip. Now you see why I feel the way I do.
Karonica said:
I stopped following them after trying Motions products. The protein conditioner turned my hair into a brick. The perms didn't take on my hair or my mom's. The Moisture Plus conditioner left my hair feeling dry and tangled. The only thing decent was the moisturizer.

Yip. Now you see why I feel the way I do.

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motions suck..the relaxers dont take on my hair, i dont like their poos or conditioners and the moisturizer isnt anything special
Karonica said:
The protein conditioner turned my hair into a brick. The perms didn't take on my hair or my mom's. The Moisture Plus conditioner left my hair feeling dry and tangled. The only thing decent was the moisturizer.

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The Motions protein conditioner should not have the word "silk" in its name. That's very deceptive. All the Motions girls I know are type 3s. The oil moisturizer is loaded with mineral oil. I had difficulty washing it out.

And I thought my roommate was being NICE when she freely gave me ever Motions product she ever bought...
megonw said:

And I thought my roommate was being NICE when she freely gave me ever Motions product she ever bought...

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what helps me not to follow so many of the trends mentioned here is cause of money so i gotta deal w/what i have at home and make do somehow. Mix sime things together and go w/that.
I haven't tried every product/technique discussed here. I'm not starving, living on the street or being harassed by bill collectors so I guess my pocketbook is okay for now. Off the top of my head I know I'll always use henna, Vaseline on my ends, various Dominican conditioners, curl activator and Elucence shampoo and conditioner (I never would have heard about any of those w/o this board).

What makes someone a trend follower? Is it trying a product based on a recommendation made by a LHCF member? Or is it only if it's a product recommended by a lot of members? Or is it trying EVERY product that is recommended by someone?

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I'm confused, too. That's the whole point of the product discussion board--to tell others what's working (or not working) for you in order to help them. I was a PJ long before discovering hair boards. I was just buying the wrong things.
And now I hear about more products than the average living person.
I like buying hair products. It's my hobby. I'll never be the type to use the same four products for the rest of my life. How boring... Like I said, hair products are a hobby for me. Some collect stamps. I collect conditioners.

I'm not sure how long my hair is (I don't measure). The only way to tell is to press it which I haven't done since early summer. The areas that weren't damaged from my touch-up were a few inches longer than my relaxed hair was at the same time last year, though (it was approx. nape length last summer). It's 10x healthier, too.
I don't buy/try something just because a bunch of other people like it. I have purchased products you all have probably never even heard of!

If something sounds good, I might try it. If not, I pass.
I dont necessarily think that they are 'trends' either more like ideas. common sense will tell you that everything wont work for everybody. I go off my own instincts. I'm not trying surge cos I like a simple routine and there are only so many products I'm putting on my hair at once. i'm not interested in garnier, daily defense, lust, motions, elasta qp, hot six oil or the baggie technique.
HOWEVER..... the vaseline on the ends is a miracle worker, now I do scalp massages and I think I"ll try the glycerin and water thing too.

So yes my hair has thrived from the good ideas I have learnt on here.

I'll try new products but I like to find something that works and stick with it. I prefer to stick to salon shampoos and conditoners. Using sebastian laminates for first time right now and loving it

hair 3c shoulder length
I follow trends..somewhat.
Some trends I love(Biolage leave in Tonic)
Others were a major major let down(LUST)
After the LUST letdown I started being less of a PJ.And some stuff that isn't "trendy" at all on this board worked really really well for me (UANs Crema,Aubrey Organics Jojoba Aloe)
sassygirl125 said:
I haven't tried every product/technique discussed here. I'm not starving, living on the street or being harassed by bill collectors so I guess my pocketbook is okay for now. Off the top of my head I know I'll always use henna, Vaseline on my ends, various Dominican conditioners, curl activator and Elucence shampoo and conditioner (I never would have heard about any of those w/o this board).

What makes someone a trend follower? Is it trying a product based on a recommendation made by a LHCF member? Or is it only if it's a product recommended by a lot of members? Or is it trying EVERY product that is recommended by someone?

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I'm confused, too. That's the whole point of the product discussion board--to tell others what's working (or not working) for you in order to help them. I was a PJ long before discovering hair boards. I was just buying the wrong things.
And now I hear about more products than the average living person.
I like buying hair products. It's my hobby. I'll never be the type to use the same four products for the rest of my life. How boring... Like I said, hair products are a hobby for me. Some collect stamps. I collect conditioners.

I'm not sure how long my hair is (I don't measure). The only way to tell is to press it which I haven't done since early summer. The areas that weren't damaged from my touch-up were a few inches longer than my relaxed hair was at the same time last year, though (it was approx. nape length last summer). It's 10x healthier, too.
I don't buy/try something just because a bunch of other people like it. I have purchased products you all have probably never even heard of!

If something sounds good, I might try it. If not, I pass.

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some things are ideas and some things are crazes or trends or fads...like LUST..for a few weeks every discussion was about LUST and the the next week it will be like humectants, and then it will be the baggie method, and then it will be ceramic flat irons. it just seems as tho theres always some new craze that everyone seems to be trying. a lot of them are great ideas, but it seems that once someone gets going on something, it catches like wildfire and then we never hear from it again..my guess is the Surge talk will cease by new years
I always thought the talk died down because no one was excited anymore. Not because they don't like it or use it anymore, but because it's "old news". For example, I still use (and love!) henna, but I don't feel the need to keep talking about it.

Thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't sure what was meant by the term "trend".
I know I am a Product Junkie but I dont buy every single product that is raved about and follow every technique discussed on the board.
I buy products that are not mentioned on this board.
I am happy with most of the products I purchased because of this board and my hair is
longer now than it has been in years.
Certified product junkie here...reporting in...

I like knowing what works for peoples hair...but do I try everything someone suggest...no...

What determines if I try it:
I research the ingredients...
I research the company...
I put specific ingredients into the search engines and favorite consumer sites to determine if there have been a lot of complaints about them...
I look at the "suggesters" hair...(that's always a key to if something should be tried or not)
I look at how long the person has been using it...
I look at if they are still using it...

Because I am newly natural...I had no clue about what should be used on my hair...I was using petroleum products...beeswax....shampoo...there is no way I would have known what to do unless SOMEONE SUGGESTED IT...

So for that I am thankful...

Is it jumping on a bandwagon ("a cause or party that attracts increasing numbers of adherents") because you try something that works for a lot of people....maybe...

But if it works for me...then I am glad I got on for the ride...If it doesnt...I have plenty of family and friends that will "contribute" for the stuff I dont use...and pass along to me the stuff that did not work for them.

It's all good....I'll let you know if the SURGE works!!!!
Because I am newly natural...I had no clue about what should be used on my hair... there is no way I would have known what to do unless SOMEONE SUGGESTED IT...

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Same here! No one in my family has hair like mine, so I was completely lost.
You know what I think it is? Once something catches on and people get interested, we get a whole bunch of threads about it at once because a large number of people start trying it at the same time. Eventually, everyone who is going to try it will do so, and make a decision as to whether or not it will stay in their regimen. They will post a yea or nay (which is why we have so many threads about the product for a while, as people report their results), and then there isn't much else to say about it. Why WOULD talk about a product continue on and on and on? Notice how after a while if a newbie comes on and it's the first time they've heard of LUST or conditioner washes or whatever, they are referred to older threads. No one wants to KEEP talking about the same thing for months. Besides that, I think the talk will die down for a while because after the initial "ooh it makes my newgrowth soft" threads, everyone will be waiting to see what the long-term effects are. There isn't anything to say in the meantime. I think honeydrop is right that the Surge talk will stop in a few weeks for this very reason. Everyone who has decided it's worth trying (like me
) will hunt some down in their area or go to walgreens.com and order some. Then we'll post our initial reactions. And then, those who can actually keep up with it will be spraying every day for the next however many weeks, waiting to see if it makes any difference. Every once in a while, during the "waiting" period, someone may post about a discovery or technique or complaint involving surge, but that will probably be it.

I wouldn't really consider something like LUST or the baggie method a fad because people are still using/doing them regularly. In my opinion, something could be considered a fad if everyone used it for a while and then everyone stopped and started using something else. That's not the same thing as everyone TALKING about something when they first try it, and then not posting about it anymore. That's really not an indication of whether or not they're still USING it. There's no reason to keep talking about something, even if you ARE still using it. Does that make sense?
I follow some trends, one that really sound good and easy and aren't too expensive. My hair length is in my signature. I'm almost 4 inches past shoulders, with about 3 1/2 till I reach Bra Strap (May, 2004!!) But I'm all over this Surge!! Coconut and Lime doesn't sound like something I'd try unless you mean eating it. I just use my judgement and experience with my hair (I've been doing my own hair for a while). But what's really nice is that many of the ladies here will post their research on the board concerning a products ingredients, etc. Like Surge, there was a great post on Surge and how it's ingredients are used to treat alopecia patients. There's a whole lot of great information on here that I'm sure to stay abreast on, however, I don't think anyone (unless they have a HUGE hair allowance) can reasonably try every product that spoken of or written about. I know I'd be broke if I did that! But Surge is really worth trying. You just have to figure out which ones you think would be good for you based on your knowledge of your own hair.
BlackCardinal said:
You know what I think it is? Once something catches on and people get interested, we get a whole bunch of threads about it at once because a large number of people start trying it at the same time. Eventually, everyone who is going to try it will do so, and make a decision as to whether or not it will stay in their regimen. They will post a yea or nay (which is why we have so many threads about the product for a while, as people report their results), and then there isn't much else to say about it. Why WOULD talk about a product continue on and on and on? Notice how after a while if a newbie comes on and it's the first time they've heard of LUST or conditioner washes or whatever, they are referred to older threads. No one wants to KEEP talking about the same thing for months. Besides that, I think the talk will die down for a while because after the initial "ooh it makes my newgrowth soft" threads, everyone will be waiting to see what the long-term effects are. There isn't anything to say in the meantime. I think honeydrop is right that the Surge talk will stop in a few weeks for this very reason. Everyone who has decided it's worth trying (like me
) will hunt some down in their area or go to walgreens.com and order some. Then we'll post our initial reactions. And then, those who can actually keep up with it will be spraying every day for the next however many weeks, waiting to see if it makes any difference. Every once in a while, during the "waiting" period, someone may post about a discovery or technique or complaint involving surge, but that will probably be it.

I wouldn't really consider something like LUST or the baggie method a fad because people are still using/doing them regularly. In my opinion, something could be considered a fad if everyone used it for a while and then everyone stopped and started using something else. That's not the same thing as everyone TALKING about something when they first try it, and then not posting about it anymore. That's really not an indication of whether or not they're still USING it. There's no reason to keep talking about something, even if you ARE still using it. Does that make sense?

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Well said!! ITA
I would say that I follow some trends and others I leave alone based on my own judgement. As someone else said before this board is about learning what is good for your hair.
I would have never heard of Aubrey GPB (lovin' it!!), Elucence or the baggie method (before the only protective style I did was braids) if it was not for LHCF.
My hair is slightly below shoulder length and pretty healthy. I have my staples that I have used for years and some that I have just started using because of this board.
I was and still am a PJ, I probably always will be. I use the recommendations on this board to let me know whether I should try something new. If I hear about a product that fits my hair type 4a/4b, I will research the ingredients, check the price and figure out if I have a particular need.
I think that the biggest gift LHCF has given me is the hope that I can have healthy relaxed hair that is bra strap or longer. It is also a great support group for those who want to take their haircare into their own hands
I would say that I follow some trends and others I leave alone based on my own judgement. As someone else said before this board is about learning what is good for your hair.
I would have never heard of Aubrey GPB (lovin' it!!), Elucence or the baggie method (before the only protective style I did was braids) if it was not for LHCF.
My hair is slightly below shoulder length and pretty healthy. I have my staples that I have used for years and some that I have just started using because of this board.
I was and still am a PJ, I probably always will be. I use the recommendations on this board to let me know whether I should try something new. If I hear about a product that fits my hair type 4a/4b, I will research the ingredients, check the price and figure out if I have a particular need.
I think that the biggest gift LHCF has given me is the hope that I can have healthy relaxed hair that is bra strap or longer. It is also a great support group for those who want to take their haircare into their own hands
I can't believe how much this thread has grown.
I wasn't trying to ask a loaded question – Don’t read so deep into my post.

I was trying to see if there was a big difference in hair length between those who switch products/routines all of the time AND those who do not switch products/routines.

There is always going to be a new product on the market. Will there ever be a time when any of us are truly satisfied with our routines? My grandmother has had waist length hair most of her life. And she only uses shampoo and royal crown pressing oil. She has never even used conditioner! Adrienne0914 has been using the same products for the past two years and her hair is waist length.

I was just wondering if there is a co-relation between having extremely long hair and staying consistent with your products and routines…that’s all.