LHCF pros...More moisture or more protein?


New Member
Okay, so here's my problem. I can't tell what my hair needs most of the time.:spinning: I've been using a lot of moisturizers for my hair but I would like to try some protein treatments as well. Don't get me wrong, my hair is probably the healthiest it has been in years so it may not need more of anything.

But my question to all you LHCF pros is how you know (in terms of moisture or protein) what your hair needs more of? What are some "drop dead giveaways" that your hair may need more protein or that it may need more moisture?

Thanks in advance for your help LHCF ladies!:drunk:
When my hair feels 'mushy' and gross, i know it's too moisturized, this doesn't mean that i'd necessarily need protein, just hold off on the moisturizers for a bit.

If my hair feels dry, crackley and looks a hot mess, it needs moisture like crazy.

I don't really protein my hair so I cannot speak on that.
Thanks. That's the way my hair is too. I wanted to try the protein treatments to see if they would strengthen my hair but I don't want my hair to turn out harder either.

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