LHCF Mobile...darn it!

I gotta agree. I thought something was wrong with my Opera Mini. LOL I like the mobile for quick viewing and it means that all that extra is gone buuuuuuuuut I can't view pics in the thread etc. I want options. Allow us to choose which view works for us. Since we can go to the User CP to disable the avis/siggys that is a non-issue to me.

Final vote: I'm ever so thankful that there is a mobile version but I want both so I can choose which suits me best.
I agree with previous posters I need options!!! I am on my centro in class and am forced to pay attention because there are no pics to look at :lachen: PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!! OR GIVE US THE OPTION TO CHOOSE!
so who controls this? Is it the admisnistrator or the phone company????

Oh I think the websites do that......when upgrades occur sometimes it changes things.

I would say, I understand why cause it conserves space and stuff but its such a change from what i'm use to seeing when I do the mobile thing......even Facebook and Myspace do it so its not unusal.....maybe it helps with the server also.... IDK
Hey Santa is bringing me a new BBB or BBS - - you mean I'm not going to have a cool LHCF experience, I'm getting it directly for that reason.
Okay, so I was worried reading this on my PC that I logged on with my Instinct to see if I hade the same problem but no, I still have the PC version. So I don't know...
Hopefully they'll give us options soon...I haven't rec'd my BB yet...but part of the reason I "needed" one is so I could log on LHCF and Youtube while I'm under the dryer at the salon.:look:
Why are we all >>HERE<< I just got my BB Pearl last week and I am about to make the call to turn on the internet feature...now you all have me scared.
I have a Blackberry and I'm alwayssss on LHCF on my phone. The old set-up was great. You could see avatars and sigs. It basically looked exactly like on a PC. Now when I came on today it basically got rid of all the graphics and such, I guess to make the internet experience on phones load quicker...Does anyone know how I can go back to the old way and not LHCF Mobile. In the mean time, I will be calling my phone company as this happens with most sites I visit and to me it takes away from the whole "internet on my phone" thing. TIA

ITA w/ you! I'm glad you posted this b/c I was thinking about posting the same thing earlier when I logged on w/ my BB as well. Isn't it messed up. I rather not log on through my phone anymore b/c like you said I can't see any sigs or avatars. Thanks for this post! Hopefully we'll get an answer soon.
I tried changing the browser options on my BB and still the same thing. It could be that LHCF decided just to get a mobile set up so everyone w/ internet access can be able to use it on their phone. I still think it should have an option for regular set up so ones w/ pda's can see the full version.
Okay, so I was worried reading this on my PC that I logged on with my Instinct to see if I hade the same problem but no, I still have the PC version. So I don't know...

I know. My boyfriend has an Instinct, but because ýou have an option on your actual phone to see mobile or web pages, you can still get the full LHCF version. Your so lucky. I actually asked him if he wanted to trade for my BlackBerry!
I use my blackberry too. Please, please, change it back! I am so sad! I cannot use the internet at work, for me it means I will no longer be able to enjoy the site, otherwise I am a day sleeper.:wallbash:
You know, if you were to make a change for people on mobiles, it would be great to have a next button, rather than having to enlarge the page numbers to go to the next page. Not sure if that's an issue for other mobile users, but it would be helpful for me on the iTouch. Otherwise, the old system was great for me!

Moderators, webmaster, please tell us that you will continue to offer the PC version. Even with the ads, I like the features of the full forum. It doesn't cost you any more $ does it?
Go HERE via your bb and download it.

You're suppose to see all sites like you would on your PC.

I didn't like it so I took it off as quick as I downloaded. :look: But hey......you may like it. A lot of people do. :)

Downloaded Opera Mini, and I still get the mobile version. I am on my computer now because I am at home. But oh boy, this is really going to be bad tomorrow night and every night when I am at work and cannot access my LHCF to the fullest!:nono:
Downloaded Opera Mini, and I still get the mobile version. I am on my computer now because I am at home. But oh boy, this is really going to be bad tomorrow night and every night when I am at work and cannot access my LHCF to the fullest!:nono:

Yeah I see that now. :nono: I really thought OM would work.

I wonder why the format has changed? I really hope they come in here and give us some feedback.
I though it was just me. Yesterday one minute I had LHCF regular and the next no pictures or anything but the replies.

I have a Blackberry and I'm alwayssss on LHCF on my phone. The old set-up was great. You could see avatars and sigs. It basically looked exactly like on a PC. Now when I came on today it basically got rid of all the graphics and such, I guess to make the internet experience on phones load quicker...Does anyone know how I can go back to the old way and not LHCF Mobile. In the mean time, I will be calling my phone company as this happens with most sites I visit and to me it takes away from the whole "internet on my phone" thing. TIA
I checked last night after reading this thread and sure enough...
Me no likey :nono:

I hope we are given options. :pray:

Hey Bev or Nikos, is this going to stay this way?
On the iPhone this is horrible I use it while I am waiting but if it does not change back I am going to cancel I spend to much time on here anyway lol
I have the Blackberry Storm and in the native Browser, the Siggys and everything are visible as they would on your desktop computer.


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wow I thought it was only my phone too, I was looking for another choice I had no problems with the full internet on my phone, I liked it. they should give us a choice. Im on Internet explorer on my phone and its supposed to be the real internet not the mobile version.
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