LHCF Mobile...darn it!


I have a Blackberry and I'm alwayssss on LHCF on my phone. The old set-up was great. You could see avatars and sigs. It basically looked exactly like on a PC. Now when I came on today it basically got rid of all the graphics and such, I guess to make the internet experience on phones load quicker...Does anyone know how I can go back to the old way and not LHCF Mobile. In the mean time, I will be calling my phone company as this happens with most sites I visit and to me it takes away from the whole "internet on my phone" thing. TIA
I didn't even know there was an LHCF mobile. I use to log in from my PDA but those siggys take so long to upload, I just don't do it anymore.
I turned off siggys and avis in user cp and it was absolutely perfect on my iPhone. Now I can't say thanks, jump forums, see last threads and posters. I really liked the standard format. I prefer it.
Yes noemi! Like I want to say thanks to u but can't :lachen: I do not like this format at all! I wish I knew to go back to the old format
Awww man - I access LHCF 90% of the time from my Blackberry. It just so happens that I'm on a PC now. I'll see what's going on later today when I use my Blackberry.
I had the same question! I originally posted a thread in the Hair Forum, but it got moved to Off Topic. And I have a thread here below yours.

I wish there was at least an option to switch over to the standard PC version.
I have a Blackberry and I'm alwayssss on LHCF on my phone. The old set-up was great. You could see avatars and sigs. It basically looked exactly like on a PC. Now when I came on today it basically got rid of all the graphics and such, I guess to make the internet experience on phones load quicker...Does anyone know how I can go back to the old way and not LHCF Mobile. In the mean time, I will be calling my phone company as this happens with most sites I visit and to me it takes away from the whole "internet on my phone" thing. TIA

I see everything on my BB. Including the thank you's. I'm using the BB browser.
What browser are you using?
I see everything on my BB. Including the thank you's. I'm using the BB browser.
What browser are you using?

OK.........I stand corrected. I just used my BB and :eek:
Opera mini is not an option for me.........I don't like it. :nono:

Hey Mods...........what's really going on?
What's Opera mini? I have Blackberry Curve 8320...I would like to know! Puddles help lol

Go HERE via your bb and download it.

You're suppose to see all sites like you would on your PC.

I didn't like it so I took it off as quick as I downloaded. :look: But hey......you may like it. A lot of people do. :)
So do you think any mods will chime in on this? Possibly make an option to view the normal format? Should we send a ticket?(I dont know the whole process of what those do.) I'm really not feeling this.
Thank u Puddles..But unfortunately that didn't work. I use my BB at work to pass the time and I'm on LHCF 24/7. I post from it and thank post from it also. I cannot tell last when I was on LHCF on a computer. IDK. I guess Ill have to manage until something is resolved hopefully.
So do you think any mods will chime in on this? Possibly make an option to view the normal format? Should we send a ticket?(I dont know the whole process of what those do.) I'm really not feeling this.

I don't know the whole process of that neither. I was just hoping a mod would see this thread. I don't want to be a crybaby but at the sametime I miss my old LHCF format. It was fun to be able to lie in bed and be on it.
It would be nice if one of the Mods could tell us what's going on. I imagine it was done to make our lives easier, which was thoughtful, but for me there wasn't a problem. There's more to the site than just the text.
I thought it was only my phone that this happened too. I pretty much only access this site on my blackberry, and this morning it was all text so I logged off.

I don't like the mobile version.:ohwell::sad:
I have a Blackberry and I'm alwayssss on LHCF on my phone. The old set-up was great. You could see avatars and sigs. It basically looked exactly like on a PC. Now when I came on today it basically got rid of all the graphics and such, I guess to make the internet experience on phones load quicker...Does anyone know how I can go back to the old way and not LHCF Mobile. In the mean time, I will be calling my phone company as this happens with most sites I visit and to me it takes away from the whole "internet on my phone" thing. TIA

I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like WTF! I scrolled down to the bottom to click on the option to view in regular mode and guess what THERE WAS NO OPTION! lol I was pissed. At least google lets you have the option of viewing in mobile or classic mode.​
I had my boyfriend log on on his Instinct earlier (because I thought maybe it was a problem with my phone) and he said it best- "It's easier to read, but it's just informational now. It's not fun anymore." Every other night I log on and read while I sit under the dryer with my deep conditioner. It's like my relaxation for the day...I guess I'll have to find something else to do now :(

I agree though. I appreciate the effort to make it easier on us. I just loved the old format. I'm praying they include the option to select which format you want to use, because I use my BlackBerry all the time and dont see myself logging on as much anymore if I have to use the mobile version. It takes away from the whole experience.
I am on my iPhone I don't like this one bit

I was:blush: when I logged on ....I even posted and didn't realize someone already responded to what I was askin about....now I'm on PC I have to delete that post.... Help All Mighty Mods.....Help:yep:
I had my boyfriend log on on his Instinct earlier (because I thought maybe it was a problem with my phone) and he said it best- "It's easier to read, but it's just informational now. It's not fun anymore." Every other night I log on and read while I sit under the dryer with my deep conditioner. It's like my relaxation for the day...I guess I'll have to find something else to do now :(

I agree though. I appreciate the effort to make it easier on us. I just loved the old format. I'm praying they include the option to select which format you want to use, because I use my BlackBerry all the time and dont see myself logging on as much anymore if I have to use the mobile version. It takes away from the whole experience.

Every other Night!!! How do you do that?????....Ok sorry:look: OT
Yes!!!! I mean I feel as if I'm complaining and no doubt it is much quicker. BUT with no avatars or sigs or progress pics to view? What is LHCF?? I mean my BB is my computer. Its funny because LHCF played a major part in my decision to buy my BB.
Every other Night!!! How do you do that?????....Ok sorry:look: OT

:lachen:I'm on an airdrying/deep conditioning kick because I think I was flat ironing my hair too often. Plus, I find it hard to go more than a few days without cowashing or DCing or something. AND I just started using Hairveda and I'm in love with the Sitrinillah Deep Conditioner (which isnt helping my "addiction".) Between that, schoolwork and work, I've been getting no more than 5 hours of sleep every night though. But my hair has been looking much more healthy, and we all know that THAT is the deciding factor :yep:

Yes!!!! I mean I feel as if I'm complaining and no doubt it is much quicker. BUT with no avatars or sigs or progress pics to view? What is LHCF?? I mean my BB is my computer. Its funny because LHCF played a major part in my decision to buy my BB.

Me too! The first thing I did when I was thinking about getting my BlackBerry was to go to a Sprint store and log onto the website on the display phone. No lie!
Im not feeling this mobile layout either. I thought I was mistaken earlier when I saw the change and tried it from my G1 and Blackberry, but I guess not. I agree that they should add the mobile or classic view option, I mean everyone else does(ie. facebook, goggle)
Well I will say this. Maybe they aren't aware that is an option as other sites are, and hopefully we can get that option very very soon!!! Honestly this very much like not havin LHCF at all :crying:
Ok - I'm typing this from my BB and um, I no likey. It is much faster - true, but I still wish it were an option instead.
:lachen:I'm on an airdrying/deep conditioning kick because I think I was flat ironing my hair too often. Plus, I find it hard to go more than a few days without cowashing or DCing or something. AND I just started using Hairveda and I'm in love with the Sitrinillah Deep Conditioner (which isnt helping my "addiction".) Between that, schoolwork and work, I've been getting no more than 5 hours of sleep every night though. But my hair has been looking much more healthy, and we all know that THAT is the deciding factor :yep:

Me too! The first thing I did when I was thinking about getting my BlackBerry was to go to a Sprint store and log onto the website on the display phone. No lie!

OHHHHH!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen: I was like WOW!!! If she is setting her hair every other night That deserves an AWARD!!!! Good for you! That sounds great.....I'm too cold to be airdrying and washin these days..... Although I did buy a "hair towel" that's speeds up drying! Nice job!!!