LHCF hair care booklet...?


New Member
I was thinking it might be good to put together a hair care booklet or factsheet that LHCF members could print out and give to people to basically enlighten people on hair care, and dispel myths about type 3 and 4 hair.

There are hair books out there but people aren't going to buy them if they don't realise anything is wrong with what they are doing. Free info might get read at some point :)

Some ideas I had for content:
- Natural hair appreciation
- Washing natural hair
- Styling natural hair
- Protective styling
- DIY relaxing
- DIY trimming
- Heat free styling/setting
- Flat ironing hair properly
- Why glue in extensions are bad
- Breaking popular myths
- What makes good hairdresser / finding a good hairdresser
- Henna
- CO washing
- Colouring hair while minimising damage

I think it's probably best to stay away from growth aids. Because admit it, before discovering hair forums, wouldn't YOU have jumped straight to the 'miracle product' and ignore anything that took time and effort? ;) I'm not saying growth aids don't work, but you'll still only retain the extra growth with good hair care.
However discussion the role of diet and exercise in overall body health resulting in healthy hair growth is fine.

Any thoughts?
Sounds like a good idea, but how would this be distributed? I mean, for the most part, this site (and other hair boards) provide the same information, just in a different format....
Yeah, the info is there on websites. But most people either don't know about them, or don't care.

I was thinking, when all the info is collected, it could be made into a PDF for people to just share via email or their websites or whatever.
If it's printed... salons.... libraries... magazine supplements... hmm.. I haven't really thought this through...
I just thought about creating a healthy hair revolution :lol:
I think this is a good idea! Honestly I was thinking about this just the other day. It would be a good source of information not just for LHCF'ers but it could be a good source for parents of bi/tri-racial children that have no idea how to take care of the children's hair. My sister said that there were tons of mothers (and a few dad's) asking her for tips on how she takes care of my nieces' and nephew's 3a/b mega thick and curly hair.
This would surely be a winner! This would save our children and our childrens childrens from going through the trials and episodes that we did. They would have the answers in the form of a book or something.
What a great idea, include vitamins in that book not only is it gonna help with your hair journey its gonna improve your overall health believe it or not a lot of women don't take any type of suplement, and have some photos of some of our members in some before and after photos, because you no seeing is believing, and the horrible truth about hair dressing butchering women hair and giving them quick coverups instead of teaching them how to truly care for there hair, I'm loving this book already lol
That is a great idea but who will publish it? and how much will this all cost? I mean do we just put all our ideas together and just print from our own computer and pass out? Because paper,supplies etc. cost money unless I am on the wrong page. If I am get me back on track LOL!!!

But this is a great Idea! But it would be great as a Sticky! I know alot of people don't have access to internet so would we just hand them out? Some people might get offended LOL!!!!!!!!

I am just asking some innocent questions LOL!!!
I don't think it should be published. Consider it an 'open source' healthy hair guide :)
I think it should be a 'summary' rather than being too in depth. To save money if you want to print it, and to avoid it being boring/overwhelming.
Then if whoever reads it is interested, they can visit some websites or buy some books.

I'm not certain about any 'rules' for going about this, I think a discussion about it would be good.
RainbowCurls said:
I don't think it should be published. Consider it an 'open source' healthy hair guide :)
I think it should be a 'summary' rather than being too in depth. To save money if you want to print it, and to avoid it being boring/overwhelming.
Then if whoever reads it is interested, they can visit some websites or buy some books.

I'm not certain about any 'rules' for going about this, I think a discussion about it would be good.

Okay:) But it is a wonderful idea I would love to read all that right now it would be great for starters or newbies to get great Tips without the same question being asked over and over. Because without the Internet I would be just as clueless and still stuck in the old way of hair care.:(
Yea!! This is a great idea.... It may take care of some of the "nappy headed ho" comment too.!! Hehehe........im just sayin.
RainbowCurls said:
I was thinking it might be good to put together a hair care booklet or factsheet that LHCF members could print out and give to people to basically enlighten people on hair care, and dispel myths about type 3 and 4 hair.

There are hair books out there but people aren't going to buy them if they don't realise anything is wrong with what they are doing. Free info might get read at some point :)

Some ideas I had for content:
- Natural hair appreciation
- Washing natural hair
- Styling natural hair
- Protective styling
- DIY relaxing
- DIY trimming
- Heat free styling/setting
- Flat ironing hair properly
- Why glue in extensions are bad
- Breaking popular myths
- What makes good hairdresser / finding a good hairdresser
- Henna
- CO washing
- Colouring hair while minimising damage

I think it's probably best to stay away from growth aids. Because admit it, before discovering hair forums, wouldn't YOU have jumped straight to the 'miracle product' and ignore anything that took time and effort? ;) I'm not saying growth aids don't work, but you'll still only retain the extra growth with good hair care.
However discussion the role of diet and exercise in overall body health resulting in healthy hair growth is fine.

Any thoughts?

Rainbow...I cannot tell you the times I've researched, copied and handed out info. only to have it 'lost', "Oh, I cannot find it, I forgot all about it", or just ignored..it is the same as an addict..you cannot make them do what you know is best..it has to be a self propelled quest or it is not appreciated.
I think this is a great idea, especially for when you're out and people ask you about your hair. You may not have 10 minutes to explain everything (plus, their eyes usually glaze over 3 minutes in), but giving them a booklet to take home would give them the chance to really study and understand everything.
Great idea! I would use and share this type of information. I think "Conditioner" should be a section and IMHO henna should not be a section but should go under either coloring or conditioning. It would be up to whoever is editing the booklet though.
It think it is a great idea. Strange coincidence that you thought of this because recently I thought about all of the females especially in lower income communities who may not be savvy or have the resources to access info like this regularly. Sadly, I find that these women and girls are usually the ones who have the least information pertaining to properly caring for hair, and it shows. Even before finding this site I was always inspired to help women of color achieve healthy, long hair. I did find though, that some people just don't care, even though I was all excited and trying to share knowledge. I’m definitely willing to help with the endeavor. Let me know what’s up.